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Останні рецензії користувача Golgothic99

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Показані результати 1–10 із 12
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 3
10.6 год. загалом
aim assist on MnK, no HS on shield, scummy shop. Cringe
Додано 23 травня 2023 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
419.2 год. загалом (73.7 год на момент рецензування)
i've reached diamond within 70 hours, this game is easy (1st BR ever for me)
Додано 3 лютого 2022 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 3 лютого 2022 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
384.8 год. загалом (59.5 год на момент рецензування)
Le jeu n'est pas fini, il manque des fonctionnalités de base dans un FPS, un tableau des scores, un chat vocal et tant d'autres...
Je changerais peut être mon évaluation, ca ne dépendra que de DICE

Edit 08/06/23 : c'est toujours de la merde mais ils ont mis un peu de febreze dessus
Додано 19 листопада 2021 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 8 червня 2023 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
518.6 год. загалом (481.8 год на момент рецензування)
Додано 8 травня 2021 р..
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Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 56
1,847.8 год. загалом (6.4 год на момент рецензування)
3200 heures avec mes comptes Origin, 800 sur PS3. Pour moi le dernier bon Battlefield pour le moment
EDIT : je vois beaucoup de gens qui se plaignent de cheaters, vous jouez ou exactement ? je passe ma vie sur ce jeu et j'en vois même pas 1 par mois... Bref sachez que les joueurs sur ce jeu sont 80% de bots 10% de "moyens" et 10% de pros ou "farmers" si vous cherchez à vous renseigner à propos d'un joueur, connectez vous à battlelog avec vos identifiants Origin puis chercher le Rapport de combat que vous vouler , ensuite cherchez BF4DB et entrez y son nom, vous verrez ses stats détaillées et son historique de rapports de combat, je vous suggère aussi de rejoindre les discords des serveurs auquels vous jouez, ca permet de signaler les suspects plus rapidement ou de demander pourquoi vous vous faites kick . Une dernière chose : n'utilisez que battlelog avec l'extension web "Better Battlelog par Russao", ca permet de voir le véritable nombre de joueurs sur les serveurs en plus de permettre les vraies raisons du kick / ban puisque le jeu en lui-même (en le lançant par Origin) ne peut pas les montrer (Vous avez été exclu/banni par un administrateur, là ou peut être vous avez eu une montée de ping et qu'un script ne permet pas les joueurs d'avoir + de 150ms)
Додано 26 грудня 2020 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 26 квітня 2021 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
350.5 год. загалом (16.5 год на момент рецензування)
10/10 je spamme du Zemmour sur discord
Додано 9 грудня 2020 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
12.8 год. загалом (12.8 год на момент рецензування)
Додано 26 листопада 2020 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
22.1 год. загалом (20.1 год на момент рецензування)
bon gameplay, fluide et dynamique (glissade et "parkour"), mais je m'attendais à une bonne suite scénaristique au 1 et au 2, aucune envie de faire les quêtes secondaires contrairement aux 2 premiers, légendaires sur chaque badass, 1 ou 2 sur chaque boss... "légendaire" issou. No spoil mais Tannis est le contre exemple de tout ce qu'elle explique depuis la première fois qu'on la voit. tounéketromprie
Додано 6 травня 2020 р..
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Ніхто ще не оцінив цю рецензію як корисну
2,219.1 год. загалом (1,189.0 год на момент рецензування)
----------------- No 100% completion ?-----------------

Додано 16 листопада 2019 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 27 червня 2022 р..
Чи була ця рецензія корисною? Так Ні Кумедна Нагородити
Людей вважають цю рецензію корисною: 2
1,223.9 год. загалом (22.6 год на момент рецензування)
Рецензія на гру з дочасним доступом
I am leaving my older reviews so people can see the how's the game now vs how it was (scroll all the way down if you want to start chronologically) :

EDIT 3 (17/02/23) : Please reconsider if you have this videogame title in mind. What looked promising in 2018, turned out to be a huge disappointment in the years that followed. Veteran trustees (early access players) are irritated and completely ignored by the developer and publisher.

Honestly, the list could go on for a long time, but here's my summary in regards to the state of the game. Apart from the serious attitude issue that both Farm51 and MyGames (Wishlist Games) have,

- Even after 4.5 years, there are recurring server instabilities and problems.
- There are numerous fun-impacting bugs that appear to be simple to fix but are never addressed. Think of the thermal-vision bug where enemies don't glow up, or the B2 objective on Moscow Mall that doesn't allow respawns.
- For four years, the content was still and quiet. The DLC that is currently taking place is very basic in comparison to what a self-respecting customer might expect for the time it took.
- Customization used to be extensive and free, requiring only in-game credits.
The majority of the items you see advertised in the shop are now repurposed Early-Access items that were previously free. Talk about scumminess.
- The gameplay is adequate, but it became less appealing over time. The weapons feel more or less the same, the longer you play.
- I, for one, was pleased with the graphics, but discussions with tech experts revealed that the graphics are not exceptional given the amount of memory and hardware required. Game software optimization is simply awful.
- Vehicles are one of my favorite aspects of the game, but there was no vehicle balance. At all. The inter-vehicular gameplay was extremely boring.
- You cannot filter nor choose your region in matchmaking. Yeah, that makes for games of EU versus Asia, with terrible pings. And those responsible steadily refuse to change this system without any mention.
- Feedback is rarely heard and, if it is heard at all, is meaningless. Feel free to ask about specifics.
- God forbid you join the Discord, where there is a strong culture of nepotism.
- Weapons parts cannot be recolored to default, unlike the full weapon recolor. The cherry on the cake is that this is positively possible, as long you buy the blueprint with this color option. Thus monetizing default colorations.
- Some cosmetics are removed in patches without any mention of it.
- The ingame shop is in this peculiarly predatory state where you cannot fully estimate the value of items due to lack of information. The rotations are barebones, and had stayed the same for a few months as well, nothing new. See ImmaJellal's Shop Steam Guide to compare.
- The newly implemented Domination came late & unoptimized. Objectives are set on poor locations and games quickly end up one-sided with camp strategies. Besides it's happening on TDM maps with 0% changes to accomodate different gamemodes.
- Despite the rework, hit registration is still quite suboptimal.
- Audio is all over, what the huck is going on? T-72s blasting your ears off at 10% volume?
- Recent map quality took a dive with the DMZ map, where the direction felt meaning less. There were no clear lanes and verticality was poorly implemented.
- New BP weapons have comparatively less personal cosmetic options.
- Not a huge issue but accumulating to this all; silly textual typos and inaccuracies. Remember; they're making money out of this.

This one is not worth your time. There are numerous other games that you will enjoy.

EDIT 2 (18/10/22) : The game is playable but no region lock + bad netcode results in janky stuttery gunfights where the guy who teleports the most wins, tanks teleports every 5 meters. Playable, its WW3 so its good, but its still very frustrating with the current hitreg and netcode.

EDIT 1 (~30/09/22) : Cant even get in the main menu since OBT, i got muted on the official Discord for responding to a CM that was saying to "respect the devs work" with "maybe people are angry because its the same 6+ months old of MM, party and server issues, we're just tired of the devs ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥"

OG review (probably around June 2022 ) :
Ok so i decided to edit my review. It was negative before today but some stuff made me realise how great of a potential this game has.

Firstly : I had preordered the game way back (2018? not sure anymore).
I played during the early access, then the first realease and after the catastrophic launch, when the devs decided to pull out the game from the market i was lucky enough to be selected to try out and help the devs during what would be the 2nd release.
Under NDA at the time i couldnt give any feedback to my friends, i still wasnt conviced by WW3, it was still cluncky and bugged.

Now the game's in closed Beta and is planned to be released as a Free to Play. It makes the game 100% worth. if you want a modern shooter with low TTK, skill shots and where you have an ACTUAL IMPACT ON THE GAME, search no more.

Please fix the audio though, its extremely frustrating to not be able to hear ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tanks only a few meters away from us
Додано 22 листопада 2018 р.. Востаннє відредаговано 14 травня 2024 р..
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Показані результати 1–10 із 12