Trnavský Okenár   Trnava, Trnava, Slovakia
Please don´t invite me when I am playing other games

My PC:
CPU: Amd Ryzen 5 5600x
GPU: Geforce GTX 1650
Motherboard: Asus Turf Gaming 550-Plus
SSD: 250GB

My Gear:
Headset :Hyperx Cloud
Mouse:Yenkee YMS 3017 Ambush
Keyboard:Trust GXT 860 Thura semi-mechanical
Monitors:Samsung LT24E390 , 27" AOC C27G2AE Gaming
Grand Theft Auto V Legacy
總時數 1,989 小時
最後執行於 3 月 11 日
總時數 1,743 小時
最後執行於 2 月 27 日
總時數 241 小時
最後執行於 2 月 11 日
成就進度   0 / 5
. 2 月 16 日 下午 5:40 
-rep retarded player
Sotomo(SK) - | YouTube | 2023 年 2 月 5 日 下午 7:06 
Oprav si FIFU kokotko
enot1k 2022 年 8 月 19 日 下午 5:57 
Mahoney 2021 年 12 月 26 日 下午 5:50 
Recept na Koložvársku kapustu:

Ryžu varíme zvlášť. Na masti osmažíme nasekanú jednu cibuľu a orestujeme na nej mleté mäso. Ochutíme soľou, paprikou, korením, podlejeme trošku vodou a podusíme asi 20 minút.

Mäso odoberieme do misky a na výpeku osmažíme druhú nakrájanú cibuľu a nasekanú kyslú kapustu. Pridáme papriku, soľ a korenie podľa chuti a chvíľu podusíme. Tretinu kapusty odoberieme a vložíme na dno zapekacej nádoby.

Na kapustu navrstvíme polovicu ryže, polovicu mletého mäsa a klobásu. Prekryjeme polovicou kyslej smotany a znovu dáme vrstvu kapusty, ryže a mäsa.

Zakončíme vrstvou kapusty a druhou polovicou kyslej smotany. Koložvársku kapustu zapekáme v rúre na 180 stupňov asi 30 minút.
Coffee Addicted☕ 2021 年 10 月 10 日 下午 7:43 
- REP MacDonald WIFI , get better internet plz , MR LAGGER
Mahoney 2021 年 5 月 14 日 下午 6:15 
•If you get peppered by a fusillade of rapid, precise rifle fire, they’re British.

•If the response is a ♥♥♥♥-storm of machine-gun fire, they’re German.

•If they throw down their arms and surrender, they’re French or Italian.

•If a barrage of rockets slams into your position, that is then followed by waves of angry, screaming, unarmed infantry running towards you...they're Russian.

•If you get ambushed and hear "Banzai!", followed by a swarm of charging infantry with fixed-bayonets, they're Japanese.

•if you find yourself in the middle of a jungle and begin taking fire from out of nowhere, resulting in half your platoon is dead within a few seconds...they're Vietnamese.

•If the response is a random explosion followed by tons of RPG fire and the chanting of "Allah Akbar", they're Islamic-Extremists.

•And if nothing happens for five minutes and then your position is obliterated by support artillery or an airstrike...they’re American.