King of Pleasure
tracex   Czech Republic
i am Koksal Baba and there are some information about me:

1. The little dude is four feet tall.
2. What basically pushes Baba’s videos to the frontline is his diminutive stature, which stands on a parallel line with his ‘no-nonsense’ attitude.
3. The name of the internet personality’s closest friend is Süleyman Köse, who is also his video man. The pair became friends after getting in a fistfight when they met for the first time. Following the incident, the two became playfellows and have been documenting their adventures together.
4. Baba has a child-sized car which takes him around the town.
5. His friend, Kose, has a cafe where the YouTube star usually hangs out to drink tea. The cafe is located in Trabzon.
6. Baba has his friend to thank for his rise to prominence. As gathered, before stardom, Kose used to call people’s attention to Koksal Baba, especially on Facebook.

i am a profesional boxer and in free time i sing a songs. i am control a huge province of turke. i have one naval boat and cavalry out of bycycle, car and a dog. i also own a restaurant from where i prepare myself to another holy fight vs corupted turkey its my sattelite i can say. i hate water!!!

i wake up everyday 3 morning to go training then cycling to job zednicina and some people stay trashtalk how hard they lives are!
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6,300 hrs on record
last played on 3 Feb
5 hrs on record
last played on 3 Feb
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last played on 29 Jan
For english visitors:
I want to comment on a recent situation I witnessed when Klaceks, real name King of Pleasure, murdered very cute kittens right in front of my eyes. He especially looked out for the cutest and the most defenseless, due to his absence of a soul. It is only a bare container without positive emotions that is used to hurt others. Later, in more than one instance, I saw this being done with puppies, baby dolphins, alpacas and even small seals, who are sought after by the Prague elite as the cutest animals in the world. All of the above could have been avoided if the aforementioned hadn't stolen my DotA 2 friend Martin Karakokarovič's farm while playing as the Shadow Fiend hero. Since then I'm sure he's a really horrible human being.
King of Pleasure 1 hour ago 
My girlfriend is asking what a uneducated ♥♥♥♥♥♥ you are for writing alkpak
Cítím potřebu se vyjádřit k nedávné situaci již jsem byl svědkem, kdy Klaceks, pravým jménem King of Pleasure, přímo před mýma očima vraždil nevinná, velice roztomilá koťátka. Vyhlédl si především ta nejvíce roztomilá a ta nejvíce bezbranná, kvůli jeho absenci duše. Je pouze holou schránkou bez kladných emocí, která se vyžívá v ubližování ostatních. Později jsem ve více než jedné instanci viděl toto dělat i se štěňátky, mláďaty delfínů, lam alkpak a dokonce i malých tuleňů, kteří jsou považovány pražskou elitou za nejroztomilejší zvířata na světě. Vše výše uvedeno by se dalo pominout, pokud by právě výše zmíněný neukradl mému DotA 2 příteli Martinu Karakokarovičovi farmu při hraní za hrdinu Shadow Fiend. Od té doby jsem si jist, že je opravdu hrůzná lidská bytost.
King of Pleasure 3 Jan @ 1:27pm 
Hello nicolas cage. I already asked you to stop stalking me. Please do not harass me, only because you could not be a MVP of match. Thank you! PS: your movies suck
Nicolas cage 3 Jan @ 1:06pm 
avoid at all costs
lipa7 14 Dec, 2024 @ 8:40am 