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Đánh giá gần đây bởi DodoBird25

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Hiển thị 1-10 trong 56 mục
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31.9 giờ được ghi nhận (14.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
im gonna make this short and sweet the fact that this game is as old as it is and so many people still love this game with all their heart and arguably one of the best if not the best game in the fallout franchise so if you read this and youve somehow never tried this and are ok with older gameplay then i can not recommend it enough my little brother has loved this game since we were kids for a good reason
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 6.
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119.4 giờ được ghi nhận (98.7 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
i mean its aight i guess 0_0

no but seriously i highly reccomend people try this its easily one of my favorite open world survival games already and ive only seen like maybe 20% of the map at max after playing this game for 2 weeks with 100 hours already this game is like a mix of all the things i love about so many others games i dont love and that somehow makes this game feel so unique and special plus i love how well the game works in such early acess and one little sidenote that also makes me love this game already is the modding community is already going crazy and has so many mods that help the game feel better also i got this game for free cause one of my friends got it for me since i didnt have the money but i would 1000% buy it espically with its $30 price tag thats a great price in my opinion with how much this game has in it
Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 2.
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45.1 giờ được ghi nhận (11.8 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
this game is so fun i would mostly reccomend playing with friends because of course that makes it 10,000x better not to mention the mods that add so many more fun things or scary things if your into that
Đăng ngày 16 Tháng 12, 2023.
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6.8 giờ được ghi nhận (3.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
i would recommend but in my personal opinion only with friends
Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 11, 2023.
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2 người thấy bài viết này hữu ích
715.6 giờ được ghi nhận (23.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
well i can say this much if you love DnD then i can pretty much guarantee youll love this another thing i am really suprised i liked is the point and click gameplay ive never really been a fan of it only a few games that ive played liked that ive liked, like halo wars for example i havent gotten extremly far yet but with the amount of class and race combos you can do not to mention the playstyle you do with said chracters i can see my self replaying this for a long time to come also of course plaything this with friends is awesome as well plus if you like playing DnD irl and you find that there is so much prep and time you have to put into it then yet again this is an amazing alternative that you and your friends would probably have hours upon hours of fun times with
Đăng ngày 12 Tháng 8, 2023.
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513.7 giờ được ghi nhận (75.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
ok well im in the middle of my playthrough of the 3rd game but im just gonna post my review now i already knew i love the first game i played the og 2007 version about a week or 2 before i decided to get this so i could play the other 2 plus obviously the upgrade to the og game and i can already say i love the first 2 games and this 3rd one is amazing as well so far and i cant wait to get to the end plus the other thing i absoluty love about it is there are SO many decisons you can make that can get people killed, make or break relationships, do things that add or take from the story it is so extermly underated how good this series and to keep a long review short if you like/love the halo series and/or no mans sky you should absoultly try it i cant believe it took me till i was 24 to finally decide to give in and try it im so glad i did cause honestly it may even beat cyberpunk 2077 as my favorite game ever made and thats hard to beat
Đăng ngày 4 Tháng 6, 2023.
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30.9 giờ được ghi nhận (6.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
i know this review is very early in my playthrough but honestly i already know im gonna love this series ive seen stuff about it for a long time and never really cared but recently my brother was talking about it and thought i would love it so i added it to my wishlist then saw it was on sale for $5 and since i had that much in my account i said screw it and decided to take the leap and im SO glad i did i also added visual mods to make to better looking since its from like 2007 and it looks wonderful but i mostly love this so far cause it really reminds me of halo mixed with no mans sky and i LOVE that since halo is one of my alltime favorite game series and i really like no mans sky though i havent played it much cause it doesnt really feel like theres much to do but so far this game feels like theres so much to do and love that i hate when a game feels empty no only the world wise but also empty in terms of missions and things to do so long story short if you like halo and/or no mans sky i would HIGHLY reccomend giving it a try

edit because i have to: just completed my first runthrough of the story and i can esaily say on of the best stories ive played in video games and i would recommend this game even more now espically since there are a lot of things you can do that can affect the story throughout this has also lead me to buy the legendary edition so i have a better version of this game and so i can play the other 2 as well
Đăng ngày 17 Tháng 5, 2023. Sửa lần cuối vào 25 Tháng 5, 2023.
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63.0 giờ được ghi nhận (57.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
i mean come on is there anything i can say you dont already know its skyrim theres a reason its still as popular as it is i will say though if you want a MUCH better experience i recommend mods i personally use the vortex launcher and my game looks AMAZING and seems waaaaaay less empty as well as really great mods for combat and just random things that add too it but even if you dont feel like modding it its still a wonderful time i just cant play it without mods anymore cause theyve added so much more too it
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 5, 2023.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
3.8 giờ được ghi nhận (0.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
ok well this is a very quick review but i gotta say ive been wanting this for a while cause it looked cool but i finally decided to get it and try it because someone said it was like beat saber mixed with house of the dead but id like to add one to that it also makes me think of superhot but overall i LOVE the movements in it cause it really does feel like beat saber and super hots movements mixed and i LOVE that but yeah anyway if you like any of those game i mentioned or better a mix of those then i would highly reccomend not only is it def a good workout but its also just so fun when you get in a grove of shooting on beat
Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 1, 2023.
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18.5 giờ được ghi nhận
ive always been a starwars fan and i decided to get the game cause it was on sale minus a few things here or there that i dont like or would change this game is really fun and i would recommend it to anyone thats a starwars fan and wants a game you can put a good amount of time in and has a really cool story
Đăng ngày 21 Tháng 12, 2022.
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Hiển thị 1-10 trong 56 mục