Eternal Cat
Aaron   United States
No information given.
Review Showcase
97 Hours played
I truly love the game which innovated a brand new game genres, completed all the contents and DLCs, and unlocked every achievement. This is my third time beating the game. The first was years ago on my friend’s PC and account during countless hangouts. Then, after they released the mobile version, I completed my second run through many sleepless nights on my phone. And now, the third time on my Steam Deck—also during several insomnia-filled nights.

About the game: the late-game weapons and DLC gear are like a full-on rave light show. Ten minutes in, I’m sitting there wondering, “What on earth am I even shooting at?” Honestly, the legitimate way to play this game is to toss it on Steam Deck, crank up infinite mode, and let it grind itself while I’m asleep.

I’m not happy with the recently added five Darkana cards—they’re basically built-in cheat codes. They completely ruin the experience, especially for new players. It’s better to turn them off and play the game as it’s meant to be played.

Love the DLCs level design! But here’s the deal—if I don’t use the OP weapons, good luck beating any DLC levels. And if I do use them, good luck seeing anything because the screen turns into a full-on fireworks display. It’s a vicious cycle, really. Send help.

我真的太爱VS了,通关本体及所有DLCs,全成就达成。其本身更是开创了船新的游戏类型。这是我第三次通关这个游戏了。第一次是在几年前在朋友家用他的电脑和账号打完的。后来出了手机版,陪伴了我无数个失眠的夜晚。这次,是在Steam Deck上。后期和DLC武器太光污染了,基本上过十分钟后我就不知道我在打什么了,开无限模式steam deck放一边刷一宿才是正确的打开方式。卡牌系统基本是这个游戏内置外挂,太破坏游戏体验了,尤其是新出的那几张,建议关掉游玩。dlc地图关卡设计挺有意思的,但是不用高级武器打不过,用了高级武器我就看不到地图了,真的很崩溃。
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