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You know that saying " A Spoonful of Tar Spoils a Barrel of Honey " ? That is pretty much what happened with Trials of Fire for me.

I can say many positive things about this game. I like art style , setting , music and all in all presentation is really solid. Nothing really stands out as lazy, unfinished or needing any additional attention . Trials of Fire passes the trial of production qualities with flying colors.

But games like these live or die by their gameplay not their looks. Again , gameplay is really very well built . Admittedly there's a lack of variety in terms of customizing your each run at the starting line because even though you unlock new cards for each class via leveling up outside each run , you cannot customize your starting deck so you are stuck with pretty much head to head identical runs until later down the session you can pick up different items and buffs which does make each run a little bit different. Having a selection of different class roster does help , but a lot of cards , sadly , do overlap between different classes plus not all classes are actually too viable at any harder level.

So yea...about that spoonful of tar. It's the end game bosses. In the standart rules run you face 3 bosses. They are randomized so you never know what you face , but each boss has their tier , so you will never face tier 1 boss as the last boss . It's always a random boss from that tier. Tier 1 and Tier 2 bosses are fine. Few of them can be finnicky and you definitely can get screwed by RNG but they are manageable once you know that facing any of them is possibility. Tier 3 bosses are nightmare . And i will be first to admit that i'm not great at this game , plenty of people will tell you that Tier 3 bosses are fine and you need to git gud , which is true to some extent. But i hate every single Tier 3 boss and they are what absolutely buries this game for me.

Difficulty step is so big and so sudden that nothing you face before even compares to it . And this being pretty much the last battle in the run means that you waste up to an hour each time just to get obliterated in the last tiny bit. And progression of each individual class which carries outside each run doesnt help in any way so it's not like ' one more run and i will be able to beat this ' applies here.

Just a shame if you ask me , since besides this major flaw it's a really nice rogue-lite and a perfect example of what EA ( early access , not Electronic Arts , lol ) games are supposed to be.

All of this is of course my subjective opinion . Anyone is free to disagree with me and just tell me to be better at the game.

Publicada el 7 de junio de 2021.
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288.2 h registradas (68.0 h cuando escribió la reseña)
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This is
Early Access Review
so keep in mind that by the time you read this a lot might have changed.

Hell Let Loose tries mix realistic mil sim shooter with more arcady FPS games like Battlefield. And in my honest opinion it has succeed in carving it's own little place in very oversaturated market of FPS games.

And that is a brave thing to attempt. Purists who will come from titles like Arma will point out it's more ... 'noob' friendly aspects while people who are used to playing Call of Duty or other more mainstream titles will feel overwhelmed by sheer amount of systems at work and completely different set of requirements to succeed in Hell Let Loose.

Now i guess i should point my finger and explain what aspects of the game are more Arma like and which feels more oriented towards mainstream audiences. Firstly and mainly combat does feel more arcadish than in something like Arma or Project Reality and i feel that it is a right choice. While general strategy and squad dynamics does play huge role in any firefight in HLL ( I will use HLL instead of Hell Let Loose from now on ) there's still a factor of personal skills involved , more so than in my previously mentioned titles . FIrefights are short and deadly since time to kill is literally 1 bullet and you are gone and in certain situations personal skills can carry you quite far .. but not all the way to the victory and that's there Military Simulation part comes .

Despites it's a bit more mainstreamish shooting and movement mechanics HLL is still a highly strategic game and well coordinated and led team with always win against random people running around and shooting ( as individually good as they are ) . Strategy and teamwork wins games in HLL and a good and decisive Commander ( Person who leads and directs whole team ) can win even with objectively less skilled players, as long as they are listening to the commander and whole team follows one plan.

Now , as someone who have played countless hours of Project Reality back in a day ( Project Reality for those who are not familiar was/is very realistic mode for Battlefield 2 ) i really do appreciate mix of things HLL puts on the table. Time for games is limited at my current age sadly but HLL manages to scratch that itch of Arma/Project Reality/other mil sims while at the same time not requiring as much time as those games did. I could afford to sit in a ditch with an MG back then for 30 minutes and not fire a single shot as a defensive squad members , nowadays i still want to experience some gameplay and 30 minutes is all time i have in a day to play sometimes and that's there more mainstream aspects of HLL comes in . I still can experience some action and have fun even if i dont find perfectly coordinated squad.

There's of course whole Early Access thing. For me personally this game is worth it's asking price as it stands now BUT i cant deny that there's a lot , and i mean A LOT of work to still be done here. There are plenty of bugs, obvious missing features. Game is really poorly optimized and struggles to run even on most beastly systems. Amount of content is on a light side and there's a lot of other minor issues.

That said Devs are working on this game hard . It's a small indie team and it obviously takes them a lot of time to do anything but from what i've seen so far i have my confidence in them. It might... well it most definitely WILL take them long time to polish this game but i feel that it's only going to get better by the time.

If this game feels like your cup of tea i strongly urge you to give it a go. Yes , at the moment it's rough around the edges but it's a solid experience nevertheless and it's only bound to get better.
Publicada el 15 de marzo de 2021. Última edición: 16 de marzo de 2021.
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7.8 h registradas (6.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Unravel is simply a beautiful game.

I'm not a touchy or 'feely' person but i would be lying if i would try to convince you that this game didin't move me in any way. After playing this you simply want to go and hug someone important to you and it makes you appreciate precious moments and people in your life more.

And it makes all of it without any real 'story' to speak of. I don't know is it the visual style , which is simply lovely by the way , or is it music or something else but Unravel is made of 'dem good feels :)

Gameplay it self is nothing revolutionary but ties down nicely to a fact that your little dude is made of yarn , add some physics based puzzles to that and you have cute little platformer . I have only encountered a single really frustrating and honestly badly designed puzzle , other than that it's quite easy and enjoyable.

I think this is game which everyone should play . We all deserve that nice warm feeling inside of us from time to time , dont we?
Publicada el 19 de febrero de 2021. Última edición: 19 de febrero de 2021.
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143.6 h registradas (69.5 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I am not much of a reviewer and only really get around writing reviews for games i have something very strong to say about. More often than not it's something actually negative and most of my reviews are thumbs down.

Now Divinity: Original Sin 2 is going to be an exception. It's simply a phenomenal game in every way imaginable and while i dont have anything new or revolutionary to say about it ( and i basically never write a review if i dont feel like i will say something at least mildly interesting or different ) it's just so good i want to add another positive review to that pile.

Let's be honest. This is not even a review . I just want to leave a thumbs up for this game , lol . If you want to know why it is so good you are going to find plenty of great and in-depth reviews for it.

DIvinity : Original Sin 2 is probably the only game which could charge a 70 , a 80 , even 100$ extra premium price and still be absolutely worth it. There are like at least two amazing games worth of content inside and all you had to pay was measly 60$ for it at launch , even less now.

Just buy it , it's the ultimate no brainer purchase.
Publicada el 30 de diciembre de 2020.
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10.7 h registradas (8.1 h cuando escribió la reseña)
I could simply tell you that HoB is a great game and you should definitely play it and be done with it but that would be a disservice to the game i'd like to talk about it a little bit more than that.

HoB is adventure and exploration game with some light combat thrown into the mix. While combat is definitely weakest part of the game it is used sparingly throughout the game so i never becomes boring and bothersome . You have your light attack,heavy attack,block and dodge. Enemy variety is on a low side but again , it never gets old or boring because of how few combat encounters there are.

Main drive of the game is exploration and that's where HoBs magic is at . Game lacks any kind of conventional story telling, there's no spoken or written text or exposition but your character basically is woken up by a mechanical golem and tasked to reactivate and cleanse this half organical half construct city which is corrupted by some kind of 'evil' . You do that by solving various puzzles and slowly but surely waking up the city and getting rid of the purple corruption.

One would be forgiven for thinking that is a puzzle game but i would disagree . While your main mean of progressing throu the game is solving puzzles they are simple and pleasant enough to go through so you rarely get stuck and lost and this makes you feel this 'momentum' . You are always going forward , discovering new places and watching world get awaken. And this is there HoB nailed what it was going forward imho. You never get stuck on a over complicated long or boring puzzle and lose all intereset in what you there doing , it's constant excitement , wonder and feel of grand adventure and it's just a loveliest of times.

Visuals are stunning and you are always shown there you are going to go next , somewhat reminding me of what Dark Souls did where everything you can see is a playable zone you can reach . Music while simplistic and low key accompanies gameplay and visuals beautifully and is like a right amount of pepper and salt in a dish .

There are few technical issues some people do experience but for me game largely ran fine. Few frame dips here and there but game m ran at 144 fps most of the time . Admittedly it tasks system quite high keeping in mind that it doesnt go for crazy life like graphics so that is something to keep in mind.

Overally HoB is a magical time and if i would give games numerical scores it would be a high number.
Publicada el 17 de octubre de 2020.
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30.2 h registradas (22.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
You can read original review which was thumbs up below.


Ok game , you really pissed me off now. 30 hours of progress ( i was pretty much at the end by now ) lost because save file got corrupted and devs are daft enough to make backup save files save at very same second as main save files. There's also only a single save file so yeah. I'm done with this game . What a royal mess.


It is time for another review and this time around i will try to say something marginally interesting and useful about Vampyr.
Great intro,right?


To begin i must say that i'm a huge sucker for whole Gloomy Victorian London aesthetic in games ( Bloodborne , my precious! ) so i'm willing to forgive few mishaps this game has in my final verdict ... but not all of them so lets talk about the BADS first.

The biggest gripe i have with this game is its performance. PC gaming can be fiddly thing , i know , but when you have a system which is double or triple the specs of what this game requires yet you still experience various technical hiccups it can be really detrimental to the experience. I've spent three days trying to solve this seemingly random and unbelievably anoying stuttering issue without any luck. It just does that and there's no fix. I jam with 1200$ system and i get stuttering in game which looks like it is from 2015 or something , lol.

Lols will lol but there are also plenty of issues with how developers decided to lock playesr into playing their game THE WAY THEY WANTED TO. Game forces terrible film grain effect,absurd chromatic abberations ( which makes in-game world look like it is covered in doughnut glaze ) and 60 fps lock onto player .. presumably to keep their 'cinematic' experience or something. Cure for all of this is hidden within editing appropriate .ini files though.

By now you are probably wondering how did i misclick that thumbs down button for thumbs up , but be patient, i have one last thing to QQ about and i'm going to move to good stuff.

Another thing which also doesnt really fly with me is combat. Let's be honest , it is bare bones.There are only handful of different enemy types and they are recycled through out whole experience , it gets very terious , believe me. Early in game you dont get to fight too often, mostly talking with NPCs, and it didint bother me too much but as game's story progress and '♥♥♥♥ hits the fan' story wise you will encouter more and more enemies and it does get tedious to the point there i just skipped most of the encounters.

I went directly to 'Hard' difficult and that is what i suggest for everyone else to do because even on ' Hard ' this game is not what i would call 'challenging'. Is it a bad thing? No. It lets you to tackle way higher level enemies without having to grind for levels and i kind of appreciate that. If you have skills you can be very underleveled and still come through on top.

With all the ♥♥♥♥ out of the way i can finally tell you that despite all the things this title does bad it does more right. I'm not a big fan of whole 'vampire' thing but Dr.Jonathan Reid is a compelling protagonist. Story is well written and paced well , after all it is main thing which kept me going through the game .I was truly invested in Reid's story , in fates and troubles of various NPC characters you get to take care of and down the line decide if you are going to spare or consume them and in underlying mistery surrounding the bizzare epidemic ravaging London.

If you decide to play this game you probably will play it for setting,story and characters. Not gameplay. There are some marginally interesting ingame mechanics like keeping NPCs healthy and solving their issues to increase quality of their blood if you decide to consume them for experience. It is okey mechanic which is less of a focus than developers werehoping i guess, at least for me. I killed few of them for some levels since it is quickest and easiest way to level up your skills but i assume you could finish this game on easier combat difficulties without killing a single NPC.

All in all i do enjoy this game despite its flaws. Good aesthetic,good music,good writting... well made things just shines through some worse stuff and while better combat system and performance fix would elevate this game to a different level this is also a rare example of mid-budget double A game . We need more of those!
Publicada el 16 de agosto de 2020. Última edición: 22 de agosto de 2020.
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2.0 h registradas
Rogue Wizards is perfect example of how missleading user defined tags and screenshots can be. This is going to be less of a review and more a rant really.

Is it turnbased? Yes it is, but not in a way one would think. Is it roguelike? It is , just in worst way possible . Is it RPG ? Not really but that can be up for debate.. So it is mostly everything it says it is plus a nice cute artstyle so what's the problem here?.. IT'S A MOBILE GAME. Oh my.

And that fact is nowhere to be found unless you start playing game and notice these wierd little things like opening daily chests and everything being obivously made for a touch screen. So now we are moving to that 'misleading' territory . Okey , so it is mobile game ported to PC , what's the big deal?

The Big Deal is that it still plays like a mobile game and now i can finally dish out my main complaint with it . That turn-based combat is a most dreadful thing ever. It is hard to explain why it doesnt work but i'll try . In the very beggining you face one or two simple skeletons, they just move towards ya and attack , you do the same. Both sides take sort of 'turns' but they are just delays so instead of making your turn and pushing 'end turn' you do your move and wait for enemy mobs to do theirs. It almost works with one or two simple mobs on sreen. Later in game you start facing groups of tens and they start to get all sorts of abilities and that is a nail in the coffin for this game. It is entirely possible to be clicking your mouse for a two minutes and not be able to perform a single action because you will get knocked,frozen in place,stunned etc etc.

I honestly almost broke my mouse out of rage trying to do ANYTHING in this game. It reminds me of Book of Demons there whole game consists of you trying to get free of enemy stuns or freezes.

To play this is just the most awful experience one can have in front of PC screen. It's a mobile game and while it looks nice it plays like total crap and that , even for stealthily ported mobile game is not ok.

Publicada el 26 de julio de 2020.
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9.7 h registradas (5.2 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Oh boy i guess this review is not going to win me any new friends but i dont think that Hellblade : Senua's Sacrifice is a good game.... Here i said it.

If you are still here and didint leave your home with axe in your hands to look for me let me explain why do i think so.

First of all credit where credit is due. I wouldnt dream of taking away from this game what it does right . Presentation in this title is just top notch . Everything from visual style to music and everything in between is a solid 10. Vistas are hauntingly beautiful and whispers send chills down your spine.

It's also clear that devs did their due diligence towards subject of schizophrenia and mental illness in general. I'm no expert but it sure feels heartfelt and genuine. But that's where one is forced to draw a line and talk about GAME part of this game.

And the game part is ... dull. I'm sorry it really is. You are stuck with single type of puzzle which for the most part is more annoying than it is actually challening or engaging. Yes i guess it's fun for first few sections to look around the environment for certain shapes but after 10th one i'm left with a wish for a skip button because it adds nothing to experience besides wasting your time.

Same can be said about combat. Dodge, attack,attack and repeat until all foes are dead . It's as shallow as a puddle of water and without any elements from RPG or Action games it doesnt get any better and again is there just to waste your time and you are left wanting a skip button to move on.

Hmm , you want to skip puzzles and you want to skip combat so you could move on through story ... so i'm left with a question why is this a game even? Obviously there's basically no game here, just a story , which is great and deep and i cant praise it enough , but that's it. It's a great story but not a great game. This could have been a movie or novela or maybe a comic book.

Believe me , i feel bad about not liking this as much as everyone else does . I had highest of hopes for this game as i'm a huge fan of Norse mythology and everyone was talking how amazing this is going to be and ... i dont know, it's just not. As a game , something you take your controller or keyboard with mouse and just PLAY this is boring.

Phew ...
Publicada el 14 de junio de 2020. Última edición: 14 de junio de 2020.
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7.5 h registradas
Project Warlock is what you remember FPS games were in early 90's while actually being pretty meticulously crafted to include a lot of modern conveniences while fixing bunch of issues those old games had.

Don't burn me on a stake please, but most of old games from our childhoods weren't that great. We remember them being amazing because of limited selection we had back then, video games still being a pretty new thing for a mainstream audiences .They had to work around limitations of software and hardware but we simply had great time as a kids playing those games , having our memories warped by nostalgia . Project Warlock sets out to do the tricky task of making retro game we remember playing back in early 90's.

I think they successed. This game feels amazing to play. Butter smooth controls will not let you down , as long as you can keep up with what's going on screen . Visuals as retro as they are are crisp and pleasant to look at even in 2020 and this game sounds GREAT. OST is a worthy thing of it's own and i would listen to it outside of game . It features great variety of maps, enemies and especially weapons and powers. While some of guns becomes bit redundant at later stages most of them are fun to use and are impactful combat tools.

That said game also has a few flaws. Most notably inconsistent difficulty and very weak boss fights. First three episodes ( out of 5 episodes in game ) are really easy and if you want any challenge at all you will want to go for hardest 'Hardcore' difficulty to get any resistance at all. Fourth chapter ramps up difficulty significantly seemingly out of blue and it's episode you will burn most of your lifes at . Fifth and last episode i think is balanced best in terms of challenge it provides.

Another obvious flaw are bosses. Most of them can be killed in less than a minute and requires no strategy beyond strafing and firing your most powerful weapon. Also for some reason first boss is the hardest one IMHO and almost made me quit playing the game all together. Last boss is just a mesh up of previous bosses and while taking quite a long time to kill also posses almost no real threat.

All that said i still can say that Project Warlock is a great throwback FPS game and i can definitely recommend it to anyone looking to scratch that itch of early 90's FPS games.
Publicada el 24 de mayo de 2020. Última edición: 25 de mayo de 2020.
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2.9 h registradas (2.8 h cuando escribió la reseña)
Darkest Dungeon this is definitely not.

Now, everything was pointing at me liking this game. It has superb theme , i'm a huge fan of space horror , sort of lovecraftian type with dead space ships and long gone civilizations full of unimaginable horrors so that alone drawn my attention to this game. Adding to that it has turn based 'line' combat and is pretty much very similar to what Darkest Dungeon did and i just love Darkest Dungeon.


This game doesnt really work for me or is all that fun. First of all it's very repetitive and while that's expected in this type of game... it's VERY repetitive. It also is so inconsistent with it's own difficulty that your whole squad can get wiped by a single stack of seriously unbalanced enemies (which have no place in your current run considering the difficulty of the rest enemy lineup ) after which you are pretty much forced to scrape around for 30 minutes for banana peels just to get some credits to revive your party and heal them up to even have a chance of getting back there you failed and thiis one thing really sinks this game.

It has few interesting things happening here and there but tbh i'm really dissapointed and cant in my good conscience recommend it.
Publicada el 10 de mayo de 2020. Última edición: 10 de mayo de 2020.
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