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Análises recentes de DefiantShade

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Exibindo entradas 31–38 de 38
22 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
37.8 horas registradas (29.0 horas no momento da análise)
" And like a detective in a noir yarn, you can’t help but become part of the central mystery, effecting an outcome you might not have intended."

After playing through as a Praetor my first run, this quote nails the ending I received. Yes combat is difficult, however after a few failed attempts at playing my role, the praetor managed to survive through to quite an interesting ending and a mere body count of 2 to his name.

There were several things beyond the ability of my character , yet at each stage of the game he was able to find a way to go on, even if not quite in a way I expected. I can see high replay value here as there are many other paths you can choose and each character type seems to start off in a very different situation.

If you like pnp RPG adventures , dialogue and actions that have repercussions, then get this game.
Publicada em 3 de julho de 2016.
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4 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
2.6 horas registradas
WOW ! That was painful... Bad controls, bad everything..
Publicada em 24 de junho de 2016.
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19 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
57.4 horas registradas (39.6 horas no momento da análise)
Análise de acesso antecipado
For an early access title built by two developers, there is pretty solid game play here. While level layout is static, the amount of enemies and their type (i.e. champion, elite etc.) is random, making each playthrough of a level unique. Perma death system keeps you on your toes adding a nice bit of tension to your adventures ever so deeper into the dungeon. All learned skills carry over on death, howerver any crafting recipe you have will be lost.

The devs are very active and friendly as well as the community thus far. There are a few things in need of tweaking as others have posted, relating to ambient sounds and music etc. but overall the game is stable and in very playable condition as it stands and will only improve from here in my opinion.
Publicada em 5 de dezembro de 2015.
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5 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
1 pessoa achou esta análise engraçada
92.7 horas registradas (86.4 horas no momento da análise)
A unique adventure featuring many well written stories. While early game play may be frustrating, it becomes quite rewarding. Be prepared to lose several Captains along the way..
Publicada em 4 de setembro de 2015.
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3 pessoas acharam esta análise útil
107.3 horas registradas
A bit slow starting off, but one heck of a good ride when it gets going. Several ways to solve quests, lots of custom skills for your rangers and a lot of hidden humor from old movies and pop culture added to the mix make it well worth the time. Can't wait to make another run after the GOTY update.
Publicada em 6 de junho de 2015. Última edição em 6 de junho de 2015.
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7.3 horas registradas
A well written and emotional story that will stay with you long after the game is over.

Updated review: Nominated this for the "I'm not crying there is something in my eye award." If the end of this game doesn't bring a little water to your eyes, I don't know what will.

Update 2017 : The first of an excellent series of games. Highly recommended and once again nominated for a Steam Award.
Publicada em 6 de fevereiro de 2015. Última edição em 23 de novembro de 2017.
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1.7 horas registradas
Well written story, full of emotion and unexpected events. Worth a look.
Publicada em 3 de fevereiro de 2014.
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307.1 horas registradas (284.0 horas no momento da análise)
Simply EPIC !
Publicada em 29 de janeiro de 2013.
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Exibindo entradas 31–38 de 38