Gonzo 2 Sep @ 2:16pm 
I can turn on cheats too lilbro #PanicRollsCouldn'tSaveYouFromMe
Tron Carter 2 Sep @ 2:06pm 
d o g s h i t
Tron Carter 2 Sep @ 2:06pm 
you're ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥
Chaus 31 Jul @ 2:37pm 
for the peeps hating on my boy.........learn to take a joke, its a game.
⸸🅳🅴🆅🅸🅻 23 Jul @ 4:17pm 
+rep big peen
Gonzo 3 Jul @ 12:18pm 
Bruh. You don't even know how to crouch cancel. I'll happily colossal mirror your ass. Oh wait, I already did, and clapped you into panic rolling. Again, saved by sh*t net AND high lat. Whine about rot all you want, but when you tried to mirror me back you still got outplayed.
Cope going hard.
Remember lilbro, you dc'd, blocked me, and then came here to cry.
"Your latent AND de-syncing" and "a connection 100m/s or under" contradict each other "a little", first of all. Secondly, I will not continue to amuse your inflated ego of a "cool PvP player" who uses a pata with scarlet rot when losing. Go learn how to fight in colossal swords duel first xd
Gonzo 3 Jul @ 11:37am 
But please. Keep whining on my profile while keeping me blocked on yours, lilbro. Get me to 300 pages faster.
Gonzo 3 Jul @ 11:36am 
Love it when alt+f4 tards block me after dc'ing and then proceed to talk sh*t on my profile. Like f*cking children.

1. Your latent AND de-syncing ass had the hyper armor advantage, dealing 1000+ damage on your AoWs. It's amazing you even let me clap as many times in a row as I did in the first match.
2. Your panic rolling ass wouldn't last more than 10 seconds on a connection 100m/s or under. See me in seamless and find out, but we both know you either won't, will dc once you realize you can't win, or you'll try to swap to a busted set-up to save yourself from shame.
3. YOU, swapped to backhand blades first in the second match. We both knew in that moment your little baby ego couldn't handle a loss so you went to one of the most busted set ups currently in the game to try and get an edge. You failed MISERABLY when I knowledge checked your ass and you pulled the plug as fast as your little fingers could. Based on this, the irony in your last comment is PALPABLE.
"uh oh im losed colossal sword duel so im pick pata to hit and run uuuhhh i need to wiiiin" :steamsalty:
Gonzo 3 Jul @ 8:41am 
You whipped out swift slash first, bud. You're mad that you got out sh*tter'd and then DC'd cuz your little ego couldn't take it. You're also using bugged weapons. Cry harder next time.
use more pata and swiftslash with scarlet rot when losing, "PeeVeePee GoD" xD
Antang 3 Jul @ 6:25am 
how are you gonzo bozo
Gonzo 28 Jun @ 9:51am 
Жидобор 26 Jun @ 8:17pm 
Yep. American. Sorry for u.
Gonzo 26 Jun @ 10:55am 
Wow. Thank you for translating exactly what I said, but in simpler terms, you absolute genius. Hold that L McRunnin, spamming your roll button couldn't save u from me.
Жидобор 26 Jun @ 6:38am 
oh, sorry u american, didnt know, did think u europeanean and not a low iq barbarian with no education
Жидобор 26 Jun @ 6:37am 
So thats why u can eat my hit, roll 0.7 sec after u eat it, and go well and nice? Good to know!!!
Do u know what netcode means?
Gonzo 25 Jun @ 3:13pm 
You're an actual dumb@ss. 160 m/s connection between us. No more that 5% packet loss at any given moment. Yet, I had to work like a mf to chase down your panic rolling @ss down since you couldn't keep your finger off that dodge button. Hold that L.
Жидобор 25 Jun @ 2:49pm 
dude read ure guide ur laggin as hell lol, why did the game gave u host lmao, thats why u golden im sure, so bad
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 2:27pm 
Dude same. I always enjoy our wiggle fests. gg
Your Casual Goblin 23 Jun @ 2:09pm 
It's going to take me a long time to learn all the new weapons, GGs friend ! :auyay:
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 12:28pm 
Stay mad homeboy
Zor 23 Jun @ 12:22pm 
didnt know what you meant by "big bro high road ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥" before, i get it now, i got notifications on dw, also, i didnt come here to mald, i came here to try and understand why you were being toxic and see if i can do something about you not being rude, im not trying to clap back i just want you to be a little nicer
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 12:17pm 
LMAO didn't we already establish that trying to take this big bro high road bullsh*t was ironic, considering you came here to mald. I did emote to you, dawg, like I do with everyone. By all means though, please. keep reaching for straws. Lord knows you are sitting on my profile refreshing the page by the minute with literal steam coming out of your ears so you can try and clap back.

I love how seriously some of you people take this silly DnD sh*t. You took a virtual poopy pot to the face... in a game. Calm down. You will be okay.
Zor 23 Jun @ 12:12pm 
legit be nice and wave and hi to people in game every once in a while it wont hurt you to be kind to others but hey who am i to say anything
Zor 23 Jun @ 12:12pm 
you're actually such a cvnt holy sht, obviously i can't do anything about it you braindead ♥♥♥♥♥♥, if you want me to hop off your meat then either block me or stfu, i suppose its understandable being nice is beyond your capabilities, judging from your profile your whole shtick is just you being an absolute ♥♥♥♥ to everyone inculding yourself
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 12:07pm 
Or what, homeboy? What are you gonna do about it? Cry more? Continue to fail to gracefully hold that L. Clown sh*t. Hop off my meat why don't ya.
Zor 23 Jun @ 11:58am 
i do not give a ♥♥♥♥ if you'd win in 10% of the time or whatever, you need to learn to chill and not be so rude
Zor 23 Jun @ 11:55am 
brother i dont know why you expect me or other people to care enough and read your long ass profile, also i can take any L's just fine, i just dont like unnecessarily toxic cvnts like you
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 11:52am 
Light roll (without it you'd die in 10% of the time it took me to mop you up)
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 11:50am 
Oh the irony. Trying to big bro me despite being the one to come to my profile and whine about a silly ♥♥♥♥ pot. Learn to read, bud, I'm sure you'll find the answer to your question somewhere on this profile.
Zor 23 Jun @ 11:34am 
just milady, also not your scrub, so apparently testing a new weapon and trying to have fun with a random outfit makes me shtter, nice logic there bud
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 11:30am 
What weapons were you using, my dear scrub?
Zor 23 Jun @ 11:25am 
how am i a ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ tf
Zor 23 Jun @ 11:25am 
Gonzo 23 Jun @ 11:24am 
Why sh*tter?
Zor 23 Jun @ 10:57am 
why toxic?
Gonzo 20 Jun @ 10:11am 

Before any of you well-adjusted adults decide to leave hatemail:

Peruse these comments carefully. You are not the first, you will not be the last.

But if you insist on embarrassing yourself: Be. My. Guest.

Enjoy the DLC.
Gonzo 23 Mar @ 5:06pm 
And now you'll NEVER get any of those wins back.
Gonzo 23 Mar @ 5:05pm 
LMAO okay McDC. I'd never forget whipping out my rot katar/pikes for your passive glintblade spamming laggard ass and forcing you to disconnect MULTIPLE times across MULTIPLE accounts. Imagine losing with your playstyle.

ocram444 23 Mar @ 4:32pm 
I didnt block you what you talking about moonveil spammer?
Unreal1i 10 Mar @ 9:25pm 
Ember56k (Reddit) "STOP HAVING FUN :steamsad:"
Celester 18 Jan @ 3:23am 
Have fun
Kaz 6 Jan @ 9:07pm 
heyyyy zaddyy <3
Chaus 26 Dec, 2023 @ 5:14pm 
Merry Christmas my dude!
Gonzo 26 Dec, 2023 @ 2:36pm 
LMAO. Lil tard got nothin 2 say now huh? Try again tomorrow my lil' sl*t. Keep thinking about me.
Gonzo 26 Dec, 2023 @ 2:33pm 
DEN maps or rountable arena, lilbro?
Gonzo 26 Dec, 2023 @ 2:32pm 
Cmon now, you've been riding my nuts for this long, responding immediately apparently because you are that butthurt and know I'm right. Let's go champ.
Gonzo 26 Dec, 2023 @ 2:30pm 
You can barely even manage to play psgs average at best lol. Please. What's the password fool?