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1 person found this review helpful
15.4 hrs on record (14.8 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
This was exactly what I was looking for after Alchemist Simulator; an expansion of the potion making system with new tools to use, and the ability to actually personally make use of your potions.

Although combat is rather rudimentary (weapon hitboxes seem about the exact same as enemy hitboxes such that it's almost impossible to avoid being hit and there is little to no telegraphing or unique attacks aside from the king slime fight) it is quite fun to destroy enemies with your arranged arsenal of potions, or simply to traverse the world with them.

The potion making itself is extremly enjoyable, with each potion a mini-puzzle to make the most use of the tools and ingredients at hand. In the early game you can make use of the recipes suggested by the philosophers stone, but by the late game your tools expand significantly, and it can become a puzzle to make potions with the ingredients most convenient to collect, or which you have in abundance. I rather amused myself by making as many potions as possible using only wool.

Overall, the game is a bit unpolished, and the aesthetics are unimpressive, but there's nothing else like it and the potion-making is rather inspired.
Posted 24 April.
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123.9 hrs on record (25.8 hrs at review time)
Many, many complaints abound about Victoria 3. I fear those folk were expecting a different game than I. Victoria 3 is now far more distinguished from other Paradox grand strategy games, focused wholly on economy. It is not a military map-painting simulator. Victoria 3 is about economy and diplomacy.

its warfare system is far, far less annoying than its predecessor, but also far less complex and micro-manageable. Warfare is now one diplomatic option which wages ones population and economy against another country. There is a lack of options and control to a degree, but on a whole I find warfare a step in the right direction, and it can replicate the slog of conflict that was the first world war on top of fitting the theme of being an economic sim first.

The AI is also not the most intelligent but that's standard paradox fare. I hate to use the excuse but mods have already fixed it so for the user who chooses the problem can be avoided entirely.

Speaking of economy, there is a lot of complaint regarding the command and micro-managing nature of the economic system.

if one could simply automate away a successful economy, what would be the point? I agree that perhaps there needs be more distinction between command economies and capitalistic ones, but there is more than people seem to claim, with investment pools and the significant change in revenue/expenses and what matters to you when switching to command economy. To me, it feels good to have the potential for precise control of my economy at all times, when it is so so important, just as others wish more precise control of warfare.

However, I must address that changes are necessary, but Paradox has a good reputation with making those changes. For goods there are production and consumption mapmodes, but as local prices are based on local production deficit/surplus, I would like to see a deficit/surplus mapmode. On top of that, better tools for automation or control of production methods may be necessary. Swimming through menu after menu to change certain factories production priorities is rather odd. I also find it strange that one simply can't make vineyards/orchards without also making wheat or corn farms?

Overall, a potentially great game in need of a bit of polish and change. I simply hope that Paradox sticks to what I find to be good ideas. They should find a compromise that keeps the core of those ideas but addresses the righteous complaints of fans of the series. w
Posted 27 October, 2022. Last edited 25 November, 2022.
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1 person found this review helpful
254.1 hrs on record (125.2 hrs at review time)
Deep rock is a game with charm. Rock and Stone!
Posted 16 July, 2022.
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6.4 hrs on record (4.5 hrs at review time)
This is a story of failure. But hope, also.
Posted 29 October, 2021.
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13.0 hrs on record (12.5 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
Overhyped. Okay. Lacking content. Has promise.
Posted 15 October, 2021.
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2 people found this review helpful
94.0 hrs on record (66.1 hrs at review time)
Posted 10 March, 2021.
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22.6 hrs on record (22.1 hrs at review time)
Enjoyed this game immensely. Thought there were some bits I wasn't as fond of purely due to the nature of how I broke up playing the game and the details I picked up on.

Make no mistake, this game can easily be considered a puzzle game, but its focus is on exploration. The combat wasn't the focus, but it certainly was fun. Fighting could be intense and satisfying, and by the end of the game your ship turns from barely-capable hauler to unbreakable fortress or unstoppable typhoon of dakka.

For the most part, however, I feel this plays more an entertaining background to the meat of the game; anomalies. A diligent captain should make note of everything he finds, as it just might be of use later to find hidden worlds and powerful friends. I, for one, loved immersing myself in the role of the captain trying to solve the mystery of the strange universe they may have stumbled into. Where were they? What happened? Was this the future? The past? An alternate reality? But also, how to defend the lives of my crew and of kite station, and to find a way home for those people.

Every planet scanned and every unsolved anomaly was a step into what felt like great intertwined mysteries. Not everything was significant, but most everything was certainly apart of the picture of the galaxy, for what it once was and for what it is now. History is evident, but it isn't simply spat into your face but something to be inferred from all the information you've found.
Posted 17 February, 2020. Last edited 28 July, 2020.
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330.8 hrs on record (239.8 hrs at review time)
Fun Building game. Solid Mods. Interesting weapon system. Much randomization.
Posted 26 May, 2018.
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2 people found this review helpful
6.1 hrs on record (6.1 hrs at review time)
Buy. This. Game.

Posted 28 December, 2017.
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2 people found this review helpful
56.0 hrs on record (18.6 hrs at review time)
This game was and still is extremely fun, the design was amazing, the sounds were just perfectly addicting and nice, the graphics were perfect, not too simple not too complex graphics, the whole experience was just perfectly addicting and fun, i would recommend to anyone that you should play game dev tycoon.
Posted 12 August, 2015. Last edited 12 August, 2015.
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