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Recent reviews by Roy Batty

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54.0 hrs on record (52.1 hrs at review time)
Sniper Monkey.
Posted 17 September, 2021.
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191.3 hrs on record (190.9 hrs at review time)
Timeless classic. Must have game for anyone playing on PC. The potential with modding is endless, and the game still surprises me with new things after all these years.
Posted 17 September, 2021.
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167.3 hrs on record (25.2 hrs at review time)
DO NOT BUY THIS GAME! Ubisoft has once again slaughtered an amazing concept of a game. The map of Wildlands is huge, yet so cripplingly empty. The story missions, made with little to no attention and HORRIBLE respawns/checkpoints. I feel this game simply itches that itch for Tactical ♥♥♥♥ but somehow manages to do it so badly. Do not buy at full price, or any price even. The lag in wildlands is so unplayable it WILL drive you absolutely wild man. NOTE: I did not buy this game, it was gifted to me by a good friend. Who even regrets the purchase himself.

EDIT : Years later and about 100+ more hours sunk in that I'll never get back, I found that for $10 it's a steal for some co-op fun. Just sad that Ubisoft STILL has server and connection issues with this game. Honestly if they put some loving updates (bug fixes, content, etc.) into Wildlands even after all this time post release of Breakpoint, it could be a preem game that could hit killer sales and restore gamers' faith in the gaming industry. Regardless of the apparent issues, I recommend buying on sale for no more than $10. With a friend or two this game will bring a few smiles and goofy, glitchy moments.
Posted 4 December, 2020. Last edited 5 January, 2023.
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130.6 hrs on record (125.8 hrs at review time)
Like skyrim with guns.
Posted 9 August, 2020.
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847.5 hrs on record (416.5 hrs at review time)
Amazing game for those who have the heart to truly explore a game. Not for the faint of heart. Expect the dark lonely hours in your cockpit dashing to the nearest station to get fuel and checking EDDB every few moments to see if LTD's are atleast worth mining anymore. When I say, this game is "Not for the faint of heart", I mean it. You have to have the heart to stick through and EXPLORE ALOT. Enough digging you find enough interesting little bits and pieces, especially interesting when it comes to the Elite LORE. Unfortunately I feel the state of the game is in a weird position, players don't really have any solid multitude of outlets for credits. LTD Mining was it and before that there plenty of minerals worth mining but since then alots changed. Let's be honest everyone wants to hop in a Anaconda as soon as they can and blast bounties away, but that's not gonna happen. It's gonna be tedious, the problem is it feels almost too tedious and repetitive at times considering you can sink hours of time just mindlessly mining or running trade/bounty missions and barely get a solid payout. Although that is not the only option for credit making, it is the most taken route for those players who are used to being "set on tracks". Elite Dangerous is the game that won't do that, but instead will give you your wings and let you free to a absolutely massive galaxy. This is where the game differs from other games, there is more room to explore than you can imagine. With EDDB and other community tools, you can find plenty of systems or planets worth scanning and could be worth plenty of credits. When you're out there just jumping around in the vast Milky Way, community makes the whole experience a lot less lonely. That's what I love the most about Elite Dangerous too, the community. I have met the widest array of interesting characters from across the world playing ED, and I honestly encourage players to build upon that more than they already have. Get some buddies together, shoot some thargoids, trade some illicit good, go serve some intergalactic justice or even pirate it out. I just hope Frontier Devs really fill in alot of the empty spaces Elite Dangerous has for improving in the future.

EDIT: 700+ Hours put in to Elite. I think there's just too much disappointment from the Odyssey expansion that is slowly killing Elite and the love fans like I have for it. Where are our space legs? It's been years since we've seen a new ship. In game events are unfortunately not as interesting anymore and the economy makes it impossible to get a Fleet Carrier unless you cashed out on LTD's a while ago. I want Elite to be in a state where we as fans can boast, and brag about the fun we're having. But we can't. Not only would it be a smart marketing objective to appeal to what fans have BEEN asking for, but a deed needing redemption. Some base things Frontier Development needs to work on for Elite are the following : Minerals value, Better optimization, Explorable ship interiors (Odyssey), On Foot Combat Overhaul, and On Foot Player Interactions. Without going into too much detail; if there were better less grinding outlets for credits, optimized graphics, interiors for our ships, faster paced on foot combat, and perhaps lip sync and proximity voice chat we could see a huge influx of returning/new players. We could finally be able to keep our heads above the water with the state of Elite Dangerous. It's a great game, even greater community. I just hope the Devs are willing to put in the work on the game to keep it alive. Right now ED is struggling on life support. I imagine everyone who plays Elite can think of things needing work, these are just a few of many things I personally would work on implementing; if I were apart of FDev.
Posted 9 August, 2020. Last edited 30 November, 2021.
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682.6 hrs on record (121.0 hrs at review time)
Bought Ultimate edition again despite originally getting a console copy. Not disappointed, and honestly can't wait to see what they bring to the future of Red Dead Redemption 2. I hope Rockstar takes an approach on DLC for story/online. This game is huge as is, but only has room for improvement. Only thing that sucks is there is no online character transfer like how there was for GTA 5. Running a GTX 970 and Intel i5 proccessor I can get decently fair graphics around 30-45 fps. Will be updating this dino PC soon just to see how it runs RDR2's cutscenes. Rockstar never fails to disappoint with a good story, soundtrack, and setting. I could just be a sucker because of the huge impact the Red Dead series has had on my childhood, but as a sucker I can honestly say this is on my top 5 of games. EDIT: It is near the end of 2020 and I just wish Rockstar would stop beating the dead horse of GTA V and pay some serious time and attention to RDRO. Regardless the story remains as one of my all time favorites, and the potential for this game is endless.
Posted 9 August, 2020. Last edited 26 November, 2020.
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102.3 hrs on record (15.2 hrs at review time)
Absolute ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥. Beautiful game, but horrible considering you are more likely to lose all your progress before even finishing the game. Their policy forbids refund or compensation for the loss of data, or whatever for that matter. Granite error was the first problem, then not even an hour after fixing it multiplayer crashes and lost all save data AGAIN. I regret this purchase. Honestly after I finish reinstalling both UPlay and FC5, giving it one last shot of redemption, I can say this will be my last purchase from Ubisoft. Been playing their games for as long as I can remember and of all the problems and watered down solutions to even more watered down ideas , I've had my fill with this.
Posted 22 July, 2020.
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A developer has responded on 23 Jul, 2020 @ 8:58am (view response)
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478.0 hrs on record (98.1 hrs at review time)
Great for the times when you have the time to play, amazing multiplayer gameplay with friends.
Posted 27 December, 2016.
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1,697.0 hrs on record (111.0 hrs at review time)
very cool
Posted 18 October, 2016. Last edited 21 January.
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