Virginia, United States
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Destaque de artes
I make SFM art oh Halo! What do you think?
171 15 3
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702 horas de jogo
Gaming got me into Garry's Mod

Garry's Mod got me into posing

Posing got me into artwork

Artwork got me into Photoshop

Photoshop got me a college major

College major got me a job

Checkmate adults who said games were a waste of time.
Reinboa 24/mai./2020 às 4:21 
hell yeah dude
Vintage Thief 20/mai./2020 às 3:47 
Adding you in order to add as a co-creater of a map and to tell you about .vvd bug with your quarry models pack port. Thanks
Cbum 17/mai./2020 às 5:18 
thanks for your workshop uploads! Can absolutely use these in scenebuilds
AndyMikeRust 16/mai./2020 às 19:36 
+rep Why you ask? Because gmod ground models, I serve my case.
memphisgong44 16/mai./2020 às 13:25 
o h y e a h
Axum 15/mai./2020 às 20:31 
Look forward to grass. Trees, however, are a different story.