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Showing 1-7 of 7 entries
Elite Bionics Framework: Community Unification
Collection by Vectorial1024
The list of third-party mods that are unified by Elite Bionics Framework, seeing how all these mods have features that modify body part max HP when enabled. Elite Bionics Framework is a framework by Vectorial1024 to manipulate body part stats (e.g. max HP)
Vectorial1024's Transport Efficiency Mods
Collection by Vectorial1024
Noticing how the public transport aspect of Cities Skylines are less effective than expected, Vectorial1024 has created some mods in an attempt to improve the public transport in Cities Skylines in a general way. - Express Bus Services: improves efficiency
Elite Bionics Framework: Cross-Mod Integrations
Collection by Vectorial1024
The list of third-party mods that Elite Bionics Framework (EBF) currently supports. Elite Bionics Framework is a framework by Vectorial1024 to manipulate body part stats that normally would not be possible in vanilla RimWorld. Support for third party mods
Vectorial1024's Express Bus Services: the Plugins
Collection by Vectorial1024
Express Bus Services is a mod by Vectorial1024 to improve the efficiency of buses by letting them skip stops that no one intends to board or alight. This collection is made so that it is more obvious to users that there are plugins to EBS. Specifically, it
V1024 Civilian Fleets: Supported Mods
Collection by Vectorial1024
Civilian Fleets is a mod by Vectorial1024 that allows players to easily manage their traders and miners. The order synchronization feature from said mod not only supports the default behaviors from the base game, it also supports some default behaviors fro
Elite Bionics Framework: The Known Supported Mods
Collection by Vectorial1024
The list of known RimWorld mods that make use of the Elite Bionics Framework, a framework by Vectorial1024 to manipulate body part stats that normally would not be possible in vanilla RimWorld. The Elite Bionics Framework must be loaded first before the ot
Vectorial1024's RimWorld Mods
Collection by Vectorial1024
The list of mods, large and small, made by Vectorial1024 for RimWorld.
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