Razorgirl ♀🎮
🌹 Molly Chen 🌹   United States
:ryanohno: "Are you really a girl?"
:p2chell: -My gynecologist assures me I am.
Made ya look! :angry_eye::angry_eye:

:yinyangball::lineawline:ABOUT ME -- Chinese people have a reputation for being private; inscrutable is a word often used to
:blue_pantsu::lineawline:describe us. But since you're creeping about my profile like some pervert poking through my underwear
:loveatfirstsight::lineawline:drawer, let me help alleviate this obsession of yours.

... I am Chinese :china: by lineage, American :usaflag: by birth, and Buddhist :buddha: by choice.
... I was born in the year of the horse :GoldHorseShoe: (do the math) and grew up around four older males :HentaiGirlBetty_model:
... I work in a lab :dtlab: as an analytical chemist :o_science: ( SCIENCE! )
... I prefer solitude :coool: over social events :makethedreamwork: but I do sometimes get out and have fun :jumping::walking_sandwich:
... and yes, at the risk of perpetuating a stereotype, I do know martial arts -- I practice a little wushu taolu :hanbok:

... movies -- Alien :alienegg: - Sneakers :shoes: - Jaws :greatwhite: - Dawn Of The Dead :zugly: - Hellraiser :formcube:
... books -- A Wrinkle In Time :warp: - Jurassic Park :padino: - The Thief Of Always :boyhappy: - Neuromancer :hackingart:
... foods -- cheeseburgers :ci4burger: - hot dogs :hotdoggg: - tacos :tacooo: - pizza :pizzaaa: - pasta :spaghetti: - rice :foodoffering: (yep, the Asian girl likes rice)
... activities -- walking in the rain :rain: - traveling :bt_airplane: - watching scary movies :theseeyesl::theseeyesr: - shopping :sjx_17::danceshoe:
... all-time things -- family :friends: - friends :takemewithyou: - thunder storms :rrain: - tigers :blooddragon_emoticon1: - the horror genre :duranceleft::duranceright:

... I am thankful for -- hot chocolate :kopi: - toilet paper :ol2bandage: - a place to pee :toilet:
... that make me smile -- a witty retort :muted: - an early morning sunrise :sunnyday: - the number :fortytwo:
... I admire in a person -- sincerity :square_smile: - confidence :square_happy: - perseverance :square_worried:
... I dislike in a person -- willful ignorance :square_tongue: - arrogance :square_cool: - dishonesty :square_evil:

... there exist special people :dodcp::dodcp:  who possess a sixth sense :orionnorthstar: -- a sense of humor :ccveryhappy:
... the president :ronaldrump: can make this country :capitaldome: what it once was -- an arctic region covered in ice :celeste_mountain:

:riddle::lineawline:WHAT'S IN A NAME? -- Following inquiries concerning my gender and age, the next most common
:me::lineawline:question asked is about my screen name: Are you called -Razorgirl- because . . .

... you cut yourself?
Survey says . . . !                  :delblock:                  "I am not occupied with thoughts of self harm."

... you use Razer products?
Survey says . . . !             :delblock: :delblock:             "I had this name long before I began using their products."

... you have a razor sharp tongue?
Survey says . . . !        :delblock: :delblock: :delblock:        "Any amount of sassiness I may exhibit is purely coincidental."

:point_right: A congratulatory high-five:ldhand: to Yeticakes for knowing the source of my name :point_left:

:firedprojectile: TL;DR: I am totally awesome :awesomes: and I love cookies :2015cookie:

I come here to game, not to socialize. So less talk, more play.
:12hat::lineawline:The information I've included about myself isn't here so we can get to know one another but
:eyes::lineawline:rather to avoid pointless small talk. If you must know about me, I have provided a plethora of
:tilasmouth::lineawline:superficial info that will hopefully discourage any desire you may have to 'get chummy.' The
:no5uniformfemale::lineawline:limit of my interest in you is: What games do you play? and What's your gaming style?

:buzzed: "God, you're annoying."
:p2chell: -No need to be formal, just call me Razorgirl.

:tellmenow::lineawline:I've included remarks received via profile comments, real-time messages, and in-game
along with my responses at the time.

:slscream: "I'm suppose to read ALL this?"
:p2chell: -You clicked on my profile, so man up (or woman up) and see it through.

:hatfall_halo::lineawline:We may get along and have fun gaming together but keep your expectations reined in. Being
:ac7iradio::lineawline:friendly and being friends are not the same thing.

:marina: "I thought we were friends. I guess you don't like me."
:p2chell: -We sometimes game together, I don't know you well enough to like or dislike you.

:tired::lineawline:Don't bother asking me questions if you're not going to read my profile. Show a little effort
:boredom4::lineawline:otherwise you've already lost my interest.

:28_human: "God d*mn all you Asians. Your country should be bombed."
:p2chell: -Little known fact: all Asians conveniently come from one country.

:egged:<full conversation>

:lol::lineawline:To appreciate who I am, you need to be able to laugh at yourself -- because at some point I'll
:amused::lineawline:be laughing at you.

:tq_lost: "You can shove your f*cking 'LOL' up your fat a$$, RAZORC*NT!"
:p2chell: -Are you're saying my butt looks big?

:faceworker::lineawline:Chinese women are often thought of as demure, submissive, and obedient. If you choose the
:CoC_Pill::lineawline:red pill, you'll learn we're usually loud, b*tchy, and bossy.

:town_dweller: "If you were smart, you'd listen to me."
:p2chell: -I may be a b*tch, but not your b*tch.

:helloToYou::lineawline:If you want to send me a friend request, please message me in the game we are playing or
:no_::lineawline:post a comment on my profile as to why, otherwise I will probably decline.

:Dixie: "Wanna be play mates?"
:p2chell: -Oh yeah, that's not creepy.

:bagface::lineawline:If your profile is less than a year old, below level 10, or any part is private -- I may decline
:disapprove::lineawline:your friend request.

:Man1: "Doesn't add people because they are low level . . . typical racist behavior."
:p2chell: -You should familiarize yourself with the definition of racist.

:egged: ⁅ I suppose you could accuse me of being elitist but I just don't want to waste time on posers ⁆

:tfhi::lineawline:Feel free to message me or leave a comment and I will respond when I can. But remember,
:Greet::lineawline:first impressions are lasting impressions.

:thenovelistdan: "What u wearing?"
:p2chell: -Clothes.

:egged:<full conversation>

:asl_emily::lineawline:Any gender-motivated interest queries will most likely go unanswered. I'm here to game --
:arexit::lineawline:I am not interested in hooking up.

:d_human: "My question has nothing to do with you being female."
:p2chell: -Really? Because I couldn't help but notice you didn't ask any of the men if they have pictures.

:stop1::lineawline:I am not here to flirt, talk dirty, or trade pics (naughty or otherwise). So feel free to grab a
:mchand::lineawline:towel and give yourself that happy ending without me.

:alberts: "You're probably fat, anyways."
:p2chell: -Fat and ugly.

:kissyou::lineawline:For those looking for a sexting partner -- I've a more satisfying solution for myself should I
:gunner::lineawline:desire that quick fix. Sorry, boys, but you're on your own.

:tbregis: "What's wrong with casual sex?"
:p2chell: -I'm often naked during sex . . . that's pretty casual, don't you think?

:cards::lineawline:At times I sit idle on a game's main screen to get card drops while off doing something else,
:cardback::lineawline:so if I don't respond to a message I'm not ignoring you.

:itsgrimm: "Unless you really are ignoring them."
:p2chell: -Well, yeah.

:bc_Swearing::lineawline:Trash talk can be fun, but try to be original and on topic. If your A-game is a collection of
:theboy::lineawline:random insults from jr. high -- then maybe you should stay up on that porch, little doggie.

:dh_assistant: "You wish I was little."
:p2chell: -The only thing big about you are your delusions.

:steamsalty::lineawline:Should you get salty and feel the urge to vote-kick or ban me from a game, go ahead and
:csgo_despair::lineawline:have your little tantrum. I'm accustomed to childish gamers.

:yazdguy: "I bet you think you're so good at this game."
:p2chell: -Actually, I'm terrible at this game . . . but maybe you're just worse than me.

:egged: ⁅ he called for a vote-kick after I knifed him and dominated him twice in Arms Race ⁆

:Flame_shot_weapon_item::lineawline:As a break from a heavy load of work and study, I game online for fun. I do not think I will
:mbomb::lineawline:ever understand why some people (read: adults) get so emotional playing GAMES.

:furious: "F*ck you, Razor! You are a camping pússy. You will NEVER win at Arms Race!"
:p2chell: -Well, I do have a vag so there is some truth to what you say.

:egged: ⁅ his reaction after I dominated him in Arms Race -- for the third time <me never winning>

:coffee_ggc::lineawline:I log on as a break from the real world, so I'm not here to discuss personal topics (work,
:messaging::lineawline:family, politics, religion, my love life, your current crisis, etc).
:egged: ⁅ however, there are exceptions -- you know who you are ⁆

:chris: "You sound salty."
:p2chell: -Not possible. I'm on a low-sodium diet.

:playwithme::lineawline:Yes, I play like a noob. Why? Because I have more important things to do with my life besides
:shockedhero::lineawline:trying to 'get gud' at video games. Now quit your whining.

:em1_doug: "You suck d*ck you're so bad at this game."
:p2chell: -You think a woman who sucks d*ck is a bad thing?

:note::lineawline:No, I don't care about your gaming skills -- put them on a job application if they're that
:redsportscar::lineawline:important to you. If you want to impress me, buy me a Ferrari.

:cutter: "I got your Ferrari right here, b*tch."
:p2chell: -Oh? Then you must have a very small . . . Ferrari.

:chat::lineawline:I'm honest, opinionated, and blunt. So if you think you might not like the answer, don't ask
:aoismile::lineawline:the question.

:frankie: "You talk like a guy."
:p2chell: -If you'd find me more appealing were I a man that's nothing to be ashamed of.

:square_love::lineawline:TESTIMONIALS -- More compliments and criticisms from my ever-growing fan club. Love
:square_angry::lineawline:me, hate me, or maybe you just don't :freebief:-ing care. Whatever your inclination, you're invited
:square_sleep::lineawline:to toast me, roast me, or ghost me.

:toast: "I read your Steam profile and loved it."
:list: -You have just earned yourself a place on my Christmas card list.
:toast: "Finally a person who makes sense."
:fistofdosh: -I also make dollars.
:litfireplace: "Stfu. I get laid whenever I want."
:secretary: -Your mom doesn't count.

:egged: ⁅ that's right, I went there ⁆
:toast: "I don't know you but great job insulting them."
:cchappy: -If you can't laugh at yourself, you can always laugh at others.
:litfireplace: "I typed grill instead of girl because I'm dyslexic."
:page: -If that were true you'd realize that's not dyslexia. What you are describing is dysgraphia.
:toast: "I just wanted to say I love your profile."
:foi1_masks: -Everybody does . . . except those who don't.
:litfireplace: "Nobody cares that you can speak a different language."
:point_left: -Apparently you do.
:litfireplace: "Gook."
:cancel: -That's a racial slur for Koreans. If you're going to be racist, know the correct terminology.

:egged: ⁅ so as not to look any more ignorant than you already are ⁆
:litfireplace: "Whatever, I hope everyone gets infected and dies. Including you."
:retro_questionmark: -Are your parents aware they are living proof that two wrongs don't make a right?

:oldmanglasses::lineawline:TOO FUNNY -- There are Freudian slips and there are Freudian bras . . . and then there
:tie::lineawline:are some very revealing Freudian undergarments.
Herah: Ok. I'll check it when I get home. I'm out for some pain. Waiting for my marriage.
Herah: Massage.
Razorgirl: Truer words may never have been spoken.

:lms_explode::lineawline:DID YOU KNOW? -- These facts may just blow your mind. Online gaming is no longer the
:greenstrain::lineawline:sole domain of socially-inept male juveniles. ( the following statistics are from 2018 )
❯ Almost half (43%-48%) of online gamers are female.
❯ About 70% of female gamers log on as males to avoid sexual harassment.
❯ The average age of an online gamer is 32.
❯ In the US alone more than forty million (yep, 40,000,000) online gamers are over the age of 50.

:woo::lineawline:ACKNOWLEDGMENTS -- I would like to dial down the sarcasm for a moment and give
:glee::lineawline:some mad shout outs to ...
... Fifth_Angel , Kimera , and TANJ-Erine -- my real world friends < I love you guys! > 💕
... Sir Roberts -- first Steam friend :partyhard:
... Guildenstern -- favorite casual gamer :fkdice:
... SooraPlayz and Chieftess -- CS:GO sisters-in-arms < Pew! Pew! > :csgogun:
... Herah -- 7 Days To Die fellow zeepocalypse survivor < Hamma time! > :youareahammer:
... McTash -- silver-tongue Welsh techie < Are you local? > :pals:
... Irradiated_Haggis -- Titan Quest hack-n-slash buddy < ni ni > :strike:
... SF_darkblazer250 -- Grim Dawn sugardaddy :maoicoins:
... Maj.Tryhard -- Fishing Planet angling instructor :fishing:

:ath_geek::ksenialaughing::rockzoe::lineawline:WITH FRIENDS LIKE THESE . . .THE MUSICAL:wa: There are times someone says "Hey,
:no5uniformmale::no5uniformfemale::jacket::lineawline:check out this song." Even if it's a sinister one. Yes, I'm looking at you, Jing.
Meng Meng Da --Thanks to my niece I can't get this tune out of my head. This is pure evil. :lol_emily:
I Couldn't Have Said It Better Myself -- Angie, you always know how to make me weepy. -520-:paperheart:
Like A Rose -- Tanjie, thanks (maybe?). But you of all people? :lmao_emily:

:hs::lineawline:ZOMBIE KILLING FOR DUMMIES -- Hole-in-one, z-shot, pop-a-top, lead-in-the-head, brain
:csgo_headshot::lineawline:buster, re-kill, put the zed to bed. A zombie-kill by any other name is still just as sweet.*
*If Shakespear were alive today . . . well, he'd be a zombie and I'd have to kill him.
🌽🌽🌽   :cozyhoi4eagle:
   🚴     ▌:gh_m_guts:
██████   :molotov:
██████                                                                                                        :helpmy:
:fans::fans::fans:   :walker::infected::firee:        :walkingbrad::the_bullet::dizombie::didezombie::walkerred::bossred:         :slice::rmcorpse:        :survivor:       :probarrow:              :straydog:               🌵🌵:kellycar: 🌵:rockpillar:🌵

:p2chell::lineawline:Hello. My name is Molly and I'm a zedhead.
:makethedreamwork::lineawline:Hello, Molly.
I am not joining a 12-step program. The way most zombies shuffle along, I'd be there forever.
"You're a camping pússy. You will NEVER win at Arms Race!" -- Felix the Cat
4 1
เล่นไปแล้ว 1,209 ชั่วโมง
DISCLAIMER: Review is based on the game prior to Danger Zone.

I really enjoy this game. The expected trash talk can be fun, if you can endure the juvenile and petty players that frequent the servers. I find the game works well for novices up through experienced veteran FPS'ers with the various play modes that allow you to choose games based on your skill level (me, I'm not very good so I stick with Arms Race and Casual modes). I have had very few problems with running the game, most were server issues and not the game itself. As far as hackers, like any game they abound but my personal experience has been minimal contact with them, and those I did encounter were vote-kicked quickly.

> Just a whole lot of fun
> A variety of maps to choose from
> Various game modes to choose from

> Players in competitive games can be a bit too tightly wound up (kinda to be expected, though)
> Whiners, rage-quitters, and smurfs

Just a friendly heads up if you see me in a game: I camp. A lot. Deal with it.
Herah 25 ธ.ค. 2023 @ 12: 03pm 
Говнокрад 3 เม.ย. 2021 @ 10: 57am 
А ты считаешь ♂bucks♂ в моем кошельке
И ты любишь только ♂Billy♂
Меня не совсем
И я вижу как ты смотришь на ♂F*cking slaves♂
From Russia,from my hurt and from gachi remixes
76561198055231123 25 ม.ค. 2021 @ 9: 40am 
🌸🌸 𝓕𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓵𝔂 𝓰𝓾𝔂=)🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸🌸
_ 🌸𝓦𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓷 𝓫𝓮 𝓯𝓻𝓲𝓮𝓷𝓭𝓼 𝓯𝓸𝓻 𝓯𝓾𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓮 𝓰𝓪𝓶𝓮𝓼^_^🌸
Herah 22 ธ.ค. 2020 @ 6: 37pm 
Herah 25 มิ.ย. 2020 @ 7: 12am 
Herah 12 ก.พ. 2020 @ 5: 04pm 