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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 1,615.3 hrs on record (1,438.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 3 Sep, 2018 @ 12:44am
Updated: 4 Oct, 2018 @ 1:51pm

1.-first of all this is a simulation game if you are looking for a fast shooter you are looking at the wrong place this is more of a tactical shooter and you will die from just one well placed bullet.

2.-The vanilla game offers too little to tell the truth, is fun but everything is too short.

3.-Where this game shines is in its multiplayer and specially in its mods, this game is a diamond once its modded and specially if you are a fan of milsim(military simulation).

4.- There are some great clans out there that know what they are doing in terms of military simulation, and the experience of playing in a private server with one of those clans is fantastic, i was in a clan of people with a lot of experience(some experience from real soldiers, and some from people that were really into this stuff) and man it was fantastic, they had a modded server where the map (the map was changed to another one each month moreless or depending what the objetctives were in the zone) was always developing with new friendlies, civilians and threats, so when you were patrolling you didnt knew what to expect once you were out of the friendly zone, sometimes it was super boring as the insurgency was low in the area and other times we were surrounded outmaned and outflanked, most intense battles in my shooter games. there were also hand made missions where we will join other milsim clans and we cooperated towards a goal, each person just as in real life have 1 life you died you were out of the mission hahaha it was great. by the way usually it was like that when we were patrolling you die you need to wait to be reinserted wich sometimes will take a lot of time, and in oficial missions its just 1 life wich it made it super hardcore and fun as you value your life a lot.

in the end this game is a 9/10.
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