Mike Hunt
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幽默搞笑人屁话多不高冷好无聊啊 一起玩
Mike Hunt 21 Jan @ 5:51am 
@Strawdog Wyatt is not even that OP now that I looked into it. lol so what he turns off the generator big whoop dude tell me how that is even OP? if anything you should be praising them for the skill of being able to hit that shot from across the map instead of complaining. All I've seen here is crying family members who can't admit that these killers are OP they live in denial complaining all day but yet none of the Pay2Win victims are even that good. Bones and Hands literally ruin the game but you guys still complain and can't even admit that. People complaining about Johnny being useless yet he's one of the most OP killers, albeit fun to play against and somewhat balanced. The devs ruined this game yes, but so did the complaining family members.
Strawdog 13 Jan @ 5:27am 
Yes I did admit he's broken, as is Wyatts ability to turn off gen from across the map with his knife. It's ultimately upto the devs to buff/nerf abilities and until then we're all at their mercy. It is what it is for both Family and victims. If you're into solo queuing as a survivor player then it can at times be really frustrating absolutely. Just the same if you're a Family player in solo queue and the other players are doing nothing to cover their spaces or do area denial. At the core of it all is the devs pushing more updates and doing community engagement, that's really all there is to rectify the issues.
Mike Hunt 12 Jan @ 10:16pm 
@Strawdog This is the same thing every family main keeps copy pasting, but if you actually take an unbiased look, then he is OP. The fact he can jump down wells is bad enough, but even worse is the fact he can end the game in 2 minutes flat with blood build. You even admitted this yourself. All these family members went to cry about the same things you mentioned on reddit, but on those same posts they got called out by people who actually understand the game on an unbiased level and proved that he is actually OP. Go look for yourself. Also I'm not saying that some victims aren't OP either, but the fact is a lot of us don't pay for advantages or play in 4 man teams and those are the very people who's experiences are affected. This game used to actually be amazing and now it's been ruined by Pay2Win sweats. It's an absolute shame, because underneath all this it actually has great fun mechanics. The player count says it all.
Strawdog 12 Jan @ 9:44pm 
As a bones main, I agree he has builds that can be ridiculously OP for blood gathering and getting gramps up, but he's also the weakest as far as savagery is concerned and both savagery and endurance are bugged (currently), so he does minimal damage and gasses out pretty quickly. He has the abilities to navigate vaults, jump down wells (the last perk you can get on the tree for him) and jump out windows. However without those perks levelled and other perks to buff them (like wireframe for faster gap navigation) he's basically a hitch/sissy blend of irritation that can pretty easily be stopped for 10 seconds at a time with a grapple if the surv has choose fight on. The best way to counter him is grapple, even if you're a weaker survivor with lower strength, you can still usually beat Bones.
Mike Hunt 12 Jan @ 6:51am 
@SparkyNation bro stop trying to justify it. They are all bad every Pay2Win character whether family or victim. The fact is none of us were even using P2W characters while all you guys were whilst we were in solo queue. You are pathetic lmao, sitting here writing me paragraphs like honestly go get a life. You aren't doing yourself any favors by trying to bully the community out of the game either.