Emily Hunter
Note: I speak English and German, I might also understand the occasional Swedish, Russian or Italian expression.

I'm a gamer of opportunity, you could say. I don't play every day, not even every week; sometimes not for several months.

Get me a nice city builder, some sort management game, a puzzle/detective game, and I'm happy. Stay away with ego shooters, horror stuff, and anything where I have to defend against enemies that will otherwise kill me.
(There are a few exceptions, like Portal, ST:VOY Elite Force... as long as it has a God mode 😅).

Current favorite games: The Planet Crafter & High Rise City. Also House Flipper.
starlight78sso 27 Mar @ 11:10pm 
Nice to see you again, hadnt seen you in TPC's forums in awhile. If you try the dev beta and want to join up let me know, I'm starting a new save now (once it is done updating).
HeTiCu7 4 Feb, 2023 @ 4:48pm 
Hi EH. Well, I remembered today having this save issue when I used to play it 15 years ago. So, I reinstalled the game (which also reinstalled GOG) and went to my savegame list. I seemed to remember that you can only save so many game instances, then the list is full and you can't save anymore, unless you delete some. So I went through and deleted most of them, and launched the game at my last save. It worked. I successfully completed the Stasis Ship chapter, continuing to save my game along the way, and once I reached the end of the chapter, I deleted most of the save steps. And I turned off notifications from GOG in Windows. So, I'm back in the game!
EmilyHunter 4 Feb, 2023 @ 2:22pm 
@HeTiCu7 Thanks for the update. Yeah, I believe this is a common issue with older games, not that I think about it, I had a similar problem with the Titanic game (although in the end I could save my game). It's a real shame; I suppose we should all hold on to older computers... Or should have held on 🙄
HeTiCu7 3 Feb, 2023 @ 9:29pm 
EH. Forget about ST:VOY and GOG. The game won't let me save after a certain number of levels. Every time I try to do so, it takes me to the loading screen instead and I lose everything I just did. I have wasted hours trying to get past a certain level with a game save. Also, the GOG client keeps kicking me out of my game trying to update itself to the "latest and best version". I uninstalled both and said "good riddance". Sorry for the bad news. I guess the older, memorable games are gone for good. :)
EmilyHunter 31 Jan, 2023 @ 8:11am 
@HeTiCu7 Thanks for the tip! I checked it out, however, at the moment it's 20€ for both games... Maybe I just have to revive one of my old computers (yeah, keep them all, lol) and try it on there, when I have the time again :)
HeTiCu7 30 Jan, 2023 @ 9:12am 
Actually, you can play it again, if you want to. This memory prompted me to go looking for a place I could maybe buy and download it. Found it: GOG.com . It's a gaming site like steam, but they specialize in older games. I bought ST:VOY for $7.50. It's a complete download and you play the game through the GOG client, like steam or big fish. I spent 2 hrs yesterday tripping through memory lane. :) And it doesn't look so bad either, once you adjust the options.