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Đánh giá gần đây bởi Legion

Hiển thị 1-2 trong 2 mục
Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
717.9 giờ được ghi nhận (392.3 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
It's pretty good
Đăng ngày 15 Tháng 1, 2022.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
30.3 giờ được ghi nhận (25.5 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
The game is mediocre at best.

The combat left something to be desired and the platforming got a bit annoying and repetitive near the end. But I did enjoy that the platforming was difficult and you needed to really think some things through to progress, although the difficulty might have came from the fact I played this with a keyboard.

I personally enjoyed the story, but what I enjoyed most was the characters and their interactions and I wish I had more of it.
I stayed up all night playing it hoping to get into the post game to see some of the crossover characters I know and love.
I haven't played the post game yet, but it doesn't look to promising.

If they were to have a remake of this game, or even a continuation of the story then I would gladly pay for it. Especially if we see all the characters again.

overall it was worth the buy, but only because it was on sale.
Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 9, 2020.
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