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5 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hài hước
1.2 giờ được ghi nhận
I was expecting the same kind of enjoyment I got from odyssey, but it didn't come close. Is there no assassination feature anymore? I crouch walked up behind a guy and my only options were "light attack" or "heavy attack" ... and don't get me wrong, they're cool features, and I imagine there's cool combinations of attacks, but it feels like the stealth element isn't really there. Kassandra wasn't an Assassin, she was a mercenary, but she could still assassinate. Why can't this guy?
There are so many negative reviews... and seeing it on sale I felt like I should give it a try myself, however, I haven't played for more than an hour and a half and I already strongly dislike the differences. I would've like it if it were more like odyssey, but Valhalla must've been made by different people, a different ubisoft, because this game is just not it. I would've played it for longer, but I kinda want a refund, even though I got it on sale. I've just done my research by this point and know that it just isn't worth the frustration and hassle.
Đăng ngày 6 Tháng 09.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
13.7 giờ được ghi nhận (4.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Surprisingly fun. Who knew making long rivers and railroads, connected trees and farms could be so entertaining? And why am i so particular about where I place things? AH, I didn't expect to be playing it for hours on end.... yet here we are and I'm about to continue.
Đăng ngày 1 Tháng 09.
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Chưa có ai thấy bài viết này hữu dụng
10.3 giờ được ghi nhận (3.9 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Haven't played enough yet to really say how I truly feel. But I unlocked a titan and that was pretty badass.
Đăng ngày 31 Tháng 08.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
176.7 giờ được ghi nhận
just started new game +, and I'm choosing all the answers I would've never said before. I went from "let's reunite the family" to "nothing will stop my extermination of the cult" killing everyone, being ruthless, not caring for NPC's like i did before. I'll lie, I'll threaten, I'll charge for my services.. yes, it's worth it. This time around, hunting down all the cultists that are around the world before continuing the story (post wolf).
Đăng ngày 22 Tháng 08.
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1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
16.5 giờ được ghi nhận (0.4 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Đánh giá truy cập sớm
Time to write a new review. (P.S. if you don't want to read this, then just buy the game)
I bought this game without much thought whatsoever. It didn't take more than a few minutes to be fully certain that I'd enjoy playing this game. It feels, in many ways, like a copy of Stardew Valley, except with nicer (or just different) artwork, interesting and entertaining dialogues between characters and response options, fishing is pretty instantaneous (no mini-game), and you can JUMP. Jumping is great; jumping over fences, jumping on monsters in the mines, jumping into the rivers and occasionally off of ledges. It's just fun, what can I say.
There were only a few things I didn't like or was just ignorant / unaware of in the beginning, like how I can only place chests in my house, it took me about two in-game weeks to realize I could buy a bigger inventory from the general store, I didn't start with all the tools I needed, and it wasn't immediately clear where I could obtain them all... long story short, I ended buying a pickaxe from the blacksmith because I couldn't figure out where else to get it (until I finally touched the request board in town).
After getting through Spring and beginning Summer, I felt a lot more comfortable with the game. I appreciate how the leveling works, really love that I can generate mana too (despite often forgetting that I have spells), and I had a lot of fun exploring the mines. Everything makes money, so throw it in the bin and you'll have thousands in no time. Always buy like 5 to 10 (seeds are 300t each) repeatable crops for the season (more if wanted) like strawberries, tomatoes, tea, etc. eventually it'll produce anywhere between like 600t and 1200t every 3 days, so again, money really isn't something to worry about, especially when you're just throwing every fish and forageable in the bin alongside every crop and artifact (that's been donated already).
I'm at about 16 hours in now and I've finished the mines (of what there currently is anyway) and got my town to copper rank. I've had a lot of fun with this game for what there currently is to explore, there's still more I'd like to do, and I feel like only good things will come from the game in the future.
(if you read this far, thank you, and I hope this was helpful)
Đăng ngày 7 Tháng 08. Sửa lần cuối vào 10 Tháng 08.
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9 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
265.9 giờ được ghi nhận (88.6 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I have to give this a positive review because I do love playing it... but I wouldn't be writing this review if I weren't upset about how ridiculous this game can be sometimes.... Although with that said, I have picked up all the DLC's. So, yes I recommend, but I must rant.
You start as a leader with bonuses for your empire, but if your leader dies, you lose those bonuses. Other leaders offer other things later on, but what's really annoying is when you never get to take advantage of the traits because they die much too soon. I was just playing as one of the Persian dynasties, a leader that gives a free promotion (strike 1) to all melee units made in any city and extra bonuses if you found the religion Zoroastrianism. Just before turn 12, it tells me that another empire founded that religion, so I wouldn't get said bonuses after all. I also had 3 cities going, all producing warriors and on the final turn before they were complete, turn 14 BTW, my leader dies for literally no reason. He wasn't sick, he wasn't assassinated, he just died without warning. He was 37, wtf happened. When all these warriors spawned a turn later, none of them had the promotion that they should've gotten. I feel like I have to restart the game again or play as a different leader because that's just uncool.
I had a similar experience with one of the Roman dynasties, where you play as Nero's Mom. It's a great leader because you get the spy master from the start of the game, however, it's not really worth it because once Nero is 15 or 16 he begins plotting against you, his mother, and kills you before turn 15. I had to restart and imprison him as soon as I possibly could just so that I could stay alive for a couple more turns... although it still wasn't long enough to put that early spy master to much use.
So, I'm giving this a positive review because as you can see, those experiences have not stopped me from restarting and trying again, but it has been incredibly frustrating that I spend a few minutes reading about these different dynasties and their different perks when the leader doesn't live long enough to actually take advantage of those perks! This is not like the civilization games where you keep the same bonuses throughout the whole game. It's constantly getting changed up on you. You, your court, your generals, and governors will dictate the output of your yields... and they'll die all the time... but it usually won't bother you unless it's your ruler. The beginning of the game should be about exploiting as much as you can from the bonuses your character provides for you while they last, giving ample time to do so without worrying about the ruler dying out of nowhere. Personally, I think that the starting leader should be able to last at LEAST 30 turns otherwise they are rendered obsolete. The first 15 turns are for making settlers and builders... so having them die just after setting up a decent amount of production is just stupid. literally ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ stupid.
There's a lot that I'm leaving out here... there's a lot that I enjoy from the events.

TBH, the game is best after the first leader is long gone. It's fun having a bunch of children and seeing them compete for the throne and choosing the best most capable for the job. I prefer young leaders with wise traits, the longer they can live and serve, the longer their memory will remain with the people. It'll create events generations down the line. Events are what make this game engaging. If there weren't as many events I would've quit ages ago, but every time I play there's always a new event that I haven't been through yet which constantly makes the experience feel fresh.
Đăng ngày 3 Tháng 07.
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Một nhà phát triển đã phản hồi vào ngày 3 Thg07 @ 1:18pm (hiển thị phản hồi)
2 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
4.1 giờ được ghi nhận
I was really enjoying the game until I got to the 5th stage, where I'm supposed to make allies... However, I found myself continually turning down the difficulty until I was at Beginner and even that was a bit much. It just takes time to build up a standing army! and i can't make any soldiers if my people are starving every two seconds because I need to output more food, but if I focus on making more farms then by the time the enemy forces arrive... I maybe have four or five troops and the militia technology but it just isn't enough. It would be easier if I was only being attacked by one of the AI, but instead it's like they all decide to attack me at the same exact time and due to their combined strength, it just feels unbeatable.
I was really enjoying it at first though, the first couple hours were great and I had a lot of fun. It was just when I got to stage five and couldn't survive more than ten to twelve minutes before multiple armies invaded... It's just too much. I haven't tried out the other modes yet, I've just been playing the campaign. Sad that I won't be able to finish it.
Đăng ngày 24 Tháng 06.
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Một nhà phát triển đã phản hồi vào ngày 24 Thg06 @ 4:11pm (hiển thị phản hồi)
1 người thấy bài đánh giá này hữu ích
32.2 giờ được ghi nhận (2.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
I can't stop playing... expand the colony.... protect the queen.... get more food.... I love this ♥♥♥♥...
Đăng ngày 9 Tháng 06.
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22.4 giờ được ghi nhận (8.1 giờ vào lúc đánh giá)
Worth my time. Great god game.
Đăng ngày 8 Tháng 06.
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0.0 giờ được ghi nhận
(While this is a positive review, I would consider it a mixed review)
This is not easy to review. I had a great time in the underworld, Elysium was difficult to traverse but had some good quests, and Atlantis? Well, it was beautiful more than anything else. My horse was useless in Atlantis because the running speed in the city is faster than the horse is. The quests were alright, but the enemies were ridiculously difficult to defeat. If I'm level 80, why am I still doing hardly any damage? My builds were fine, it's just that I could only assassinate lighter soldiers, heavies and elites, when they all team up and cast a lightning spell down on you, there's just no escape. I died more in Atlantis than any other realm COMBINED. I thoroughly enjoyed the main story and have loved the game overall, putting almost 150 hours into the game just in the past few weeks... But man... That last chapter in Atlantis was so frustrating that I don't think I'll be playing again for a very... very long time. I recommend giving the DLC a try as it is the better one of the two, but please, whatever you do, take your time and don't play in the other realms constantly or you may find yourself hating your game-play experience.
Đăng ngày 25 Tháng 02. Sửa lần cuối vào 25 Tháng 03.
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