3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 446.4 hrs on record (80.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 8 Sep, 2018 @ 3:45am
Updated: 8 Sep, 2018 @ 11:50pm

A great co-op game!
Fight hordes of enemies all ranging from small naked rats to hulking beasts and armored Chaos Warriors.
The gore in this game is amazing as you cut, shoot, burn, explode, stab, slash and bash your enemies down they will lose their limbs, head or have their body cut in half. Very nice death animations.

I absolutly love the rant the characters in game have with each other.
For instance playing as the dwarf I took a healing potion when I still had around 90%+ health and the elf commented on it.
Saying that she would take all the healing potion from me if I keept doing it and the dwarf answered with '' It hurt '', that is some funny stuff.

Each character have 3 diffrent careers to choose from, all with their own set of talents, perks, abilitys and looks.
Finish a map and get rewarded with a chest with loot in it and if you find and pick up tomes and even a cursed grimoire it will boost the quality of the chest IF you manage to finish the map that is.
Salvage unwanted gear and craft your own! Customize the stats on the gear to your liking and there is several skins for weapons and for your own character as in helm and chest.

In game there is plenty of achievements to be done and you get rewarded for each and every one of them done and there is daily and weekly objectives to do for extra chest loot.

This game have ZERO microtransactions in it which is VERY commendable! It is amazingly fantastic!

I definitely recommend this game!
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