乇乂ㄒ尺卂 ㄒ卄丨匚匚

Зараз не в мережі
Улюблена гра
1 512
Годин проведено
Остання активність
3,9 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 7 лип.
1 619 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 7 лип.
262 год. загалом
востаннє зіграно 18 черв.
a.x 11 лип. 2020 о 0:01 
If you think this dork is cute, then I’m the hottest person on earth.
It's all in the hips 25 черв. 2020 о 19:07 
bashfulwhale 23 груд. 2017 о 20:23 
square roots 22 листоп. 2017 о 18:19 
Lowkey the stupidest person i know.
tbh 29 жовт. 2017 о 21:48 
nice bhop scripts
subanubot 28 лип. 2017 о 14:59 
Gender: Male
Species: Human (briefly a high-ranking Borg drone)
Affiliation: Federation Starfleet
Rank: Captain
Occupation: Commanding officer of USS Enterprise (NCC-1701-E)
Serial number: SP-937-215
Born: July 13, 2305, La Barre, France, Earth
Father: Maurice Picard
Mother: Yvette Gessard
Brother: Robert Picard
Previous assignment: Commanding officer, USS Stargazer (NCC-2893), (2333-2355)
Previous assignment: Commanding officer, USS Enterprise-D, (2364-2371)

Gender: Potato
Species: Potato
Affiliation: Potato
Rank: Potato
Occupation: Potato
Serial number: Potato
Born: Potato
Father: Potato
Mother: Potato
Brother: Potato
Previous assignment: Potato
Previous assignment: Potato