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Hat Kid wearing Ryoga Hibiki's outfit (Ranma ½)
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2,459 hrs on record
last played on 26 Apr
2,500 hrs on record
last played on 26 Apr
1,772 hrs on record
last played on 20 Apr
Zef Davenport 25 Apr @ 1:45pm 
No problem. I too am a bit lazy these days and don't draw much, I prefer to write instead.
Still, I can tell you could go far if you wanted.
Rider 25 Apr @ 1:44pm 
to answer zero's question, i still have that old pfp
Rider 25 Apr @ 1:44pm 
Hey, thanks; yeah, the drawing on my profile is "the only good one", its that one
If I weren't a lazy bum I would/should practice drawing for once, but thanks for your confidence, Zef
♥Peachboy♥ 25 Apr @ 9:47am 
Why not
zero 25 Apr @ 9:46am 
Why is bro is jail
Zef Davenport 23 Apr @ 11:59am 
You say you drew a few times and then gave up, that you only have one good drawing.
If that drawing is the one in your profile, then I can tell you that with practice and time you could become a good artist.