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25.8 hrs on record (8.2 hrs at review time)
Man, these guys should check out what happened to Bethesda when they pulled these market shenanigans on the Atom Shop. The game is fun, but at no point will I financially support it. If there is a serious turn around in there marketing people will consider it. Release skin packs with the always intended low price, then maybe you will get some support. Stop trying to prey on the audience. You have good devs and a bad corporate leads. Fire the dude in charge and get somebody that understands market pricing when it regards a successful indie model.
Posted 11 September.
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52.8 hrs on record (7.9 hrs at review time)
Alright back to a positive review, I'm Doing My Part!
Posted 16 February. Last edited 21 May.
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36 people found this review helpful
33.1 hrs on record (31.2 hrs at review time)
PULSAR: Lost Colony

I'm not usually posting reviews. When I do it's usually because I feel very strongly for a game. Leafy Games You guys came out of left field and absolutely stole my heart with Pulsar.


When I was younger I was absolutely fascinated with the idea of space exploration. I watched every single show I could get my hands on that had anything to do with that subject. Star Trek, every season and release of Stargate. Hell I even watched Dark Matter. and time after time after time it blew me away, ending up in a new world each time I hit play. Fast forward to being an adult. All that magic is gone, the only way I get the same feeling is by loading up a new game with a new idea.

Thoughts on the game as a whole

When I booted this up with no backstory, no reading reviews, no nothing and within 5 minutes I am on a grandiose space station thinking "Ah you got me hooked!" Just when I think "I should go to bed I have work tomorrow" I find myself saying "Eh one more jump, one more fight, one more planet" Then I am locked in for another 2 hours.


For a small studio I love the graphic design. There is very clear inspiration taken from another all time favorite KOTOR.
Sound design is very well done between jump noises, ship damage and even ambiance its a home run. There are times I find myself actually a little spooked because I am so drawn into the drama this game can make.

One more big positive with this game. It does not try to be something it's not... This is the problem I had with No Man's Sky (Even though I want to blame Microsoft for that) When I jump around a galaxy in No Mans you know what I find? Nothing not a single thing worth jumping into the system for. A couple building some random life and maybe if you're really lucky a cool looking structure. Now Pulsar I jump to a system and BAM there it is here is the thing for this area. No walking around for 20 minutes to find it. No tedious "Platforming" Just content right there in your face. Warp to a world and look around, You see what I see? A very clear path for you to take so you can progress to what you want to do.

Ship to Ship boarding is exactly what I am after in a game like this. So what you're saying is I can sit on board as a science officer, or I can beam aboard the enemy ship and critically damage the life support. I can shut down the displays to all of their systems. I CAN LITERALLY EJECT THE WARP CORE and leave them with no power. That brings up the question "How is the gun play?" It's simple. But I assure not only does it work, it serves the game play very well. If I had to worry about complicated shooting it would take me away from why I boarded in the first place. To carry my weapons officer who can't shoot to save their life. I just turn the engines off and beam back so we can shoot a sitting duck.

This wouldn't be a real review if I didn't have an issue with the game. Unfortunately I have a really big issue with it... If you don't have friends don't bother playing the game at all. Do you know how hard that is to type? This is almost a 10/10 for me it's so close to that impossible rating. But unfortunately the game is listed as a single player. The AI is expansive and it's clear they worked very hard on it. Problem is when you over complicate something you write off the system entirely. This is not an easy game, you can't bounce between 5 different systems in combat. So when you give me a ton of AI that not only don't help but end up making the fight harder. That's when I start sending invites to players on my friends list I haven't spoken to since CSS. The fix is simple, Lower the price (Or make a lower price 5 game party pack) and take off single player from the tags. You do that and this problem goes away.

I don't want to end this on a negative note but I don't want to ruin the games adventure. So I am going to add one little tid bit that made me very happy to see. The boss fights in this game are outstanding, and they teach a very simple rule. Work together or die. It doesn't get more straight forward than that. Every Boss has a gimmick a new thing to learn as a group and overcome. I will tell you from experience when you figure out what that thing is and win you feel like you're on top of the galaxy baby.

Why are you still here go find 5 nerds and get to conquering the galaxy! 4/5

PS: Keep up the great work Leafy Games
Posted 24 June, 2023. Last edited 24 June, 2023.
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95.9 hrs on record (93.5 hrs at review time)

To start out my review, I gotta announce a quick apology.
Joseph I am super sorry, I should have made this sooner I honestly thought I already did. <3 Much love

Now let's talk about the game!

What if Diablo was a first person rougelike?

If it was, you'd end up with the grand slam indie Barony by Turning Wheel. These guys saw a gap in the market and took the shot, and let me tell you... Bullseye!

Over the years Barony has been polished and refined to perfection.


Starting as a dream to play a first person dungeon crawler with his friends. Turning Wheel's head developer made it his mission to make a game to bring friends together and rip them apart with a bolder. The gameplay was re-done over and over again. Meticulous balance changes and weapon balancing was done. Hit boxes where perfected the music matched the environments effortlessly. Everywhere you looked you would see a game that was made from a dream of a man and with his peer determination to the project. But even with all of this skill, the creator was not oblivious to his fault. And so he welcomed aboard a new member. A fantastic pixel artist to button down the already well made art. Just like that a few months later the game had a massive graphic overhaul that cemented this game as indie must play.

Why all the exposition?

Well I'll tell you why. When you boot into your first run of this game, you're met with a dark room and eerie music. You figure out how to open your inventory and see a stick, some books and a potion. But you're a good gamer, this game wont challenge you... That's what you think before you take that first hatch down and die to a rat. When you load into that first room for the 5th or 6th time that feeling of dread makes you appreciate well lit rooms just a little more.

  • Combat is fair
  • The pixel art is immaculate
  • Music is outstanding
  • Varying classes keep the game fresh
  • Exploration is a mix of scary and rewarding
  • Smooth multiplayer makes watching your friends die all the more fun
  • Unique enemies and bosses challenge the player to master the combat
  • Random map generation keeps you coming back for more
  • Secrets are everywhere
  • Achievements actually feel like an Achievement not like a party favor
  • Consumable items are everywhere to give you an advantage
  • NPC pathing is scarry good

    • Resolution scaling can make the ui very small
    • Original KBM binds could use a re-work
    • Boulders
    • Boulders
    • Boulders
    • Boulders
    • Boulders
    • Boulders
    • Boulders
    • Boulders


      It's mind boggling that this game has not taken home steams labor of love award every single year. This game is the only 5/5 I have reviewed thus far and it deserves every point. If you have stuck around through the ramblings of my review I'll make it easy for you to get back to the top and hit add to cart.

Posted 24 June, 2023. Last edited 24 June, 2023.
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129.6 hrs on record (122.5 hrs at review time)

Have you ever thought, "What's it like to work with Gordon Ramsey?"

Well, if you play this game for 20 - 30 hours, than que it up with someone who is brand new, guess what? You will be Gordon.

This is the flagship game for publisher Yogscast Games. As a Yogs fan myself it was an easy purchase. Watching Simon yell at his back end worker (Ben) about keeping the kitchen clean was my selling point.

A quick rundown and overall thoughts

This game has it all. It's the perfect bait. "Why Bait?" Because at a glance its a cute game. It's inviting, the colors and characters are something you expect out of a kids game. Eventually when you sit down and play it you find out, at about day 7 on a run... You got a line out the door. You're chef is spinning around pinging in a circle and not cooking. The waiter is cleaning the floors in the dinning room and starting to have a mental breakdown, because of the red bar above everyone's head . You figured out nobody's doing dishes and now you are starting to feel like a minimum wage employee at Olive Garden. Right about then you figure out "This isn't a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ kids game, this is real ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ life" That's when it happens... You are completely invested.


  • Fantastic Multiplayer
  • Ability to change every aspect of the kitchen
  • Automation
  • Fantastic upgrades
  • Intense challenge
  • Costumes
  • Varying game-play challenges
  • Generated map layouts
  • Rouge like difficulty increases


    • KBM Controls are awful as default (Rebinding is necessary)
    • Modding has not taken off yet
    • Challenge on small maps can be too much
    • Leveling feels a little slow


      Go play your new favorite indie game! PLATEUP!
Posted 24 June, 2023.
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1 person found this review helpful
747.3 hrs on record (745.0 hrs at review time)
Payday 2 is an all time grand slam! If you haven't played it you're missing out on a major winner. But before we get into the good let's talk about the bad (Overkill its only because people read the top and skip the rest)

The bad:
Even thought they have condensed much of the DLC the game has so so many. If you end up playing this masta piece consider getting the big version.


The community is horrendous (I am well aware I am part of this community and part of the problem) Hacking and exploiting with this game is at an all time high. People will cheat and tell you its because of balance, while they zip around the map snapping onto heads and spawning money and XP. Worst part about it is if you join they can give you money and XP which completely ruined the game for me, for some time.

A quick side not on that last point. This game absolutely shines when you play with close friends and you don't delve into random online lobbies. So if you and the lads are looking at picking it up so you can play as a group through a majority of the game ignore the last issue.

The story mode is a complete and utter joke. When it released the story was told in the individual heists which made exploring and listening to the voice actors far more entertaining. They had this right and changed it to try to open up the demographic. It is my experience that this change adds a new system that will never be used by anyone who enjoys the mystery.

Sneaking in this game is great.... When you're A: Solo or B: playing with experienced players. When you are playing this as a new player it becomes vary difficult to dived and conquer in your squad of rookies. When you play the Crime Spree mode you get one shot on every map to succeed. If you fail you go all the way back like a good rouge like. Which is a great addition for the player base. That being said on most of the stealth missions is one maybe two people going in and the rest of the players stay outside and wait for something to happen. Or if you have friends like mine they become bored and walk in to start blasting civs.

Last but not least you will find that when looking at new weapons to purchase after games you have quite a selection. But not really, the more you play the more you realize that instead of 300+ guns there should only be about 15. You eventually in play time figure out that those 15 guns are the only good picks for all around game play.

Now the good (You already know Overkill I got a lot to say baby)

If I nitpick on what I like, we are gonna be here all day so let me just layout the highlights and if you feel you need to know more either play the game or comment.

(Whoowh here we go)
Gunplay = Ohhhhhh yeahhhhh
Stealth = cheeks clenched 90% of the time
Multiplayer = easy breezy beautiful
Modification to weapons = you think it, they have it
Map design (Original Maps) = it's a highlight, and early DLC's are just as good (Late DLC's are lessssss desirable)

Additional modes = I got 745 hours on this account I also have another account with more and PS4 and Xbox.... Its re-playable

AI = It's silly but in a good way somehow
Money system = fair for the most part (Overdrill..... you know what you did Overkill)
Upgrade tree = You could play with this all day and find a new build you love every single time, it's remarkable
Voice acting = Get Inspire under the medic tab and you'll see what I mean
Pre Planning = Better than GTA
And so much more = every step back that this game takes in development it manages to take 3 steps forward

When you talk to the community they will tell you that one thing that was added changed or removed that makes them angry. Don't listen to that ♥♥♥♥. Take my word for it as a new player in 2023 play all you can before we get to experience Payday 3 (Overkill Don't you dare ♥♥♥♥ that up) Even when you think you're done playing this game give it a month, and you are right back to it. So what are you waiting for? If you read all of this you are already gonna buy the game. So get to it and get to rambling ramblers!
Posted 24 June, 2023.
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2 people found this review helpful
0.5 hrs on record
I Thought this would be a skill game but I couldn't shake the feeling that it creates new challenge by changing established rules. It was easy but the mechanics changing felt like a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ way at artificially increasing difficulty. It's a shame playing this and wanting to return it. Truthfully the demo on the hardest setting was super super fun. unfortunately the pivot from the demo to full game was too heavy. Between you and me this is one of the big reasons I wouldn't recommend and open demo as a dev or publisher. Application only and a larger demo to span more of the mechanics.

Some of the real problems that where inexcusable are as follow:

Incredibly inconsistent hit-boxes, Constant changes to players ability to navigate the map confidently which may temporarily increase difficulty it is only for a brief instance (If learned skills of navigation was reused later on it would be an issue) The gray scale is unique and it makes for more popping pixel art but when it comes to needing precise timing against small enemy's it creates an unintentionally loud screen.

All together this game had some real potential and with the backing of a name like Devolver Digital I am sad that it fell through. You guys had such a good running start the art the level design everything was amazing for 1-1 - 1-12 that demo was so much fun. But that fun ultimately vanishes as you hit 2-1 and 3-1 and 4-1 as you slam through the game it gets more and more frustrating from a design standpoint.

If you make a simple game it has to respond it has to have polish the sloppy hit-boxes is inexcusable as my biggest complaint. Devolver if this gets more polish let the people know it's not without hope in its current state
Posted 24 June, 2023.
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10.5 hrs on record (9.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
20 Minutes was originally 10 Minutes Till Dawn.

What does 10 Minutes change? To you and me outside of gaming probably nothing. To the fine folks at Flanne studios... Everything!

I was hooked pre-release that I played on my friends account. The extra 10 minutes the characters the weapons THE BOSS FIGHTS! Everything they added and continue to add makes the depth of this game immense. Not to mention the price. This is a short review but if you read through it you could have sold something in your steam inventory and picked it up by now... SO GO DO THAT IT'S A FANTASTIC GAME!

Keep doing great work Flanne and for gods sake Erabit get some more promotion going this game needs more love <3 4.6/5
Posted 13 October, 2022.
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1.6 hrs on record
Early Access Review
Games not yet completed enough to play with any sort of reasonable fun. The problem with heavy inspiration when creating a game is when you release (Even an early build) you have two options. Be as good as the game you took inspiration from, or be unique enough to create your own edge in the market. This game is super close to option number 2. Unfortunately when they went with PVEVP inside the space station instead of a platform where you can bombard and loot other derelict or otherwise ships, now you have encroached heavily on your competitor. This game could be fun in future. If I see the reviews cover some of the problems fundamentally with the game in future I will purchase it again. I'd like to request a refund for now <3
Posted 4 October, 2022.
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2 people found this review helpful
20.2 hrs on record (9.4 hrs at review time)
Still reading reviews? Stop, go and play the game. 19.99 is a very acceptable price trust me...
Don't ruin the game by looking things up on google or reading the reviews just buy it.
Posted 11 January, 2022.
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