† Rosaria †
chris   Ribe, Ribe, Denmark
The Shadow's of the Forest. The shade cast by the moon lead's 2 adventure. FOR THE BLOOD GUARDS!!!! FOR THE EMPIRE!!! REEEEEEEE n for them Fluffy bunnies
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Patsy Pizzicato 1 Jan @ 3:04pm 
(Happy new year!! in Japanese)
† Rosaria † 29 Nov, 2023 @ 12:56pm 
Hey colonel was up? why the sad face?
Colonel 29 Nov, 2023 @ 9:53am 
† Rosaria † 6 May, 2023 @ 2:27pm 
completly fair if it was the old original outpost i based this 1 cus of nostalgia. it would have been Alot worse i mean near impossible at the GENMAT. in the original there 3 times as meany plasma sentry's
Kapella 5 May, 2023 @ 10:55pm 
The problem was that I had so many kill boxes before. And that's when I just ran out of patience. I hope that other maps do not degenerate as much as this one map with you. I mean it was doable. But after more than 20 minutes of playing time I didn't feel like it anymore.
Kapella 5 May, 2023 @ 8:37am 
Dude stop this stupid Killboxes pls -.- not fun @ all