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Évaluation publiée le 6 juin 2018.
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212.8 h en tout (99.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Is Borderlands 2 still worth it in 2018? Yes, maybe, kinda.

Played on

X1 16GB Ram

The Bad

I feel like I really need to get these out more as fair warnings for people

Yeap fair warning, you are STILL gonna end up missing out on a couple story expansion DLCs and almost all cosmetics DLCs if you end up buying the GOTY edition.

- Performance has been anecdotaly eh for me, with my specs I'm barely managing over 70 at Very High most of the times but that could just be me. Even though there are a few Steam threads claiming the same thing with higher/similar specs.

- Unskippable intros
While it is fun to see the intro of a character for the first time... Not exactly the 5th or 6th time.
"ur just a lifeless ♥♥♥"

In a game franchise where you're encouraged to try multiple play throughs (at most 3 times for a SINGLE character, True Vault Hunter and Ultimate Vault Hunter Mode). You reaaaally wish you could have gotten something as simple as "skip cutscene" option would go a very long way. Especially considering how some people have multiple saves of multiple play throughs. It's not a huge negative but, a negative.

The Good

Graphics/Art Style:
Visually speaking I think Borderlands 2 has a "timeless" art style where even a 6 years later you can't really call the graphics or art style "outdated". The game simply has an art style which looks good to great thanks to how cartoony it looks. Where you can see other games like Elder Scrolls Skyrim heavily show its age, the game really doesn't and I find it still visually pleasing in 2018. While some effects likes fire and explosives etc don't really look as "amazing" as what we get in more modern titlesthey're still serviceable without you thinking "wow this game has terrible graphics".

This is also one of the rarer games that heavily benefits on the visual sides if you have an Nvidia card and have PhysX on. While some games like Batman or AC have it and you just go like "wow more smoke". Elementals (except fire) have additional liquids that actually interact with the environment in really cool ways, even debris and certain cloths from the environment interact with it.

Graphics are definitely a +

+ I've been playing these with my Razer Krakens and I gotta say the sound positioning is pretty great, this, CS:GO and Metro Last Light Redux are examples of old games that really help immerse you if you have a good pair of surround sound speakers or just plug in a pair headphones. Everything actually does feel like it's just coming from a specific side of your headphones. It really does add add a layer of depth into the immersion.

The music is an overall eh, nothing really memorable but nothing terrible either.

- However, I do feel like this does need to be mentioned. There are far too many moments where a piece of dialogue cuts out a newer piece of dialogue. For example, let's say I take a recording and it starts playing, suddenly my friend accepts a quest and the recording just gets cut in favor of the newer dialogue. This can even happen if you end up trying to take up too many side quests at the same time, which not shockingly does happen here and there.

So you can play as 4 (6 if you buy the GOTY edition which you should anyway) main vault hunters, a Commando, a Gunzerker, an Assassin and a magical g- a Siren.

I've personally only played as the Siren, Assassin and Commando so there's my perspective.

Z3R0 is more "melee" and sniper focused depending on how you build him. But I think he's one of the harder characters to use in my experience. His ability which lets you send out a decoy but also gives you extra (melee) bonus damage mostly does require you to constantly be in well, melee range of your target. While the bonus damage and your builds can be great I think he's a class that will only show his strengths compared to others the higher the level you get.

Maya is the more elemental/healing focused characters also depending on how you build her. Her ability at first allows you to phaselock a single target into a "stasis" form where they're lifted up into the air incapable of doing anything for a set amount of time. While at first all it does at first is just make a person immobile you can also build her to do things like make the target actually take instant extra elemental damage, give you and your teammates extra health while it's active etc. She's personally one of my favorites to use.

Axton is probably the most basic to use, you get a turret and well from there on then you can upgrade it (and you) to do more things like, hey, have the turret put up a shield, shoot extra missiles, or hell. Have 2 turrets in one go.

The gunplay does feel solid and the for the most part a lot of weapons have a unique distinct feeling to them. Most are great, some are just eh and some personally speaking feel awful. But that's probably a strength or a weakness depending on how you see it, what gun may feel "awful" to me maybe good to others. There are also legendary weapons which may have unique fire patterns or just bonuses like a sniper that has 6 bullets for a single shot.

Dying in this game simply sends you back to a respawn station alongside losing money. You can however try to get revived by your friend or kill an enemy to instantly get back into the game.

Skill trees
if you've played any recent RPG-ish games you know what skill trees are, if you've played Fallout they're essentially perks you get for each level up. For the most part these can significantly change the way you play. Some significantly change the way you can play a character while some are just straight up buffs like extra melee damage, more magazine etc etc. The skill trees also emphasize what weapons would usually fit who, like Maya the Siren emphasizing more on SMGs while Zero the Assassin more on Sniper rifles.

There are dozens of sidequests, ones that can last a minute or two or some that can even last half an hour. While some of these are just dumb short and plain ones some do try to expand on the game's worlds and characters. All of them having some guy or gal talk to you every now and then.

Levelling balance:
In a game like this everyone potentially can over shoot there levels too high, in this game's case you should at MOST be 3-4 levels higher than the suggested main story level as going higher than a level 5 gap may just end up with you getting 1XP or very low exp from each kill you do. Fortunately in this game's case you're most likely going to be somewhat under levelled for the next main quest than you are ever to be over levelled by the time you reach it. Which is why there's an abundance of side quests to do to gain exp for said main quests.

I find the levelling balance to be great-good depending on how you end up playing the game. While you can end up over levelling 5-7 levels for a side quests rarely have I ever went over too far for main quests.

New Game+
New game + is definitely a strength in this game, if you want to get higher level equipment and get more skill points you have to play NG+, or in this case True Vault Hunter mode. All enemies start at a level near yours (which should be around 30-32) and there's even added variety for most enemies. You really question how game from 2012 is capable of doing NG+ so well while a game like FF XV can barely get the minimum for it.

A REALLY fun game, however, I would suggest buying it ONLY if you have someone else to play it with to really enhance the experience. And just wait for a sale so it'll be super cheap.
Évaluation publiée le 2 juin 2018. Dernière modification le 2 juin 2018.
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3.6 h en tout (1.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Honestly what this game needs is a Steam workshop. It's good as is but anyone who isn't crap at a game, and I mean can't even work a controller or a keyboard and mouse can finish this game in under an hour. The platforming is fun enough and the music's nice but if this game had a Steam workshop it'd be a pretty damn good game for soothing enough gameplay.
Évaluation publiée le 24 mai 2018.
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2,078.2 h en tout (136.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I'd figure since this game is finally going out of beta let's just be a bit meme-ish and compare this to OW

Sorta joking but I'm just gonna do a quick comparison between my experience with OW and this. I'll be doing short comparisons on gameplay, sound, performance, visuals, and "social" potential.

I honestly found Paladins significantly easier than Overwatch has ever been, like legit, I can easily get top 3 with kills using a support and most of the time I'm the most useful in Paladins. Sometimes easily getting 10-20+ kills as a flanker (Maeve best girl ♥♥♥♥ u fite me) while getting less then double digits in deaths.

Overwatch however, if I were to take a similar flanker like Genji just switch the numbers around and dial it down a bit and more or less the opposite of good.

Now I think Paladins is easier because of the ways you can heal in the game, in Overwatch your choices of healing are either a skill from a character, your supports or finding med packs.

Paladins consists of your skill from a character, items you can buy to help heal, skill cards or just not getting involved in combat for a couple seconds grants you healing.

But this section mostly depends on what you like, I personally prefer not being over reliant on supports to keep me alive however some might not.

So the thing with Paladins is that sound wise it's still relatively buggy, when games end you might hear repeats of a certain gun being shot repeatedly and the bug even happens sometimes during top plays. Those aren't really big issues but it just sorta drags down the presentation over all. This isn't really a problem for Overwatch as far as my couple hundred games recall.

I think this is where Paladins loses this round. Imo. Overwatch simply just has a much better way of letting players take advantage of paying attention to their surroundings, something that Paladins is somewhat lacking. While yes both games let you be aware of who's shooting at what direction at the most part Overwatch just handles it better. Simply due to how Overwatch actually has a mechanic where the enemy actively actually is meant to sound louder than your teammates, not too any drowning degree but it's there and blends in pretty well overall. Even things like enemy footsteps can help you try indicating where they're coming from time to time.

Running this on a 1070/7700HQ/16GB Ram
And I gotta give this to Paladins, while this is purely an anacdotal section Paladins just simply runs better for me all around. I'm consistently capable of keeping 100+ FPS, mostly 120 90% regardless of what's going.

Overwatch on the other hand nets me some rather jarring FPS on occasions, sometimes going from around 100 to 60-70.

However one thing to note is that I think alt tabbing too much can destroy your current Paladins. It seems like the more I alt tab in the game the worst performance got. I actually got to the point where I was getting 30FPS maxed for whatever reason.

Visually speaking, Overwatch. While visuals are subjective it's really hard for anyone to say "I prefer Paladins' art style over OW's" without being a blind a fanboy, everything from maps, to hero designs just has an instant level of "wow this is unique" to it. I never really went to a Paladins' map and thought "wow this looks really good".

This is actually the segment which actually made want to do this "sorta review"
I feel like Paladins should really learn from Blizzard on how to make chat work in a game.

Paladins has little too much lacking that I got spoilt with from Overwatch
- Overall limited chat
Okay so when I played OW on occasions I can even make jokes around with the enemies and sometimes they actually do become my friends in game due to how there's a pretty big social reach there.
I can chat with my team, everyone in the match and whoever else I want to by just pressing tab and swapping between chats.

This isn't really possible in Paladins, in Paladins you only get to talk to your team in a round of Paladins and you're somewhat limited in that regard.

And what decade do we live in where I have to consistently go /r message (username) (content) just to reply? Seriously? Where again, in OW you can just press tab tab tab tab to switch between chats on the go that's not possible in Paladins.

- There's also no way to spectate your friends (at least as far as Ik) which sorta sucks when you decide you wanna play with your RL friend but he or me doesn't really know how long a match the other friend is going on for.

- hell you can't even chat when a top play is replaying. Which is again, something that OW spoiled me with. Where you can instantly react to what happened in a POTG/Top Play instead of waiting until you get back to the end game lobby.

+ There are a lot less quitters mid game in Paladins than OW.
Soo... if anyone's actually been playing OW recently you'd actually notice that a lot of people quit pre-emptively before the game even ends just because they died one too many times. However I don't really think this is a problem for Paladins since you're forced to play the game or quit and wait for it to finish before you can just go "quit match > Find quick match > Join game > repeat"

Price of admission:
40$ or... 0$

Well that was easy.

Extra tidbits I like that OW has but Paladins doesn't:
- I do like how Overwatch lets you see other player profiles so you can see what a player mained/mains just so you can get a better understanding of their skill.
- Speaking of, you can't really see how well you've been improving/worsening either, you can see a set amount of previous game stats like win/win/win/loss/win for about 15-20-ish? games. But that's about it
- You can't see stuff like your stats for this mode, your win/loss ratio, not overall or with a certain character. Overwatch lets you see indivual win/loss rates for a single character and time played with said character.
- You also can't individual configure keybinds/sensitivity for indivual characters. Something, again. Overwatch lets you do. So, you wanna use J/K/I/L as your movement keys for this certain hero? There ya go.

While I do think Overwatch is the overall better game I've actually grown to like Paladins, maybe it's because my aim and skills don't actually look like ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ in comparison but I do believe it really does need a bit more polish here and there,really question why you'd release it out of beta to begin with. Look at Warframe.
Évaluation publiée le 13 mai 2018. Dernière modification le 21 mai 2018.
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79.7 h en tout (69.9 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Final Fantasy XV Windows Edition – Thoughts and Opinion

Played on –
MSI GE73 Raider
I7 7700HQ
GTX 1070
X1 16GB Ram
1TB HDD – (Game installed here)

Where do I begin? FF XV has been a long awaited game that’s been announced over a decade ago and here it is in all its… glory?...

Final Fantasy XV is well, the technically fifteenth entry into the Final Fantasy franchise and well. It’s alright. Let’s get the good outta the way first.

Graphics –
This is without a shadow of a doubt, one of THE if not THE best looking games out there especially considering that it’s open world. Sure you can find good looking games like DOOM and praise its visual graphics but that is an FPS shooter that isn’t nearly as open world as this is and this just nails it in every department. Playing this at High and the details are phenomenal when everything kicks in. Graphics earn an easy 10/10

Facial animations:
For every great thing there’s a terrible thing to go with it. The facial animations are way below average in this standard, while I would expect facial animations that were awful in badly looking games or indie cash grabs… This?... One of the best looking games has some of the worst lip syncing as of recent times.

Gameplay –
The combat is alright but it’s arguably too simplified. You can just hold down the attack button and a series of chain attacks will be executed for you. If you feel like an enemy attack is about to happen just hold block/Dodge instead. Almost out of MP? Just teleport to a designated area and ALL your MP will instantly replenished.

I have not once actually got a “game over” in combat due to how easy it is. Even in the occasional times you get your HP down to zero as long as you’re stocked up you’re more than likely capable to continue the fight or run away.

Even than I did find some joy in the combat but it’s not particularly difficult assuming you’re paying some attention to it and have enough items to keep it running.

I’d give combat a 6-7/10.

FF XV is again a very pretty looking game from one side of the map to another but I find the exploration just a tad bit frustrating/tedious. In some dungeons your enemies (figuratively) are ladders, you’d think “huh I have a character that can essentially teleport anywhere, should be easy challenge for me to do right?” Wrong, in some dungeons you for whatever can’t just teleport to a platform supporting a ladder and just kick it down as so -

There’s also the problems with the vehicle’s limitations. You can’t control the default Regalia as you would in games like Saints Row or GTA V. Fine. Fair game however you can obtain modifications like Type F and Type D regalia, the former letting your car turn into a flying car and the latter becoming a monster truck which does let you control it like GTA V/SR with the caveat of making your vehicle look much less royalty than it should be.

Even than the problems align when you have needlessly stupid problems like invisible walls when you’re in the Type F regalia’s flight mode. There are certain areas that you can’t fly to at all for whatever reason. The game forces you to take a long turn back and this honestly just makes the Regalia more frustrating than fun to use.

Best part is if you try to land anywhere off the designated road you will get a game over screen. 100% of my game overs came from that. So maybe you just finished an hour long dungeon, decide to fly but the game didn’t autosave and neither did you. Well have fun knowing that you just lost all progress last hour because you didn’t land properly.

But the problem is the process is just a bit tedious when you want to freely explore. If you’ve played a game like Witcher 3 you’d know that calling Roach is just a simple both analog stick press and he’d come running.

The problem with FF XV is that it’s needlessly tedious. You can’t just call your Chocobo in, run around, get in a fight than ride it again. Now call me out or some garbage because “it sounds easy”. It does sound easy, but it gets needlessly tedious.
Here’s how you call a chocobo in FF XV
You gotta hold R2/RT, shuffle through 2-3 menus, call your chocobo, wait for Noctis to whistle for it then it’ll come.

Here’s how you call Roach in Witcher 3 -
Click both analog sticks. Geralt calls for him, done.

Now the annoying part is when you get into combat, the likelihood of your chocobo going missing is pretty high, sure there’s instances where it doesn’t automatically de-spawn but those are pretty rare. So you constantly have to repeat the process.

While the exploration can be fun it has a lot of pretty annoying problems that make it slightly less so.


Without any real spoilers the story is about Noctis and his boyband of Ignis, Prompto and Gladiolus trying to prove Noctis’ spot as the king of the throne. While these guys are actually pretty good characters I honestly can’t say I liked much of anybody else.

Main Story:
Complete and utter disappointment, the pacing is honestly awful and all over the place. Fair warning and minor spoiler, in chapter 8 make sure before you go off to a certain land with a boat. Save. Beyond that point you are essentially forced to play all of the game’s main story and it just kinda goes downhill from there. While it did get better in the final act I just thought the main story was overall disappointing and by the end of it I just went “that’s it?...”

Now it could just be me but unfortunately I finished the main campaign in 30 hours… Before you call me a “♥♥♥♥♥♥, u rushed teh geym”. Do you honestly think I did it on purpose?... I EASILY spent 80 hours on a single Witcher 3 save, and here’s why I ended up spending 30 hours instead of 80+ on a save.

The main story is far too under-levelled if you decide to do the game’s hunts and side quests. Without even knowing it I was already 10-15 levels ahead of the main story’s designated levels. So I just thought “oh well I’m probably gonna one shot everything at this state” which isn’t the case in XV but is the case in a ton of RPGs I’ve played in my past experience. So don’t go ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ about how “I rushed the game on purpose”. The thing with Witcher 3 is that I was more than capable of doing a ton of sidequests and I still never felt like I was over levelled. I don’t think I ever was asides from maybe 2-3 levels ahead.

Side quests:
These… honestly don’t fare much better from what I’ve played so far. A lot of the side quests really do just feel like fetch/hunt quests which is disappointing. Most of them hardly really expand the characters to make them any more likeable but you may get to know more about them.

Where games like Witcher 3 make even things like bounty hunts have some emotional attachments these don’t. Hunts are just hunts and fetch quests just feel like fetch quests.

Overall story is a 5/10.

On a side note:
Episode Ignis is EASILY a 9-10/10. This entire DLC episode feels much more competently done than most of the game’s main story. This is easily one of the best ways to expand on an already existing character from someone that was just there to someone you can actually love and appreciate. While I do say DLC Windows Edition already has all Episodes available for free and installed.
Conclusion and nit-picks:
Was FF XV worth the 10 year wait? Nope. Graphically speaking this is the only thing the game genuinely excels at. Asides from that everything else just seems like it’s above average at best.

Now I didn’t really know where to put this but there’s also the annoyance of accepting and reporting in completed hunts. Let’s say you took up 10 hunts, you complete all 10 of them and you wanna report them in. The problem with reporting is that the game doesn’t just tally up all hunts in one go, instead ya gotta manually wait 3-5 seconds for the game to say “hey nice job” for each hunt. “You’ve done
Évaluation publiée le 16 mars 2018. Dernière modification le 16 mars 2018.
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322.4 h en tout (260.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
I'm prefacing this by stating that my older brother actually put in most of the time in SP mode only thanks to mods while I've only personally put 20-30 hours. And I'm writing this review from a perspective of someone that games on the go. A lot.

This "review" isn't really about the game itself but the ♥♥♥♥♥♥ practices it has more.

It's a fun game yes but you have to ask yourself these questions:
1. Do you always have an online connection?

2. Will you actually want to play the game's multiplayer for a long duration?

If you answered no to one of them I wouldn't get it if you haven't already.

1. Rockstar social club has an "offline" mode... It does... But what the actual flying ♥♥♥♥ is the purpose of having an "offline" mode in the R* launcher, not Steam's offline mode if you're STILL gonna need an online connection to "authenticate" your purchase pretty much every 1-2 times you turn off and on your computer.

Sure you just need to go online on Steam, launch the game online then close it and disconnect your internet then relaunch the game without internet but really? The R* launcher has an actual "offline" mode option but it's not even usable.

2. Here's my problem. The game itself constantly updates with multiplayer content that I DON'T want. Whether you actually play the multiplayer or if you just want to ♥♥♥♥ around in Single player it doesn't really matter. Still gonna be forced upon yourself to download the GTA:O content.

And no I'm not writing this "review" on his behalf. I'm just baffled as to how it is objectively better to own a pirated version of this game if you have no intention to play the multiplayer content. You don't need an online connection to play SINGLEPLAYER content, it takes up less disc space. Which wouldn't be a problem if the game was around the -teens size but we're talking about a game that's over 60GBs.

So we're talking about potentially 60GBs of useless junk if I were to end up somewhere that doesn't have any internet access for a couple days.

Before you GTA:O ♥♥♥♥ go "GtA V is AbOuT OnLinE noW"

Please ♥♥♥♥ off. I have already hinted that my older brother has personally spent over 200+ hours in singleplayer alone. I myself would spend much more if it meant I could actually play something I rightfully purchased anytime, anywhere I wanted.

Évaluation publiée le 13 décembre 2017.
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7.0 h en tout (4.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Well I just finished this... "Game"...

Have you ever had a game where you first go " OHHH you're all so adorable!" And feel your heart go doki doki? But the very next hour you feel genuine spooks and dread that even something like this years it couldn't even handle. To "what the ♥♥♥♥" in the 3rd hour and in the end you were just emotionally exhausted to the point you didn't even know to care about at the end of it all?

Jesus someone please hand me a Nep game already, I did not sign up for this at all.
Évaluation publiée le 25 octobre 2017.
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583.4 h en tout (69.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Fallout New Vegas: Ultimate Edition Review:
Tl;dr can be found below.

Fallout New Vegas is in my opinion the best Fallout out of the 3, New Vegas and 4. However, is New Vegas still a game that holds up after so many years?


Intro -
Fallout New Vegas puts you into the shoes of a courier with little to no background outside of the fact that you were a courier. You are shot and left for dead by a mysterious character but you are eventually saved and awaken in a doctor’s house. After that it’s up to you whether you want to explore the Mojave Wasteland helping everyone, hunting down the person that left you for dead or kill almost anything and everything.

At the same time, a fight is brewing up between 2 major factions. The New California Republic and Caesar’s Legion in order to take control of the Mojave Wasteland… with a few wild cards hidden around the table. It’s up to you as to which side you’ll help.

I personally like Fallout New Vegas the most out of the 3 because of how the story is executed. The setting’s that’s given to you doesn’t exactly force you into a position or an idea where you should be focusing on the main story in comparison to 3 and 4. In both of those games the main story makes you find a family member which does makes sense, finding a missing family member should be your top priority but at the same time… A town I’ve hardly been in is going to get nuked? Well I should help blow it up, or disable a nuke. What about that settlement? That settlement needs my help? Man I should do that too.

New Vegas’ premise is somewhat logical, you get shot in the head by someone, you wake up in a doc’s house and that’s how the story starts. This gives you a lot of potential for role play. Do you want to be a vengeful ghost that wants to hunt down the bastard that shot you? Do you want to just feel grateful that you somehow lived for another day? Maybe you just want to hunt the guy and finish up your delivery. Go ahead, the premise doesn’t exactly make you feel rushed to do the main story.

I’ll try to explore a bit more of the story in the RPG aspect.

FPS aspect –
Easily the worst aspect of the game. It’s not exactly terrible, it’s just above usable. Nobody really goes to a Fallout game hoping for good a great FPS. The FPS aspect has not scaled well especially in comparison to other games like Fallout 4 or other FPS based games like Battlefield or Titanfall. So if you want a good shooter stay away from this and Fallout 3, you will be really. Really disappointed.

Role playing –
Now, this, this is what I can get into and why this is arguably the best Fallout game out of the 3. The role playing aspect is really good and should be a standard for a Fallout game. What do I like about New Vegas? There are many ways to handle a certain situation and I don’t mean big main quests only, even small quests that ultimately don’t effect the big picture of things has an array of ways to settle things.

What if someone tells you to get rid of another. Do you want to kill them and go on a violent rampage? Sure go ahead. Maybe you want to be an intelligent and charismatic person that wants to talk your way through things.

What I like about New Vegas is the way you can handle quests. For the most part, you can either kill the side you’re against, make a compromise or even betray the side you were with in the beginning in favor of the one you were hunting down. However, in Fallout 4 what I experienced most was that I had to end up killing one side or another to live.

Even through dialogue the game stands out as well. Maybe you can spec yourself to be charismatic so Charisma based dialogues might show up once in a while that’ll help you get through some conversations, even intelligence and perks could help you out. Hell, there's even a a lot of actually dumb dialogue options if you cripple yourself to have really, really, low intelligence.

Companions aren’t too great in terms of ya know, actually being companions but I do find their company good enough. They're not great as combat companions but they're good enough to do some damage or be another decoy. After visiting a few places with them you do eventually unlock special quests for them to give that character some depth. I did end up liking a lot of the characters more after doing their quests but not all of them.

Crafting and trading –
The crafting can help you out with the game in order to survive but I personally never felt that it was essential. Mind you I never played Hardcore mode. You can collect certain plants, meat from animals etc in order to create special items.

Bartering allows you to buy and sell things that you may want or need. It’s alright but nothing huge I suppose. It’s a decent way to handle inventory management.

I never personally liked the music in New Vegas, outside of the main menu music but that’s about it. I won’t talk much about the music since it’s really just personal taste.

Yeap, this game and 3 definitely does not look great in today’s standards. Just look at any screenshot today, they are objectively bad in today’s standards even at Ultra settings.

Performance and stability:
The actual game runs fine on my rig, i5 3300 and an AMD 7750. Ultra settings at 60 FPS but the problem with New Vegas is the stability to run the game… I recently tried playing New Vegas again and I had a lot technical issues. The game had too many infinite loading issues, sometimes when I used my mouse I ended up clicking back to my window. In fullscreen. Sometimes the game wasn’t even capable of starting up which is really only my real negative. Although this is more of a user may vary issue.

Oh New Vegas’ and about every other Bethesda (In this case Obsidian’s) RPG’s way to survive for so long. The modding community is still considerably active for this game and does help give the game a lot of depth in terms of gameplay. The modding community really does help to make the game feel more enjoyable or even give it more content. You want a mod to make the shooting better? There’s that, want a new quest line? Sure there’s tons. Even some mods to make the game look much better. Now don’t expect this game to look like GTA V or For honored post modding. You will just get a better looking New Vegas. From what I’ve seen even the “best” mods will have no graphical jump like when you see ultra GTA IV vanilla vs adding some “hyper realistic ultra” mod.

If you’re looking for an almost excellent RPG and don’t mind sub-par shooting system alongside okay levels of graphics you should definitely check this game out at during sales. Get the Ultimate Edition for a couple more dollars but a lot more content. The game also has a great modding community which is a huge bonus and it could also help with the 2 problems I just stated above to some extent.
The game’s stability is more dependent on how messy your mods end up being and generally due to how well the game itself is. I personally had a lot of endless loading screens, crashes mid game and even start up and I hadn’t even installed mods at the time. So you’re taking some risks but this isn’t some huge issue that’s effecting everyone or a huge majority.

Would I suggest buying the game even now? Yea, if you see this game on sale and have some interest in it go ahead. You’ll have some fun.
Évaluation publiée le 24 février 2017. Dernière modification le 25 février 2017.
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5.2 h en tout (4.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Quick side note before the actual "review": Hey Steam, hopefully Steam Direct won't let garbage like Slaughtering Grounds come onto Steam but let games like this continue to entering Steam's store page.

Tl;dr can be found below.


Combat -
The gameplay is pretty simple, you just move to the direction of an enemy and you'll automatically(?) hit them when you're touching them. There's nothing too engaging like other games like Cross code. The combat system just dumbs down to, you do damage, you take damage that's really how fights work in the game. In the dev's defense he made this game with the idea that it's meant to be a relaxing game so you don't have to constantly put a lot mind and effort into it.

You unlock 4 different skills as you progress, although they are powerful I've never personally felt like I needed to use them or have been pressured into doing so. This is due to how the game's combat works, the majority of mobs never initiate a combat with you nor do they actually continue them. You can be in a room filled with 5-10 mobs but in the end you really only end up fighting one at a time. You can however use one of the AOE attacks to attack multiple ones at a time.

The RPG aspects are pretty simple and doesn't require any huge inventory management or whatever. This does go into the combat a bit, the combat's difficulty also does dumb down to who has the better stats and equipment. For the most part, the only RPG is grinding for materials which is luckily not that difficult or drawn out. Every piece of equipment is just a direct upgrade of the other, there's nothing like "this weapon has higher crits but lower damage than that one..."

Oddly enough you know how to build all the equipment/equipment upgrades without any problem, you don't have to learn or search for an upgrade for this or how to make that. They're automatically there in your menu. There's only 1 instance where you could arguably "miss" a recipe for a weapon and armor although you technically can't miss it for any reason.

There's not many actual decisions you make throughout the game outside of the endings so not too much in the story RP aspect.

Asides from the beginning and some boss fights I never actually felt too pushed or huge difficulty spikes when I was playing it. The game arguably isn't all that grindy, I'm not saying you can skip all the grind and immediately just walk through the game with no difficulty but the grind is pretty abysmal.

There is a certain dungeon the game offers you to grind for levels and materials but I'd argue that you'd only need to run them 4-6 times, (one run being 3 minutes at most) to comfortably be at a decent level to fight the other enemies but the numbers maybe an over exaggeration because that may have caused my overall experience to be too easy? By the time I made it to the 2nd dungeon I've pretty much had no issues one-two shotting all the normal mobs up until the end with my default attacks.

The story is pretty basic, you seek out your sister that went somewhere dangerous. That's really all that could be explained without much spoilers given. The story isn't really ground breaking or inventive and I personally believe you can see where it's going if you've seen enough anime or entertainment in general. It's good enough.

My only gripe is that the only characters that are developed enough are the main character and the sister you're looking for. There's also a fairy that does join you but she just kinda serves as a information guide for when the MC doesn't understand something. You do meet a certain character but she unfortunately just serves as a plot device to progress through the main story.

The interesting thing is you somewhat feel like the dev really wanted to expand on his world but since this is his first attempt at a game he just limited himself to the main story line. Really hoping that the dev takes the feedback and tries to expand the world in the 2nd game. The 3rd/true(?) end might imply that the dev wants to make a 2nd game in the series since it ends in a cliffhanger of sorts.

There isn't some huge array of music but there is enough variety for what you would expect from a F2P.

The ♥♥♥♥ here are mostly just small nitpicks but they still somewhat annoyed my experience.
- This is a game made by a Taiwanese(?) so expect a lot of grammatical errors, they never really bothered me up until the end since the ending seemed to have a lot of them.

- Game doesn't scale to well at fullscreen, but this is somewhat expected considering it's using pixel graphics.

- The UI is a bit annoying to handle especially when you're trying to upgrade equipment to its superior version, due to how the UI works you can't equip something or else the menu would assume you don't have the requirements to upgrade it.

For example, if I want to upgrade a sword to a mk II I'd need a Mk I version, the problem here is that if I'm equipping the Mk I version the game would assume I do not have one so I have to unequip, upgrade it than equip it again which kinda gets annoying when you have to do this for a few seperate items.

Those are really my only actual gripes about the games.

Afaik, they are currently working on the 2nd game and I'm really hoping the developer takes in the feedback and greatly improves on what he built in this.

When a game like this is given out for free while a lot of Greenlight trash tries to charge you, this game is really good.
- Gameplay is definitely not the greatest strength but it's usable
- Basic RPG aspects
- Decently executed story.
- It's free and it's also their first game.
- A small bit of grind but the grind does feel rewarding.
- No huge difficulty spikes.
- Short but good story.

If I had to give a rating I'd give it a 7/10. I personally won't heavily critique this game over every small problem since this game is ultimately a launching platform for a small dev team. Hopefully this series will become something great and really hoping the 2nd game improves on what we have.

I'm not going to be a dbag and give this game a negative although I'm aware of its technical issues. Why? because it doesn't really deserve one, it's not made by AAA devs nor does it ask for a premium price.
Évaluation publiée le 15 février 2017. Dernière modification le 15 février 2017.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
76.4 h en tout (28.1 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Running with:
i5-3330 CPU @ 3.00GHz
8GB Ram
AMD 7750 1GB

And for about a week or so I have yet to experience any real performance hits.

I play games like Warframe and Overwatch with relatively no issues while the backgrounds are in the background and there hasn't really been any huge difference between loading things if any.

Pretty good if you just want live wallpapers.

The only real Pro/♥♥♥ would be...


As of now the workshop is FILLED with anime wallpapers. So if you aren't into that type of stuff you might wanna stray away from this for now... Not saying there isn't non anime related live wallpapers but the amount of anime wallpapers easily destroy the rest.
Évaluation publiée le 31 janvier 2017.
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