1 людина вважає цю рецензію корисною
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Додано: 19 верес. 2021 о 22:51

This will become an up vote as soon as the crashing stops! Running this on a 1070 ti and I7 7700k pretty much all ultra. No raytacing tho. Running at 60-88 fps at 1080p. Really wish I could play this game but I have bad 15 crashes in the span of 2.5 hours which is absolutely ridiculous. Looking forward to enjoying this when the game is fixed. For reference, my first crash literally froze my entire PC and caused a black screen. Subsequent crashes were caused by error 0xc0000005. I'm not sure if these issues are caused by the anti-piracy or if its just the engine or maybe my settings are too high? Idk :/
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