[10:23 AM]
Alternate Machiko:
Don't you love watching gay porn in the morning

» Eugene : I was distracted by one of the 8 women that are currently touching my penis

» Eugene : OwO daddy ray *nuzzlewuzzles your bulge* you smell so nice

* [D|Noble III] hekinhekhek : god dont u ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ love vert bappo
* [D|Noble III] hekinhekhek : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
[O|Knight III] bappo : suck my gigantic donkey ♥♥♥♥

* [D|Knight V] MEGAWOP : anyways my nips are rock solid so....
* [S|Knight II] Alternate Machiko : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ that makes me hard

| (US05) - lesbian sleeper agent: where are my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ coomers
| (AU04) - hekinhekhek: hell
| (US05) - lesbian sleeper agent: pog
| (FR04) - watermelon walter: prison
| (US03) - shadr: probably jacking off
| (AU04) - Pure Angel: probably cooming everywhere
| (AU04) - hekinhekhek: this a real irc moment tbh
[O|Knight III] Pure Angel : nah its a layla moment
[O|Knight III] Pure Angel : not irc
| (AU04) - hekinhekhek: [O|Knight III] Pure Angel : nah its a layla moment
[D|Noble III] hekinhekhek : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
| (US05) - lesbian sleeper agent: true
[O|Knight III] Pure Angel : ♥♥♥♥
| (US05) - lesbian sleeper agent: ty bappo ur my main coomer
| (AU04) - Pure Angel: no ty

[SM] ADMIN: Kicked i beat infants (Reason: "Proxy IP. Appeal at skial.com")

* [D|Noble III] hekinhekhek : what was the inspiration for that name btw?
* [D|Noble III] hekinhekhek : im curious
[O|Baroness V] *purrs homophobically* : its quite simple
[O|Baroness V] *purrs homophobically* : im kitty
[O|Baroness V] *purrs homophobically* : and i hate gays

[O|Baroness V] *purrs homophobically* : need a hot ♥♥♥♥♥ to drop me like a baby

* [S|Noblewoman II] sekki's bungle : warped content is always a source of ♥♥♥

[D|Baron IV] bappo : ill abuse it like i abuse asians

* [O|Dame IV] bappo a ho : * [S|Madam I] wife stuck in abusive marriage : need slime girl to give me a goojob

* [S|Peon] nia : want slime girl to absorb me

Foxxo : please i just wanna ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ play the game...
SwaggerWagon : im going to keep caber jumping u
Foxxo : not talking about you
SwaggerWagon : now you are
SwaggerWagon : loser furry

+ Rhea : lucky terrible idiot noob idiot

* [D|Baroness V] bappo : *farting*

[O|Countess I] debilitating fart addiction : god i love Piss

* [D|Baroness V] bappo : [D|Madam I] LUNABELLE : slamming my tits against my keyboard in a fit of rage

[2:44 AM]
[D|Madam I] Luna : the amount of sweat in my bra is going to drown me right now

[D|Baron IV] † king : i will let kater ♥♥♥ in my ass if it means i'll get his airpogo essence

† king: :o you're not into mommy?
† king:I love cummy wummies in my tummies UwU

* [O|Warlock IV] bappo : are you cute
* [S|Warlock IV] Gorge004 : 2
* [S|Warlock IV] Gorge004 : only on wednesdays
* [O|Warlock IV] bappo : i c* [O|Warlock IV] bappo : your pretty ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hot tonight
* [S|Warlock IV] Gorge004 : thanks
* [S|Warlock IV] Gorge004 : but its morning
* [O|Warlock IV] bappo : true
* [O|Warlock IV] bappo : this monring*
* [O|Warlock IV] bappo : morning(
* [S|Warlock IV] Gorge004 : thanks

* [D|Baron IV] † king : bappo can i suck out the farts out of ur ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

* [D|Baron IV] † king : bappo a phat bihh

[D|Knight I] mois : ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

[D|Knight I] mois : my whole room smells like dogt farts
[D|Knight I] mois : pogging
[D|Knight I] mois : dog keeps bustin ass

Quig : He who runs with aggression walks without dignity. You're not, or you aren't
willy : he who uses a bind like that is dumb
willy : u are dumb

[D|Baron V] bappo : cat stop
* [S|Knight V] cat : your mom tells me to stop
* [D|Noble III] Hekinhekhek : thats rape>
[D|Baron V] bappo : ^
* [S|Knight V] cat : oh

» i push fat kids off bikes has connected.

[Unranked] bappo -sng : god i wanna be abused

toby magwire sucks dunky ballz : MY DAD BEATS ME WITH JUMPER CABLES

Currently Offline
Funny ♥♥♥♥?
* [D|Baron I] Diabolical : Like I thought Skinny and Luke were dating cause they made a lot of gay jokes
[D|Knight V] Fatty. : we are..
* [D|Baron I] Diabolical : Oh really?
[D|Madam IV] deceptive&sons : wait,.,
[D|Madam IV] deceptive&sons : but me and luke are dating
[D|Madam IV] deceptive&sons : what is this
* [D|Knight I] oof : s mh y
* [D|Knight I] oof : Im dating you decep
* [D|Knight I] oof : you cheating on me?
[D|Madam IV] deceptive&sons : oops i mean oof
[Unranked] one apple and one apple and one : whos the sidepiece
[D|Madam IV] deceptive&sons : im d ating oof
[D|Madam IV] deceptive&sons : u can have the LUKE
[D|Madam IV] deceptive&sons : HA
* [D|Knight I] oof : ty babe <3

D|Noblewoman II] Nycryte : should i bind jump to mwheel?
[S|Princess I] Scoot : bind jump to every key on your keyboard
[S|Princess I] Scoot : and just faceplant when you want to bhop

[D|Lord] gonk : all my wrs are tick perfect
Tempus | (Solly) gonk is ranked 18/19 on jump_xhappy with time: 3:55:33.98
[D|Lord] gonk : yea that one too

[D|Lord] gonk : * [S|Empress] Boshy : i gtg
[D|Lord] gonk : ??
* [S|Empress] Boshy : in a few mins
[D|Lord] gonk : wtF?
[D|Lord] gonk : ill miss u
* [S|Empress] Boshy : no u wont
[D|Lord] gonk : wtf liar
* [S|Empress] Boshy : thanks

* [S|Princess I] gong : it wouldnt be au tempus without 4 demos grinding a pipe bonus at the same time

Bamooxa suicided.
MEGA suicided.
[D|Esquire V] Bamooxa : stop stealing strats

* [D|Baroness III] ๖ۣۜSimonۣۜ๖ : hey
* [D|Knight I] Jazzy : hi
* [D|Baroness III] ๖ۣۜSimonۣۜ๖ : im a cute gamer grill :3
[D|Knight V] kapper : shut up thot

* [D|Noble V] Oof! : all of my runs are insane - Newjuls, 2017
[D|Prince V] newjuls : yes
* [D|Prince IV] vice : iuts true
* [D|Noble V] Oof! : indeed
Diabolical has joined the game
[D|Prince V] newjuls : ervery single one
Tempus | (Solly) newjuls is ranked 17/17 on jump_xhappy with time: 3:55:33.98

[D|Christmas Ghost III] ywl : whats offline wr for this
* [D|Christmas Ghost I] Lyle : yes

A1PH4 : I'm dyslexic, wait, I'm not dyslexic, I'm just disabled!

[D|Prince III] newjuls : labrador
[D|Prince III] newjuls : what comes before 8
* [S|Esquire II] Labrador : 6
[D|Prince III] newjuls : no buddy

Tempus | (Demo) Oof? map run 08:09.28 (PR -1:19:38.51) | 1:19:38.51 improvement

| (Discord) - nick: kidder why did you kick my cat in the throat

Aussie: WHY DO WE HAVE SO MANY ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥??!

[S|Noble IV] riot : ya minty this is a free wr
[D|Emperor] gancho : ty
[S|Noble IV] riot : for me but i will let u have it
[D|Emperor] gancho : i heck ur ass

* [D|Baroness V] sick : i enjoy Ass bulge
* [D|Baroness V] sick : hell No
* [D|Baroness V] sick : newjuls
* [D|Baroness V] sick : is my ass bulge

[S|Wisp I] Olaf the creamy snowmann : hey un gancho can you show us how is done
* [D|Mr. Skeltel] un gancho : ya just take ur pants off for me pls
* [S|Wisp I] Olaf the creamy snowmann : do i have to send pics
* [D|Mr. Skeltel] un gancho : no just let me slap ur ass
* [S|Wisp I] Olaf the creamy snowmann : cos i dont wear pants normanlly
* [D|Mr. Skeltel] un gancho : it fuels my jumping power
* [S|Wisp I] Olaf the creamy snowmann : were do you live
* [D|Mr. Skeltel] un gancho : in ur ass
* [S|Wisp I] Olaf the creamy snowmann : my pants are down for you
* [D|Mr. Skeltel] un gancho : ok im coming out
* [S|Wisp I] Olaf the creamy snowmann : fist me daddy

*DEAD* A FatBird That likes Banjos : Ha jokes on you, you can't lag if you can't be good

Aussie: I'm gonna go pee I'm so exited!

Newjuls: :csgoD: :csgoa: :csgob.:

Tempus | (Demo) oof broke Course 1 00:39.55 (PR -00:30.08) | 00:30.08 improvement!

Tempus | (Demo) newjuls map run 01:53.18 (WR +00:13.86) | 00:06.82 improvement
Tempus | (Demo) newjuls finished the map with rank 5/137!
* [D|Esquire III] Corrupted Exile : n1
* [D|Noble III] Foolishness! : off
* [D|Esquire III] Consition : wowi!
Tempus | (Demo) mesatech is ranked 4/137 on jump_skylight with time: 01:53.11

* [D|Esquire V] Rimu : kaos how many times were you dropped as a child
[D|Esquire IV] ๖Kaos : yes

* [D|Count II] Robin inda Hood : rimu>minecraft
young-chief-888 has joined the game
[D|Esquire IV] Rimu : :)
* [S|Duke] kidder : whats rimu
* [S|Duke] kidder : oh
* [S|Duke] kidder : woops

krollic: matty how do i stop my ass hair from wanting me to commit jihad? - love, rock

[D|Noble V] mois : this map actually blows ♥♥♥♥♥

* [D|Noble II] natsu : what in the dilly tilly ♥♥♥♥

* [S|Esquire II] Alternate Machiko : this is tighter than my ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ wtf

hekinhekhek: go lemmi u get em!
♫ Lemmi The Doggo ♫ : your words of encouragement make my balls quake

[O|Prince II] 1000 degree ♥♥♥ knife : can you ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stop being cringe for 5 seconds

Tempus | (Demo) fedorable map run 13:15.18 (WR +10:56.68) | 23:36.24 improvement
[O|Noble V] fedorable : piss in me

* [O|Dame V] myhts : i waffle stomp my piss down the toilet bowl

[D|Noblewoman V] squid : * [O|Warlock V] mystBOO : ill nut in your ear so you can hear multiple versions of me screaming.

[O|Noble V] fedorable : (AU2) - riot: get ready to receed into your father's foreskin

* [D|Noblewoman III] dino : brb i need to do a big juicy poo

*DEAD* NAN メロン ᕦ(ò_ó*)ᕤ : im a dried up ♥♥♥ rag

* [D|Dame II] watermelon walter : i want my gf to ♥♥♥♥ me in the ass

* [D|Dame II] watermelon walter : lolis deserve headpats not monster ♥♥♥♥♥

*DEAD* Friendly | GweenWing : *bangs dog*

» Spaghetti : IMMA ♥♥♥♥♥ ITS DAD

Luna is joining the server.
[O|Dame II] bappo : o no
* [D|Noble II] hekinhekhek : ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
* [D|Noble II] hekinhekhek : gamerwoman inbound
[O|Dame II] bappo : bringing the muscle in
* [D|Noble II] hekinhekhek : dont
* [D|Noble II] hekinhekhek : copy that
* [D|Noble II] hekinhekhek : as a qwuote
Luna (Rank 25 Demoman) joined from United States
* [D|Noble II] hekinhekhek : don u dare
[O|Dame II] bappo : ty
[O|Dame II] bappo : * [D|Noble II] hekinhekhek : gamerwoman inbound

ape ♥♥♥♥♥ greets you : get vibe checked
ape ♥♥♥♥♥ greets you : ♥♥♥♥♥ boy

| (FR03) - † king -dc: huuh? so what if I'm a femboy? I got a gorilla grip bussy

[D|Princess II] matty : was wondering where that moaning was coming from
[D|Princess II] matty : turns out didn't close ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
[D|Princess II] matty : kappa

[O| Dame II] bappo: Im pre thicc

EngiV8 : its called 2fort cause there are two forts
woody : fr?

[S|Esquire IV] bappo #bday tomorrow : *farts*

[D|Noble V] mois : u ever pog at the smell of u8r own fart

SCWS™ Mobile War Crime : I would rail the ♥♥♥♥ out of toy chica

| (US01) - right: think ur better than me bug12?
| (US05) - bug12: ɪ ꜱʜɪᴛ ᴍʏ ᴘᴀɴᴛꜱ ᴀɴᴅ ꜱʜᴇ ʟᴇꜰᴛ ᴍᴇ

NAN メロン ᕦ(ò_ó*)ᕤ : booba
*DEAD* spud : i lost my sock

*DEAD* Peasant | Hekinhekhek : FUSVUIOBSRBH
*DEAD* Peasant | Hekinhekhek : :(
spud : i agree

NAN メロン ᕦ(ò_ó*)ᕤ : you have angered the potato
Peasant | Hekinhekhek : <:O
NAN メロン ᕦ(ò_ó*)ᕤ : but potato die
*DEAD* spud : turned to chip
*DEAD* spud : in oven

* [D|Noble III] hekinhekhek : * [D|Baron IV] † king : bappo can i suck out the farts out of ur ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
* [D|Count I] Cone Spida : thats out of context

[12:42 PM]
Mr. Fig:
*barks homophobicly*

[4:06 PM]
ur cool
in my head ur a big tittied goth girl
Ji๓ ৡ 20 Jul, 2023 @ 1:01am 
hey uh... spotted you across the duelyard... *stares at ground* s-sorry if this is a little forward, but i think you're *pushes fingers together* p-p-pretty cute. ahhh im sorry, im such a dweeb *kicks dirt* hopefully youll forgive me for being so creepy but... i really think youre beautiful. your armor fits you in the nicest way, and forgive me for b-being a weirdo... but i think your butt looks nice in that chainmail skirt... GAH did i just say that ooo im so sorry *blushes and covers mouth* i really didnt mean anythin by it im so sorry.... please dont hate me. if you totally dont think of me as a creep by now then maybe we can duel some time *flourishes* hey... cmon... flourish back *flourishes* hello? *sword salutes* y-you there? *feints you* hello??? wake up??? cmon duel me! what are you doing! stop ignoring me!!! *flourishes* what are you doing! *jump kicks you* cmon! *feints you*.... why cant we just... yknow duel? pleaaaase? okay im sorry haha.... sorry... can we duel now?
sounds of serenity 1 Jan, 2023 @ 2:31pm 
╔╗╔╦══╦═╦═╦╗╔╗ ★ ★ ★
║╚╝║══║═║═║╚╝║ ☆¸.•°*”˜˜”*°•.¸☆
║╔╗║╔╗║╔╣╔╩╗╔╝ ★ ℕ𝔼𝕎 𝕐𝔼𝔸ℝ ☆
╚╝╚╩╝╚╩╝╚╝═╚╝ ¥☆★☆★☆¥★☆★☆¥★☆¥
sounds of serenity 24 Dec, 2022 @ 2:04pm 
:sc_candy::sc_bag::2015holly: Merry Christmas 2022 :2015holly::cat3k3::Heart_Gem:
キャスリン 19 Nov, 2022 @ 2:34am 
HekinHekHek, he's a cretin and lovable <3
Heckdeck213 4 Oct, 2022 @ 6:54pm 
Heckdeck213 4 Oct, 2022 @ 6:54pm 
You’re despicable you filthy conundrum of obscenity