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総プレイ時間:8.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:8.3時間)
I don't even know how to describe this game its so goofy 🤣 its like if wario ware. Rhythm Heaven. Mother and Undertale all had a baby and the baby grew up and got real high while making this game. It is an RPG as well.

Don't take this game too seriously and you'll have a lot of fun! It's not for everyone though.
投稿日 5月23日.
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総プレイ時間:33.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:33.5時間)
Nexomon 1 & Nexomon Extinction are amazing similar to Pokémon games. But saying it's like Pokémon is an under statement.

These games are so goofy. Well rewritten and so much fun! If you have that Pokémon itch I highly recommend these games. Really looking forward to Nexomon 3!

Ever since Palworld I've been interested in more monster games. These games are so good and much better than I anticipated.

The only thing I don't like is that these games are super grindy sometimes. But other than that I enjoyed it!
投稿日 4月20日.
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総プレイ時間:46.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:33.0時間)
This game is Pokemon, no I mean its Fortnite.. I mean Ark! Even Minecraft too! It's pretty much a combination of all those games and much more. Oh, and the guns.

So it really is just Pokemon American version. You can commit war crimes and have your pals work for you for free! Wait a minute...

I think this game has the potential to be something really cool and I hope you guys continue it! I'm having a good time with it. It's janky as all heck but I think if you guys work on it it could definitely be great! Also I font play survival crafting games and I think it's nice. My only gripe is that if you manually try to craft things like ammo it takes forever! I hope you guys speed it up. I know you intended pals to be that fast way but sometimes you have to manually do it. And even the pals doing the more end game items is pretty slow. Kind of frustrating. I hope you fix that!
投稿日 1月25日.
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総プレイ時間:28.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:9.4時間)
You're Dave, and you dive.

But in all seriousness this game is great! The perfect game for the Steamdeck. It's like it was made for it. I am a sucker for pixel graphics. The animations are clean and the gameplay loop is quite addicting. Especially the management parts. I didn't realize how much I loved management games. Brings me back to the flipline games almost.
投稿日 2023年7月14日.
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総プレイ時間:25.3時間 (レビュー投稿時点:21.4時間)
You shoot. and you loot. Typical borderlands gameplay. However, the loot absolutely sucks and it only gets better as you get later into the game. Wish you could get more than just greens and blues
投稿日 2023年3月10日.
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総プレイ時間:43.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:31.8時間)
You're a vampire, and you survive. Or something like that? I don't know the lore
投稿日 2023年1月6日.
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総プレイ時間:31.9時間 (レビュー投稿時点:7.0時間)
Really fun game so far! This might be my favorite roguelike yet. Every time you die. Although can be frustrating at first. It feels like you learn something. Also, the interactions between you and the House of Hades everytime you die can be funny and interesting at times. Super good so far can't wait to dive into the later levels.
投稿日 2020年11月5日.
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総プレイ時間:34.5時間 (レビュー投稿時点:30.9時間)
Incredible game for the price! The game is about 40 bucks but feels like a triple A title! The game looks amazing graphics wise. Gameplay is great too. It does have quite the learning curve(at least for me. Since this was my first introduction to dark souls like games) and after you learn the basic mechanics the game is quite fun. The guns feel great and the melee weapons are pretty good too. Although; melee is kind of bad, and I made the mistake of doing the melee class lol. The guns are way better. Also, the DLC is pretty good too! Loving the survival mode so far great addition to the game.
投稿日 2020年6月7日.
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総プレイ時間:128.7時間 (レビュー投稿時点:19.5時間)
Pretty good game so far!! Been enjoying it quite a bit. Have run into a few glitches here and there though. (And a few crashes) Loving the story, characters, and game play so far. Haven't been this engrossed in a game in a while. So glad I got this on PC and waited 😅
投稿日 2020年1月1日.
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This game is good, but could be better.
We were promised so much from the alpha. This is just a few that we could have gotten
More skill trees. This version. Nothing new
More classes. This version? Nothing
More races. This version? Nothing at all.
And that's just more of what we were "promised" Now to show my thoughts
Gameplay feels smooth and the game looks really nice. So much better looking than the alpha, but thats just how the game looks.

-Artifacts. This on paper seems fine, but region locking on some seems weird and not fun to get in every region.
Reigns, Boats, and Hang Gliders should not be region locked. Everything else is fine. I feel like that if the region lock You're so slow other wise and traveling is tedious and instead of killing mobs which is useless in this version of the game. You're walking aimlessly hoping to see an npc to tell you where to go, and if you don't find any npcs that do that. Then you're forced to explore which seems silly. I would do that on my own while i'm killing things, but since killing things don't matter exploring is forced and I don't like that at all.

-Equipment Equipment is the end all be all in most games like this, and getting the best equipment possible so you can blaze through the game is what make games like this fun. IMho, but in this region lock makes that so dumb.. Because you need to do the "quests" and most of the quests are near impossible without the right equipment. If you were to make it easier to get equipment then region lock would be OK. Like, say from mobs then killing mobs would actually mean something! Green mobs should have a higher chance of dropping equipment. White mobs should have a higher chance of dropping equipment. Blue mobs should have a higher chance of getting blue equipment, and especially for your class. It's disappointing to get equipment for the wrong class. Especially if i'm playing solo which is mainly what I do.

Otherwise farming for equipment from only quests, which i'll talk about in a bit. Seems tedious and unfun. I played for about 6 hours and it wasn't till i did quests. I started getting equipment for my class... Hello? That doesn't seem right at all.
(I've played for about 12 hrs or so btw) so half a day

Questing: Questing is so dumb in this. Why? Because all you do is walk around like aimlessly hoping an npc can tell you where to go, and they almost never spawn, and to top it off. All the "friendlys" as ppl tend to call em are mainly just the roaming ones, and the only real npcs that give u quests are the one in the towns. Which makes sense, so basically you have to find most of the stuff by exploring. Which again, seems silly to me.
Also, why is there no quest log? If you want questing to be a thing. That's fine, and that's great. The alpha had no real incentive so this is actually quite nice and fun, but to find the quests is ridiculous. I think a quest log could be great and fix a lot of the issues of questing in this game. The questing seems even more tedious and grindy.

-Overall. If you're new. You've got nothing to lose. Game is so cheap and you're supporting a passionate indie game dev, but if ur an alpha player like me, You'll slowly go insane trying to play this game, and trust me at first you'd be like "Oh, this game is great!" Then after playing you'll realize how flawed this version is. It has a long way to go, and feels half assed. So rushed. LIke he realized suddenly after 6 years, Wait, I still have a game to complete! And rushed this out. I mean, that's fine and i'm glad he actually released it, but this version is not good, and there's many other things that i could say, and wollay if you do actually read these. Please take a look at what we have to say. This is for the longevity of your game, and we want this game to succeed. You could merge the two systems together, get rid of region lock equipment, and you'd 'be great honestly. I'd be so happy, but for now this game is as hard pass for me as an alpha player. Peace out Cube World Fam. Hope you all enjoy the game!
~Soda out
投稿日 2019年9月30日.
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