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Évaluations récentes de no_mercy315

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8 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
1,172.8 h en tout (141.7 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
i tried to like this game, i really did. even when i realized that no man's sky looked different from the trailers i had seen and was extremely repetitive after a few hours, i soldiered on discovering planets and animals and upgrading my equipment and my ship. After that was finally done, i ended up breaking the main quest by accident (dont sell any of your atlas stones). after this, i started a new game and decided to mod the crap out of the game so it wouldnt take forever to reach the center of the galaxy.

i finished the main quest and was very disappointed, but i kept hoping beyond hope that my journey would be rewarded at the center of the galaxy. it wasn't. i installed a mod that would basically let me warp to infinity in one jump so i wouldn't have to stop for fuel over and over and waste my life grinding at this goal of the bright, shiny center. and im so glad i did this, because what lies at the center? A BRAND NEW GALAXY! so i can waste my time doing boring, repetitive actions all over again!

i didn't want to spoil the game for myself by looking up what happens when you reach the center, but if i had known what was in store for me i never would've wasted my money on this game. i tell you this, dear and highly improbable reader, because you may not yet know the pain of spending over 100 hours grinding and grinding to reach that impossibly far off goal, only to have it zoom out dramatically to the edge of the galaxy, effectively invalidating all of the repetitive, mind numbing effort you just put in. it hurts, and i dont want you to know this pain, whoever you are. it's too late for me, but maybe i can spare you and your wallet. heed my advice and do not buy this game, at least until they patch it. as it stands, it is definitely not worth $60.
Évaluation publiée le 17 octobre 2016.
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