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136.6 timer registreret i alt (3.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
I would recommend this game to everyone looking for a nice rpg dungeon crawler. Its epc, well done rich story and so far the best ive played yet.
Skrevet: 3. september 2023.
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19.1 timer registreret i alt (3.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Yes this ones good, good gameplay, INVOLVED gameplay but easy and intuitive to learn. Excellent detailed levels and i cant wiat to dive even deeper into this story, already 3 hrs in and man its good. Try it im sure youll love it and if not you can always refund.
Skrevet: 21. juni 2023.
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33.1 timer registreret i alt (31.8 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
As an avid fan of the series this game knocks it out of the park. The characters are well done and recognisable, the weapons even lol. You have a stressful day at work? Come home and slaughter deaites. The killing animations are very satisfactory. Definately NOT for the weak of heart. Playing as the iconic demons from the series is awsome too. There is enough skill tree stuff, prestige stuff, and various goals to keep you satisfied. Even without dlc you have access to many characters from the movies and tv series. After seeing Evil dead rise i hope beyond hope that they add "Mom" demon and her kids to this game, level wise an apartment would be cool and different. Game is a bloody riot of fun and savage killing. Gibve it try because if nothing else you can refund it, but i bet 98% of you wont. This gets 1,000 out of ten, its that much fun and that good. And if your new to the IP, watch the movies and get set for a laughing good time, from mias tragedy and addiction hell to kelly and her total badass final chick role. The game gives it all to you. Runs smoooth and is crossplay so you can play across the platforms with your friends.
Skrevet: 28. maj 2023.
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52 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse sjov
18.1 timer registreret i alt (0.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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This game is awsome, yes its EA and has some issues but what game doesnt? Im a backer and ive been with them for the ride because i believed in it. I still do and ill play and get more people in because i can say with certanty from watching the devs streams and watching the development that this will be a good one. Call me a white knight if you want thats just ignorance. People love to bash games that are EA because of bugs and they expect them to be perfect. We all see the trolls who love to jump in and push stuff into the red to hurt the devs. We all know this exists.
Look at the game for what it is and can be for the future. They worked hard on this and had many sleepless nights to bring us this excellent sim. Try it and judge for yourself and understand this game isnt perfect"Yet".
It has good graphics thats a lie, it has a tutorial and it can get stuck, again they told us all that on the page. Now that the meat is doen they can focus on the fluff with a few tweaks. Occupy mars is a game well worth waiting the three years or more for it that i have.
Ultimately try it for yourself, give it a shot and remember other games that came out with bugs, darktide guys? Vermintide 2? Cyberpunk? All bashed and trolled but still going strong. At least Occupy mars isnt a cash cow for the company as so many titles are these days. My vote is a 10 our of 10, yes it needs work but isnt that what an EA game is all about? If you dont like the bugs or possibility of bugs, then play something else or refund this one. But im telling you, if you like space survival then your gonna love this one. In the past the bugs we had lasted maybe a week or less before they were HARD addressed. I mean you can look at osirus new dawn, they took that one over, ruined it, then declared it done and bailed on it while its a broken mess. The guys at pyramid games arent like this at all, this is thier passion project and doesnt deserve people telling people not to buy it. Bugs happen guys, if you dont like it dont play EA games.
As someone whos played this since demo and then at backing, id say your in for a treat just gotta roll with it for now. They do work hard on it.
I want to edit this and point something out to the potential customers, Notice alot of the negative reviews are from people playing for about five mins, certainly less than an hour or two. As a player let me tell you you cany really experiance much of the game at thatpoint and its easy to say"its broken" or "dont buy" when you yourself get frustrated with the complexity and are frustrated. Give it a shot people, give it a chance and try to play for more than ten mins to judge it. Im rallying around it as a fan who has played for a long time and a backer for something i believe in.
Skrevet: 10. maj 2023. Sidst redigeret: 10. maj 2023.
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4 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
9.4 timer registreret i alt (2.1 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
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We have waited and waited and we are not left wanting really, sure the roadmap has the coming features, but the core game is here and its as good as they tote. The graphics are beautiful and very well drawn and detailed. The characters are believable and fun,(can we rename them soon?) And the general mechanics of the over world map is cool, being able to take territories AND having them have specific resources adds a whole new layer of strategy to this title. Get it, i doubt youll want to refund it, its that COOL. The devs are very responsive and the discord is alot of fun to be part of, so pick up the game on sale(more than fair price) and then pop into the discord and join the rest of us as we enjoy this unique cool little title.
Skrevet: 2. marts 2023.
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1 person fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
9.1 timer registreret i alt (5.4 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
yes this gets a thumbs up, despite the spam of notices you get early game (get gud). Its a perfect upgrade to the beloved classic builder. Nice and chill to sit and do while you want some easy time, it still is engaging enough to keep your interest. If nothing else experience one of the games that made city builders and management what we love today. Pharaoh is one of the all time best. If you get it and dont like it refund it simple, but i bet youll be hooked. Months later and still a classic. Talk about a true labor of love!
Skrevet: 1. marts 2023. Sidst redigeret: 23. november 2023.
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2 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
14.1 timer registreret i alt (3.5 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
So this game is an easy yes. Runs great on a lower end pc and looks beautiful. Kinda like playing edo with the thought of , "maybe if they did that' and here they do that. Still admittedly early in game and i have encountered some game reloading bugs (does checkpoint save), but im having a great time. Flying is easy for you guys who arent sure of that part, and a hint,for combat use lasers to overload and kill shields AND THEN ballistics to chew holes in them, primarily. But its fun, its easy and engaging and its a really good price. I doubt ill edit this except to heap more praise on them, and as usual if you dont like it , refund it.
Skrevet: 18. februar 2023.
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8.4 timer registreret i alt (3.3 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
This is a cool sim nice feature of terraforming a planet and building of supply chains. Really easy to learn but not very simplestic at all. If your a fan of colony games or terraforming games then this ones worth a shot. The graphics are cool and basic but detailed and the feel of it all around is burning a few hours no problem. Be neat to see more of this one in the coming months but if you see it even if its not on sale. Give it a shot and see what you think, after all you can always refund.
Skrevet: 17. februar 2023.
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7 personer fandt denne anmeldelse brugbar
7.8 timer registreret i alt (2.0 timer, da anmeldelsen blev skrevet)
Anmeldelse for emne med tidlig adgang
So this gets a yes, very early acess but has alot of potential. So far from my playtime i was able to build a ship fairly easy with the on screen tutorials/explanations. Eager to try her out in combat. Limited on assets right now wich is understandable for such an EA game. That being said it ISNT not playable, its very playable i spent alot of time on it last night before bed. Then i got to drift off with tons of starship designs in my head. WIN WIN. If your a fan of starship games and stuff give this one a try and settle in for the ride as it develops I have a feeling this will be a rewarding journey.
Skrevet: 2. februar 2023.
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Viser 11-20 af 159 forekomster