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Julkaistu 8. syyskuuta 2021
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 9.0 tuntia
Fantastic game - graphics looks incredible and the story line is extremely engaging
Julkaistu 1. tammikuuta 2021
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 173.1 tuntia (67.5 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
If you have any friends that are willing to purchase this along with you then let me tell you this game is a must buy. With a friend this game is a blast, it feels so rewarding destroying the enemy team with your friend and then brag to your friend about how much better you did. We've played for over 70 hours and it's still interesting trying to find new strats and new ways to flank the enemy on every map. It's not exactly team based, but you could make it work (although 99% of the time me and my friend end up going our own way).

As expected the gameplay is fast and unforgiving, if you make the wrong move or switch weapon at an inopportune time expect to get killed. if the opposite happens and you opponent is the one caught making the wrong move, expect TO get the kill. scorestreaks are trash, you're best off getting something like an rc-hd or a dart because anything autonomous is going to get shot down with the broken blackhat in under 2 seconds every...single...time. If you play hardcore like me, just forget using the UAV. It's good in theory, but the enemy hearing 'UAV inbound' is like an invitation to the playboy mansion, i swear they get horny when they hear it. every teammate on that team with pull out that blackhat or switch to a class that has it and blow that uav up in record breaking time. They did release an update making it "stronger" whatever that means, I'm sure one rocket is going to blow it up, you just can't cheese it by shooting it with a sniper 7 times.

Enough complaining, what does this game do well you ask? Well for one I actually like the addition of the cryptokeys and the black market. Yes I know, I know, microtransactions are bad mmkay (Don't act like you did not expect it though) but I think it's done very well. Unlike other games you can actually earn them, try earning a key in CS:GO. That's right, you can't, you're going to have to shell out 2.50. now the fact you can buy these crates seems rediculous to me, I can honestly say I don't think many people are going to do it. I think it was 2 bucks for a rare case, yeah right, it's not even like it takes that long to get them so I'm not complaining.

Now, the games guns are fairly well balanced, at least in hardcore mode i found. I don't play much of the normal modes, I used to but I have forgotten all I know of that in favour of the hardcore mode. What I found was a neat mix of some weapons that fire slow but could kill in 1 hit, and then some that fired very fast and killing in 2 hits. I find that to be pretty good and works well around people play styles. that's not to say it's perfect though, I've tested a lot of weapons and so far havent really found any completely unplayable. Never tested the pistols out, but that's most likely because their garbage, i would personally never waste a slot to use them.

On to the perks, they're alright. The only ones I find useful are basically the equivalent of quickdraw (i think it was fast hands or something, I don't remember) and gung ho. afterburner or whatever it's called where your jetpack refuels faster is useful as well, but what i find is I favour an extra attachment over this perk. That's the thing, being able to relinquish all perks for 5 attachments makes your weapon feel extremely powerful with yourself feeling weak. I'm more of a run and gun player so what I find is that I like to take off my sight (if the gun really doesn't need it, some really do as they have horrible iron sights) and put on the quickdraw like perk just because being able to aim fast after sprinting is extremely important. all the other perks like engineer, blind eye, etc. I find just completely useless with the exception of tracker if I can fit it into my build just because it can be very helpful. The reason being I find the others useless is because they have a prerequisite of having to have one of the useless killstreaks in the sky. blind eye makes you undetectable by I think all enemy aircraft. well guess what, they enemy aircraft is going to get show down in 10 seconds, I think I can wait.

Sorry for the rant, now on to the bad (as if killstreaks weren't enough, but I'll admit, some are good). The campaign, I bet you saw this one coming. The campaign is just what it's like in all call of duty games, run around and shoot what you're told to shoot. but I found the campaign even when playing with a friend was extremely boring. It took me and my buddy maybe 6 hours to complete and it is completely forgettable, i faintly remember something called a DNI interface we did to almost everyone in the ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ campaign. my friend and I would always make fun of the amount of buzzwords they try to use, like mainframe, DNI (I actually forgot what it stands for), hack, etc.. I think it's cool that they let you make custom classes for the campaign but I feel it would be too tedious to get those singleplayer campaign camos for the guns in multiplayer, i feel like nobody does that. I, like i bet many people including my friend, used the same weapon throughout the campaign just because you get unlockes for it. and it's unlikely you're going to get all the unlocks throughout the campaign so you're best off just using that gun. All in all, the campaign is a mess, it seems uninspired and all around just a bore to play through.

notice how I have not touched upon zombies mode yet? well, that's because in honesty I've played very little of it. it's cool and all, but it's just so complicated in this recent game that I have no idea what i'm supposed to do. Should I collect those golden things i found one time? should I open that teleporter thing that teleports you in some tran station, should I become the beast? what even is the beast? why am I vsing zombies? is it because I'm a criminal? is there an end game to this? I just find it frusterating. All i want to do is kick zombie ass, turn on the power, and packapunch my damn weapon, it that so hard? Before you say anything yes I know I can get the old zombie map which I would love. Here's what i don't love, having to buy their ♥♥♥♥♥♥ overpriced season pass for their game. I hate the idea that i have to purchase something I don't even know whats going to come inside. Yeah, 4 map packs, but what if they're all bad? just not a fan, I would LOVE to try out the other zombie map but i can't. feels a bit cheap to give me one zombie map and if I don't like it, i won't even touch the gamemode you worked so long and hard on.

that brings me to something though, map design is great in multiplayer. I love the amount of options you have to flank your enemy. It makes camping a lot harder and I wish more people would just play kill confirmed, hardcore and regular tdm is FULL of USELESS campers hiding around EVERY corner waiting for you to walk by, so annoying. I forgot what cod had this mechanic, but I faintly remember that in one cod if someone stood still for an extended period of time I think they showed up on the minimap. Would love that in this game, would complete the experience no doubt. Campers are the reason I hate TDM, how can you even have fun playing like that??? oh well, people like different things I suppose.

On to performance, the game in my experience runs very well. I play on a desktop with a GTX 780, 8gb's of ram, and an i5-4670k and the game runs buttery smooth with no frame drops. The addition of a FOV slider is also very welcomed.

Finally, Treyarch, FIX THE MATCHMAKING AS SOON AS IS HUMANLY POSSIBLE! it's always a gamble whether or not i can join my friends lobby or he can join mine. I'm sure this has happened to someone else, it cannot just be me and my friend. I would say OVER 80% of the time I will get the message: ERROR, LOBBY NOT JOINABLE for no apparent reason. Our nat's are on moderate, party size set to the highest, restarting the game on both ends does not rectify it, so I'm only left to assume it's a server side issue.

in conclusion, if you're on the fence about it, just buy it.
Julkaistu 18. joulukuuta 2015
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
Kukaan ei ole vielä merkinnyt tätä arviota hyödylliseksi
yhteensä 219.0 tuntia (16.3 tuntia arvostelun laatimishetkellä)
just an utterly amazing game
Julkaistu 13. lokakuuta 2012
Oliko arvostelu hyödyllinen? Kyllä Ei Hauska Palkinto
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