Paso De Carrasco, Canelones, Uruguay
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𝘕𝘰𝘦𝘭𝘭𝘦 ✰ 2020. júl. 11., 12:23 
🌽 ✲ 🌸 ✲ 🐳 ✲ 🥗 ✲ 👳 ✲ 🌂 ✲ 🍆 ✲ 🌳 ✲ 👑 ✲ 🏀 ✲ 👾 ✲ 🎍 ✲ 🥞 ✲ 🎄
Mulder: (smiling) The ENIGMATIC Dr. Scully!

"The X-Files: Fallen Angel"

Scully: And Mulder, when you see Skinner to hand in your field
report, I know that it's your decision, but I hope that
you know that I'd consider it MORE than a professional
loss if you decided to leave.

"The X-Files: The Host"
👹 ✲ 🍇 ✲ 💛 ✲ 🏓 ✲ 🐛 ✲ 💙 ✲ 📗 ✲ 📕 ✲ 🕺 ✲ 👃 ✲ 🎈 ✲ 🎁 ✲ ⛳ ✲ 👔
Hasbulla 2019. dec. 30., 11:01 
QEPD amigo
Gain Eagers 2019. dec. 14., 18:33 
me dice pelotudo tu comentario no vale tenes vac pajero
Tadmusk 2019. ápr. 27., 16:39 
boludo hijo de puta pendejo de mierda xitero horrible
Bladez4186 2018. aug. 2., 10:57 
Bladez4186 2018. aug. 2., 10:56 