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9 people found this review helpful
3.6 hrs on record
*Minor spoiler warning*
Limbo is a 2D Puzzle Platformer game released in 2011.

Last night, I played through Limbo for the first time and took about 3 and half hours to complete it. Overall, I enjoyed my experience and found the game to be quite fun, especially in the first half of the game. I did have a few issues, but I'll go into further detail about that below. If you want to go into the game not knowing what to expect, I'd say buy it play through it now - it's pretty good. If you want to see my full thoughts on the game, however, then you can continue reading below - just be warned that it may spoil a few things for you.

Firstly, I need to say that the visuals and audio in this game is phenomenal. Just look at the screenshots of the game. They're beautiful. The colour palette is very simple with only black, white, and grey - but this simplicity is its strength, as it helps to create a very thematic and immersive atmosphere. The audio is amazing as well, both the music and the sound effects help to cultivate a somewhat eerie feeling and immerse you into the game (it's worth noting here that I played with headphones in, so that definitely helped the immersion factor).

Adding to the atmosphere is the somewhat unsettling and disturbing imagery, and the variety of brutal deaths that can befall your character should you fail any section. You will die a lot - I certainly did. There's plenty of ways to die, form falling in pits, drowning, being impaled on spikes or cut up by saws. You can even be shot to pieces (literally) but machine guns later in the game. Plus there are numerous other ways to die. This is an especially strong aspect in the early game where you must avoid attacks from two distinct threats. First there's the spider which is suitably horrifying and scary as it persistently hunts you down to mercilessly impale you with its legs. There's also a bunch of other boys running around in the forest. They've built tree forts, placed traps along your path, and as you attempt to pass through, they'll even attack you directly with blowdarts. They have no qualms about killing, and you can find the corpses of other boys who have fallen victim to their traps. Another particularly horrifying threat are the glowing parasites that will latch onto your head a few times throughout the game. They take partial control over your movement, choosing the direction you face and forcing you to move - however you can still jump, and you get to control how fast you move (walking, running, etc). They are introduced when another boy walks straight into a lake and drowns right before your eyes. I thoroughly enjoyed this immersive and somewhat horrifying atmosphere, but I feel it fell a bit flat in the later half of the game, as you move away from the forest and into what appears to be some kind of urban area. In the later half of the game, the threats you face began more generic and less overtly terrifying. Saw blades, machinery, electrified surfaces. Though I admire the variety of threats in the game, these latter ones feel a little more boring than a giant spider and murderous boys. They also get a bit overused - especially saws.

In terms of gameplay, Limbo is pretty fun. It has lots of platforming and quite a few puzzles. As the game progresses both of these elements get more challenging and harder - sometimes a little too hard I think. I made fairly even progress throughout the game - occasionally needing a few tries in some sections, but near the game's end there were a few sections in particular which were very frustrating. I think the main reason for this is the game relies on quick movements and precise timing in some sections. Admittedly this isn't exactly my cup of tea (I prefer to take my time) and some people may enjoy games with these sorts of challenges, but I found it annoying at many points. The problem usually isn't that you don't know what to do, but rather that doing it can be somewhat difficult. One of the worst examples is the bug (Ant? Wasp? Not sure exactly what it is) which you come across eating something on the ground. To progress you need to sneak up on it by moving, then stopping when it looks up to investigate the sound. It's a fairly straight forward section once you know what you've gotta do, but the tricky part is getting the timing and position right to jump at the bug and grab onto its leg as it flies away. If you move too close, it'll detect you and fly away. If you aren't close enough, you won't reach its leg and you'll have to back away and start over again. Getting the right timing took numerous attempts, and it was quite frustrating. There were a few other sections that gave me trouble, but if went into them all I'd be here all day, so moving on...

My final thoughts are still positive. I want to say again just how phenomenal the audio and visual elements of this game are. Though I stand by my belief that the game falters in the second half of the game, it still thinks its pretty good. Just bear in mind that it can be frustrating at times, and often relies on specific timing, so if that's something you don't enjoy or struggle with, I suggest you look elsewhere. If you're fine with this, then I'd definitely recommend the game. I would also suggest playing through with headphones of added immersion.

I'd also like to mention that there are hidden eggs that you can find throughout the game. I only got two (I think they're like eight or ten in total) but if you enjoy searching for that kind of stuff you can probably get a few more hours of gameplay out of this game.
Posted 5 December, 2021.
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162.8 hrs on record (143.8 hrs at review time)
This game is now free to play so there's no reason not to recommend it. However, I only play this game with the Game of Thrones mod because I find the vanilla game to be lacking.
Posted 12 April, 2020.
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1 person found this review helpful
479.6 hrs on record (357.6 hrs at review time)
Yes I would recommend this game without hesitation - just make sure your computer can handle it! The War of the Chosen expansion is a must - the other dlcs are pretty darn good but not as necessary
Posted 12 April, 2020.
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2 people found this review helpful
4.7 hrs on record
Not fun. 0/10. Wouldn't recommend.
That's not my review. That's an actual quote from the game.

Cats are Liquid is an intriguing premise - a platformer game where you change between the three states of matter; solid, liquid and gas (poor plasma gets excluded). Though I don't usually like platformer games, I was hopeful when I first loaded this one up and after playing for about 40 minutes in my first session, I was surprised that I had enjoyed my time so much. Unfortunately, despite the great start I began to run into issues with this game.

In the controls menu the game gives the option to bind different keys to the various actions you take. For example, I bound the W key to going up because it felt more natural than the space bar. When I loaded the game up for the second time however, it reset my control setup. Everytime I load up the game it resets whatever controls I setup last time. This is a very frustrating issue with the game, though not entirely game-breaking it shows a lack of the experience from the developers.

That last issue was minor, but my biggest issues with this game are not. For starters, the story is just bad. I can't think of any redeeming qualities about the story of this game or the way it's told. Big white text appears in each level of this game which describes what the cat that you play as is thinking and feeling. Describe might not be the right word though, a more accurate word would be tell. I don't think the developers were familiar with the show don't tell rule. The text is rarely worth reading as most of what is written is either redundant, repeated, or just plain bad.

The worst part of the story by far is the ending. I don't want to spoil it for those who might actually be interesting in this game and the story despite how bad it is, but I will say that the ending is extremely dissatisfying and leaves a lot of the elements of the game and the story unexplained.

Remember when I said I was initially intrigued by the concept of a platformer that allows you to switch between the three states of matter? Well this game fell flat on it's face in delivering that concept in a satisfying manner. You normally play in the solid state of matter, though you can change to liquid to squeeze through tiny spaces and change to gas to float up. However the developers just couldn't help themselves and had to include different powers including a box you can take control of and a tiny bomb. I cannot fathom why they included these abilities and focused on them rather than focusing on the whole states of matter thing they were initially going for.

Due to this, rather than have a couple fully fleshed out, thematic and interesting abilities, they've instead got about four abilities that weren't utilised to their fullest extent. What's worse though is that not long after the game introduces all of these abilities, it takes them all away. I don't understand why the developers would go to the effort of creating all these abilities when you only get to use them for about an hour or so.

Despite my criticisms I do think this game had potential to be great, and honestly the gameplay isn't too bad. I've just got one more thing left to say. I've played about 4.7 hours of this game, but it only took me about 3 hours to beat this game and once I had beaten it there wasn't really much else for me to do. The last 1 and half hour I spent in this game was honestly just a waste of time. This game is quite cheap though - only $1.50. So if you're thinking about getting this game just yourself one question.

Is $1.50 worth about 3 hours of okay, but not necessarily good gameplay? If the answer to that question is yes, pick this game up and give it a whirl. It's only $1.50 after all. If you're looking for something to last you longer than 3 hours though... maybe give this game a pass.
Posted 4 January, 2020. Last edited 6 January, 2020.
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5 people found this review helpful
460.2 hrs on record (281.3 hrs at review time)
Xcom 2 has been out for a while now, but this game is still great and still worth coming back to. In fact, I reckon this game does some things better than the sequel. Would recommend it without hesitation to anybody who is a fan of turn-based strategy games.
Posted 29 November, 2019.
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1.9 hrs on record
Clustertruck is a very simple, but fun game. I would recomend it if you want some time to kill.
Posted 25 November, 2018.
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1 person found this review helpful
24.5 hrs on record (21.9 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
I enjoy this game, it is a sandbox game that allows you to simulate things with planets, stars, moons and other space based things. The only thing that I don't like is that the dev team is being rather slow with thier updates
Posted 11 June, 2017.
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94 people found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
62.1 hrs on record (48.9 hrs at review time)
Heroes of Might and Magic 3 is a great game, but this version was just a shameless cash grab that didn't include the expansions. Get the game on gog instead because this version is just plain awful.
Posted 11 June, 2017.
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1 person found this review helpful
1 person found this review funny
555.5 hrs on record (191.3 hrs at review time)
This game is amazing, I highly recommend it. 10/10
Posted 18 November, 2016.
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102.2 hrs on record (58.4 hrs at review time)
This is a great game that you can play forever, I highly recommend getting it if your a fan of star wars
Posted 5 November, 2016.
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