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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 10.6 hrs on record
Posted: 13 Oct, 2024 @ 12:35am

One of the biggest pieces of garbage I've ever had the misfortune of playing. TERRIBLE story. TERRIBLE gameplay. Mediocre voice acting at times - "Jason... Jason... JAY-SUN!" God AWFUL controls. TERRIBLE camera angles. HUGE plot holes. GOOFY if not downright DISGUSTING character models at times. Random and common CTD's. I could write paragraphs for how ♥♥♥♥♥♥ this game is but if I did that I think I'd spend more time than the developers cared to spend on anything but the motion tracking.

You have 4 main characters:
Ethan: Lil bro managed to not only place himself in a coma, let one of his sons die, get divorced, then ALSO let a serial killer kidnap his other son in broad daylight. EXTREME beta male energy.

Norman: Extremely off-brand, dollar store Connor from D:BH. Bland, boring, must have ate too many butterfingers before any given mission because this man simply cannot hold onto a firearm.

Madison: Finds a dude with broken ribs and cuts outside trashy motel. Patches him up then hypothesizes he's a child serial killer - Yup, she has sex with him later

Scott: Honestly not a bad main character, if you ignore he gets threatened into being private detective-partners by a crack ♥♥♥♥♥ (yes she also has a romantic relationship with him)

The only two things I have to say positive is that you get some low polygon ass n tiddies for about 15 seconds and it has some hilarious facial animations at times that give comedic effect, I'm not sure if they are intentional or not.

Just watch a playthrough of this on YouTube and save yourself the time and money
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