Engineer at first I thought you were just an annoying shìtposter but now I see you only use that to hide the fact that your personality is lacking. -Bear9

Engineer is a moron who takes jokes way too far. In all honesty if I ever see that mfer IRL, he's getting murdered, I don't say this often, but Engie is one of the few persons I will have zero problems with discriminating against, insulted and ♥♥♥♥ over. That bastard should die. And yes, this is very personal. - Bush Wookie

Engineer is honestly a annoying ♥♥♥♥. Why do we have him around. He ain't here for anything remotely serious, any IC or OOC thing said by engi is sarcastic, insult, threat, egotistical trolling - REEFER Brownie <3

Engi was always a minge who never took Cata seriously and saw it as his own playground to ♥♥♥♥ around in. - Manard

I lost respect for him the day he tried to brute-force his way into our code, Then when we banned him for it he joined on an alt to go "Why I get banned" Knowing full well I had caught him in the act. - Gmod10imfgaming

kinda figured I'd be treated better than engineer - Jakeison23

ive been deliberately ignoring engi because he has been doing nothing but walking up to me specifically and doing the most retarded things possible but ok. - Socks

Minge n???er squad rolls up, like you, you know, ah they are the trouble f???s, like look at Engineer, only reason he wasn't perm banned after so long because we could use him to test exploits. - Enclave0
𝕞𝕒𝕝𝕚𝕔𝕚𝕠𝕦𝕤 𝕓𝕣𝕞𝟝 𝕨𝕒𝕝𝕝 𝕓𝕒𝕟𝕘𝕒𝕣
Artwork Showcase
Some people would have us spend our treasures and our youth in foreign wars. We must live by a simple maxim: America First
2 1
Pneumothorx 30 Jun @ 7:33pm 
Pneumothorx 11 May @ 10:29am 
This player has potential but needs improvement in several areas. They should work on communication, aiming, map awareness, crosshair placement, grenade usage, positioning, bomb-related tactics, movement, spray control, and securing kills. Better communication will help them coordinate with teammates. Improving aim and crosshair placement is crucial for winning engagements. They should enhance map awareness to anticipate enemy movements. Mastering grenade usage can provide tactical advantages. Better positioning and movement will make them harder to kill. Understanding bomb tactics is essential for team play. Lastly, improving their ability to secure kills, including aiming and staying calm under pressure, will make them a more valuable player.
Pneumothorx 21 Apr @ 10:31am 
Pneumothorx 7 Apr @ 1:16pm 
Why are Japanese girls so hard to talk to? I'm polite. Each time I approach one, I say "konichiwa". I always ask them about their favourite anime before talking about my waifu. They're usually really shy (which is cute imo) but I hate that I have to be the one to constantly engage in conversations with them, and how they usually get disinterested because I'm a white guy. Yes, I get that it's awkward because of things like Pearl Harbor, but I don't hold it against them. They weren't in Unit 731, so why judge them for it? Why can't the himes just realize that I respect Japanese culture and that I really want to be part of it. I'm willing to marry a Japanese woman, adopt Japanese children and even live in Japan for the rest of my life. Hell, I'm even learning the language by watching undubbed anime. Plus, I cook a mean bowl of rice (for those who don't know, Japanese eat a lot of rice!)
Lab 21 Feb @ 5:39am 
--- WARNING ---
To protect you and your family online, it is our obligation to inform you that this man is a registered felon and psychopath according to the Ainsworth county police registrar (Nebraska). His offences are usually preceded by online threats disguised as unassuming jokes. All jokes made by this man must be taken seriously, and at face value. If given the opportunity, this man will target you and your family.

His Steam account and online activities are being closely monitored by the Norfolk parole office.

If you feel your personal safety has been put in jeopardy, please contact the Brown County Police Department. This user has previously been charged with x3 aggravated assault, x4 vagrancy, x1 fraud, and x6 rape. He is highly dangerous and intends to cause harm.

Converse with him at your own risk.

Stay safe,
-Brown County Police Department
PROFILE NAME 6 Jan @ 5:39pm 
I'm very glad to be able to express my friendly feelings towards the American nation. Friendship, with which Italy looks at the millions of citizens who from Alaska to Florida, from the Pacific to the Atlantic live in the United States, is very deeply rooted in our hearts. The spirtis created by mutual interest sure contributed in preparation of an even brighter era in the life of both nations. I greet the wonderful energy of the American people, and I see and recognize on you and the cause of your land as well as ours by fellow citizens who are working to make America great. I salute the great American people. I salute the Italians of America who unite in a single love our two nations.