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Nylige anmeldelser av nugz

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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
331.3 timer totalt (289.3 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Decent game. I'll reccomend it but after putting about 300 hours in I think im pretty much done with it. Very fun and exhilarating in the beginning but the feeling dies down after a while, and the gameplay becomes anoying. I'm sure you'll get your moneys worth.
Publisert 22. juni 2018.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
7.4 timer totalt
Publisert 11. desember 2017.
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1,555.1 timer totalt (801.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse av CS:GO
Lets be honest you probably already have this game.
Publisert 2. desember 2017.
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3 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
77.4 timer totalt (33.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

Everyone dealing out negative reviews needs to take a chill pill. This game is a serious step up from the later COD titles and I'm impressed. Is this the prefect game? NO, but it is a good one. If you buy this game with the the sole intention of nit picking every little thing the devs do wrong just to continue bad-mouthing COD you're stupid. This game delivers on the COD experience that it has long been deprived of.

It's relatively straight forward. This game is EXACTLY what it looks like. Go watch gameplay. Solid graphics, good gunplay, decent multiplayer maps, entertaining campaign (though not the best). I'm giving this game a positive review and I haven't even played the zombie mode yet. The only debatable thing is the $60 pricetag. COD has and always will be a $60 title. If you're a fan of old boots on the ground Call of Duty then buy this game. If you're unsure, instead of reading the negative STEAM reviews head over to youtube and watch some videos of raw gameplay.

And please, if you're buying this game to learn the history of WW2, go to school. This game is fictional, who cares if they change some small things.

EDIT : The portion of the the campaign where you have a short tank fight is probably the worst thing in the entire game. Moving the tank and aiming the cannon on top is ridiculously hard and not fun at all.
Publisert 12. november 2017.
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6 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
7.8 timer totalt (5.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)

Everyone dealing out negative reviews needs to take a chill pill. This game is a serious step up from the later COD titles and I'm impressed. Is this the prefect game? NO, but it is a good one. If you buy this game with the the sole intention of nit picking every little thing the devs do wrong just to continue bad-mouthing COD you're stupid. This game delivers on the COD experience that it has long been deprived of.

It's relatively straight forward. This game is EXACTLY what it looks like. Go watch gameplay. Solid graphics, good gunplay, decent multiplayer maps, entertaining campaign (though not the best). I'm giving this game a positive review and I haven't even played the zombie mode yet. The only debatable thing is the $60 pricetag. COD has and always will be a $60 title. If you're a fan of old boots on the ground Call of Duty then buy this game. If you're unsure, instead of reading the negative STEAM reviews head over to youtube and watch some videos of raw gameplay.

And please, if you're buying this game to learn the history of WW2, go to school. This game is fictional, who cares if they change some small things.

EDIT : The portion of the the campaign where you have a short tank fight is probably the worst thing in the entire game. Moving the tank and aiming the cannon on top is ridiculously hard and not fun at all.
Publisert 11. november 2017. Sist endret 11. november 2017.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
16.0 timer totalt (12.0 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Anmeldelse fra tidlig tilgang
Awesome game. Convince the guys in your gaming group to buy this game, turn on random shapes, collision and jumping then let the fun chaos begin.
Publisert 8. mai 2017.
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4 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
15.1 timer totalt (10.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Review off first impression

Played the original Outlast on nightmare so I thought I could do it on this one too. Boy was I wrong.

I know I haven't really put a considerable amount of time into the game yet, but all I have to say is wow. I'm not going to get technical, but just the raw terror this game made me feel in the first 20 minutes of playing... I'm just speechless. This is gonna be one tough game to get through.

Review After Extensive Gameplay

First of all let me say that this game was great. The people who gave the game a negative review are WAY TOO CRITCAL. This game had me sweating and frequently pausing just so I could calm myself down to continue playing. The story was compelling, and I enjoyed almost every portion of this work of art. Now I'm not gonna write a lengthy pro and con list, just be aware that the pros far outweigh the cons. Truly, the only con worthy of mentioning are the all too frequent chases, but I'd be lying if I didn't say they get the blood pumping. I do wish you could sneak around better in the game, but it's cool how the game forces you to think on your feet. You will die. You will die alot. The trial and error will get you annoyed, but the sense of relief you get (and renewed fear) will make you feel... better... kinda?

Anyway, with all that being said I would DEFINITELY recommend this. The graphics, the animations, the enemies, the environment, the story, the new microphone and bandage mechanic, the recordings but most of all the graphics (yes I know I repeated myself)! Great stuff! Although I don't feel like I can say this second installment is better than the first, I can say that this game is exactly what you think it is. Freaking scary.
Publisert 25. april 2017. Sist endret 8. mai 2017.
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5 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
51.2 timer totalt (0.5 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Publisert 27. oktober 2016.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1.1 timer totalt (0.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Simple easy game. fun when you're bored and i really like the song. i mean i got the game for 10 cents so how could i be negative
Publisert 7. desember 2014.
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2 personer syntes denne anmeldelsen var nyttig
1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
280.7 timer totalt (117.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Guys, this is the game that never ends. This game is for the casual gamer, and for the most hard core. One does not simply dislike skyrim
Publisert 2. desember 2014.
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