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Recenzii recente de Cammac87

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It's Ubisoft
Postat 11 iunie.
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Postat 24 aprilie.
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Postat 22 februarie. Editat ultima dată 6 mai.
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20.8 ore înregistrate (19.0 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Very good idea and core but plagued by bugs and poor mechanics. Definitely playable and fun but could really use some polish.
Postat 6 iunie 2023.
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Came back to game after a while, tried playing it but due to Ubisoft ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ around can't get it to start.

I mean this from the bottom of my heart. ♥♥♥♥ Ubisoft.
Postat 31 martie 2023.
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Un dezvoltator a răspuns la 1 apr. 2023 la 8:28 (vezi răspuns)
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30.5 ore înregistrate
Game has come a long way from it's awful start but still has a ways to go before it can stand up to the bar for Paradox games. However game is not being updated by devs so I can't recommend.
Postat 24 martie 2023.
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300.1 ore înregistrate (214.8 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Decent game but don't recommend for 2 reasons

1. Without DLCs game is boring as all hell. The DLCs cost over $200, so on top of the base game be willing to spent $250 to play the game the way it's meant to be played.

2. God awful QOL features

Want to reinforce a fleet on the move? The reinforcement fleets won't merge with the fleet if it has had a move order since you ordered the reinforcements and will instead form their own 1 ship "fleets" meaning you have to merge dozens if not up to hundreds of fleets MANUALLY, which is beyond cancer to say the least.

Want to move multiple fleets together? Simple! Just drag the fleets and move them... right? Nope! If the fleets have different speeds then the faster fleets will move on ahead of the slower fleets, so if you want to move multiple fleets at the same time (which, you will probably do A LOT) you need to MANUALLY select each fleet in the stack and have them follow the slowest fleet in the stack. Fail to do this and your "deathstack" will send it's fleets one by one into the enemy fleet and get wiped out.

As for the game itself the Combat is pretty bad, way worse than EU4, HOI4 or Vicky 2. Fleets have a strength number and 99% of the time it's just "bigger number = win". It's not like HOI4 or EU4 where positioning, strategy and careful movement of troops matter. Fleet battles is just "Larger deathstack = win" and as previously mentioned, forming a deathstack is manually intensive and a pain in the ass, so how you fight wars is usually Deathstack click enemy, win. Very little strategy is involved. Economic system is good but holy hell is it not worth $250 dollars.

I can only recommend the game if you intend on playing multiplayer with friends (which is really fun) who own the DLCs since this game is absolutely not worth $250 dollars to play solo

So for $250 you get... a game with poor QOL a bad combat system, and a game that's really only worth it if you play with friends. But never worth full price.
Postat 27 noiembrie 2022.
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Haha sword go swoosh
Postat 25 septembrie 2022. Editat ultima dată 5 octombrie 2022.
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Recenzie acordată în perioada accesului timpuriu
Best zombie survival game out there imo. Only major issue is crawling zombies have weird and not functional hitboxes (they'll light up green, meaning you'll hit them, you swing and "miss" despite it being right there) making crawling zombies sometimes MORE dangerous than walking zombies. Nothing worse than getting bit and infected by a crawling zombie because of a bug.
Postat 17 septembrie 2022.
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233.6 ore înregistrate (165.9 ore pâna la publicarea recenziei)
Best single player game I've ever played, best story, best character by a mile, never cried from a game until I played this one.
Postat 26 mai 2022.
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