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Évaluations récentes de Ineffable

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112.8 h en tout (8.3 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Cannot vote yes or no to recommend or not. Its weird. Its satisfying and chill but i also feel there is lack of what to do but there is lot to do. Enemies in world are weak there is no challenge, so its just crafting and progression. IDK weird...
Évaluation publiée le 26 juillet. Dernière modification le 18 aout.
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33.2 h en tout (13.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
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Little UPDATE:
-since you leave starter village quests become longer which is OK but there are some quest in generally bad design like "kill 20 guards" or even worse "eliminate target" or key requirement for certain quest.
problem is people farm a lot of this place and doesnt matter how many lobby you join each time there are alll already dead. So you stuck and cant progress.
Decrease number of enemies you have to kill in certain areas depending on how many guards is in the area and how many quests is in area.
Remove key requirement or make it drop at least 5x - 10x times often (coz like i killed 50 enemies in bunker and found no key).
Eliminate target - just let us find the body and that should count - he is dead job is done doesnt matter who did it...

Previous Review
-Servers are more stable now, so its better than it was few days ago.
-Graphic setting, you have to play with it to find correct ones but mostly its really bad optimalisation.
-PVE feels to easy, enemies are shortsighted, very unaccurate, they dont group to overwhelm. But they are not terribly bad, they are able to kill you but mostly only if you make mistake.
-Weapon mechanics perfect the way it is, we just need hotkey to swap weapon on back with our primary one. But customisation, overal feel of weapons is good. Some of them are too unaccurate and have unrealistic slow bullet velocity but its manageable.
-PVP is good, its also bad, its fun and its boring. Depends on many factors. Spawnkills are problem, LZ landings are problem but biggest problem is teamkilling on purpose (getting loot).
-Health mechanics are somewhat good, they are simple but it needs more variety of illneses/conditions/injuries, coz now its super simple.
-Chopper mechanic is bad, you cannot send for more than 4 as a team which is problem, you canot request change of LZ, or have more custom pickups, there is to low variety of LZ.
-Quests and game loop - PERFECT the way it is. We just need something to get money after we finish current quests. So some recursive quests or something like events, idk.

Overal - this is early access and it is quite good, but it needs a lot of fixes soon. Comunity for now like it but it will be long way to polish this game. Keep up the good work.
Évaluation publiée le 5 mai. Dernière modification le 11 mai.
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180.4 h en tout (45.4 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Super Earth 4ever! o7
Évaluation publiée le 13 mars. Dernière modification le 6 mai.
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2 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation amusante
34.6 h en tout (28.2 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
-Nice looking game
-HUD, indicators
-Somehow balanced
-Fun to play even when loosing, easy comeback
-Ward system - simple and great
-Guaranteed last hits - even if tons have more hp than your dmg you will finish them
-Missions to unlock champions faster
-Steam achievments
-Fast loading screens, queue, searching time and picking

-Game is too short, most of time match ends before 20-25 min - second layer of towers may prolong that - so you end in 35 min
-Structures are weak also objectives
-Not focused on farm mostly on kills - balance needed
-Bad jungle design, to get to objective (guardian/spirit) you must go on lane to get there risking to be spoted
-Support spell instead of support item
-Very, very limited champion pool now its 41 - that means if roles are distributed same way you have 8 champions possibilites per lane - so its kinda repetetive
-Very low reward per game - 20 - 40 points - champions cost 2000 - 3000
-Players spaming jumping - should be balanced by stamina system allows jumping 2-4 times then regen
-Somehow its really hard to focus on what is happening, ping sounds and visualisation confusing
-Some spots like mid lane where are stair on side and big circle areas are really bad idea, its confusing, making junglers to op in that spots, also portals on map should not work as escape routes but as ways to fast rotate - making champions in combat not be able to go through, on double lane ther is section where are bushes for jungler to gank but also two doorways near tower that should be blocked coz they make lane terribly vulnerable, on solo lane you dont have this ♥♥♥♥
-Lane picking inside of picking, should be before searching or at least make preference lanes - i know on small playerbase it would prolong searchtime - but in future it must be done to reduce trolling

Overal really good game i would give it 7.5/10 but it have really low chance to succes mostly coz of ♥♥♥♥, its really like you play it two weeks and then move on. It needs some fixes...
We will see, but i enjoy it RN
Évaluation publiée le 28 janvier. Dernière modification le 28 janvier.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation utile
13.8 h en tout (6.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Played 6 hours in this time game freezed 2 times in loading and crashed 7 times with error where you can "send report"... Its not bad bud most of time you dont play with whole team because somebody disconnects (crashes), it takes long time to assemble teams...

Whne devs fix the isues it will be better but in this phase is worse than game in pre alpha

Évaluation publiée le 28 octobre 2023.
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751.5 h en tout (572.0 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Évaluation publiée le 22 octobre 2023.
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3 personnes ont trouvé cette évaluation utile
0.0 h en tout
If you want refreshing change with core mechanics, slower movement gameplay and fast ttk this game is perfect for it. For me refreshing change from previous boring 10 titles that are CTRL + C and CTRL + V
Évaluation publiée le 14 octobre 2023.
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1 personne a trouvé cette évaluation amusante
203.9 h en tout (69.8 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Avis donné pendant l'accès anticipé
Suggested small improvements:
-After shooting with bow, movement speed is always changed to walt. - Let movement speed after each shot to be same sa it was before shooting.
-If you move items on items of same category that can ge stacked - dont ask if I want to join items. OFC i want now i have to after each arrow shot put i back and join it. it should autmaticaly stack.
-When something on ground and you have opened TAB right click on item there should be added button GRAB.
-Items after use e.g. knife should allways stay in inventory, not dropped on ground. Also new crafted one put in inventory and drop on ground only if there is no space.
-Weapons on button 1 and 2 swap when you press wrond button - example you have bow on 1 and axe on 2 - if you pres 1 to equip you have to pres 1 again to unequip and then press 2 to equip axe - THAT IS BS - if you pres 1 and then 2 they will swap and bow will be on 2 and axe on 1...
-Running should be on SHift - on mouse wheel it make sense only if we are able to change speed multiple times not just walk/jog/run.
- There is too many items that are not stackable and/or waste too much space in inventory- either there must be rowork on slots in inventory or other change... its totaly BS - that i can place only 9 ruber bands and it is same as putting 9 scrap metals which should be bigger and heavier, or in same space putting 3x 2L bottles - how is possible to put on backpack 3x 2L bootles but only 9rubber bands????
-Is that metabolism joke? - it is really ambitious - i am not talking about nutrients they are misleading but that is fine - but constantly eating stuuf 24/7 being hungry and getting fat is really weir combo. Its also weird that when you move and eat you will deplete your nutrients and you will be hungry. Idk how is that possible but i cycle a lot irl daily about 70km (coz i deliver food) - and i eat like 2500-3000kcal daily - not loosing weight and not dying - but fatty char in game jogging like 6 hours is dying even when he constantly eat is really WEIRD
-New spawn is fun but you should be able to glide with that thing not just falling down like a brick, also why there is cost for respawn? WTF?
...there are many things but som of these are easy to fix, this should be priority, content is always good to add but you can fix think while also adding things, its not exclusive
Évaluation publiée le 22 mars 2022.
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255.8 h en tout (158.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Only BR game where servers are TOASTERS... like i complaind before on other games when i get a 5miliseconds lag but this is whole new levels 1 of 3 games server crash 1 of 3 games everybody on map is laging like i can see them teleport...

I never seen this anywhere
Évaluation publiée le 9 février 2022. Dernière modification le 15 février.
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80.0 h en tout (73.6 heure(s) lors de l'évaluation)
Mostly positive about this game so i will write down only setbacks.
- ship fliing is terrible, whole mechanic of piloting ship is terrible, its like arcade for 7 year old kid
- stack splitting and manipulating with it is pain
- mining tech is very limited with distance of base, also you cant transfer it to base via pipeline for a long distance
- glitchy porting
- too big ships in space stations will sometimes knock you out and stuck you
- repetitive
Évaluation publiée le 25 novembre 2020.
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