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0.0 hrs last two weeks / 18.6 hrs on record
Posted: 6 Jan, 2021 @ 12:18am

I had an absolute blast with this game! I think this might be the best execution of melee in first person I've ever played and it remains very satisfying throughout. Player mobility feels good and it's fun to clamber over the levels but the character feels a bit slow in large open areas. I set off stickykeys by spamming dash more than once.

My only major complaint is that the final stretch of the campaign feels pretty rushed. The third chapter does have some fun arena battles but it has no unique enemies, is much shorter than the others and ends abruptly with no boss fight. I wouldn't say it detracted too much from the overall experience but I was disappointed.

I really hope there's a sequel!
With our newly empowered Elderborn going off to space to get all Conan over some aliens!
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