An Actual Rat
Gawler, South Australia, Australia
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Dirigible 24 Sep, 2024 @ 3:37am 
removed, perhaps by an expert slaughterman? Ladies and gentlemen this poor faceless creature is none other than your very own Mayor. Ladies and Gentlemen I give you your Soul Taker! You know there is always a price to pay when summoning and meddeling in the great powers of darkness as our four conspiring friends have discovered. People of Darkmere the Soul Taker has been banished,your Mayor has been returned. Horray!!...Clapping!!.......Cheers!!
Dirigible 24 Sep, 2024 @ 3:36am 
accomplice on this occasion only had to stretch out from the opening to retrieve the soul. But as he did so something slipped from his pocket!......Yours I believe!! And finally we come to my old friend O'♥♥♥♥♥, O'♥♥♥♥♥ and I have crossed paths before. He's a collector you know, he just loves to collect things. He has a special room, Oh not here in Darkmere but down in the lower echelons. That is where he keeps his collection safe and away from prying eyes. I've been inside that room and I have seen them ! row upon row of souls labelled and filed ready for the highest bidder. You know he once questioned me on the whereabouts and safety of my own soul! living soul! Now where's yours I wonder...your Soul!! The Taker is here, it sits among us!! Ladies and gentlemen that poor featurless creature that you see there has for some time been a captive, shackled and chained, locked in the Stables far away from the public eye. As you can see the flesh from his face has been carefully
Dirigible 24 Sep, 2024 @ 3:36am 
umpet! Now for those of you who cannot see this is a stopped, a plug!, a cork! You will find these in any Inn or Tavern, plugging the necks of those fine jugs of ale. A good landlord will always have a number of these about his person. Now this one I found on the ground next to the body of the dear old Pie lady. A lady I might add who offered up two sugnificant peals of wisdom, the first was a question - who do you know that likes to collect things she asked. The second a simple but telling saying - There are those who aspire towards an ultimate goal, seven from Limbo for one living soul! A note had been passed to me that led me to investigate the Inn of Sins, now you may be surprised to learn that beneath the Inn there is a secret passage. In one direction the passage leads directly to a spot beneath the very meeting place of the scret society. But in the other it leads directly beneath the statue of the Mayor! There were no footprints beside the Pie lady because the Soul Taker's
Dirigible 24 Sep, 2024 @ 3:36am 
ll of the fields ...Hay infact! I do beleive that Mr Skurge here is the proud owner of an Abattoir and a Stable. Two odours that would certainly match that description. I also found some hay, on and around some of the victims. Miss Blackley!...ah yes of course your a little on the deaf side, oh and I see you need to wear glasses. These I found at the scene of the crime, I recognised them because I has seen Miss Blackley wearing them earlier, and then it struck me, why would anyone so partially sighted go without her glasses!.....these I believe belong to you miss Blackley. You foolishly left them at the Shoemakers, you took them off of course to look for the designs with your perfectly good eyes. Now the pair your wearing now, I took from the shop of O'♥♥♥♥♥. Lets face it, anyone you genuinely relies on spectacles would know immediately their own pair from another. What? ...never heard so much rubbish in al me life!! Heard did you say Miss Blackley? .....and without the aid of a tr
Dirigible 24 Sep, 2024 @ 3:35am 
ow and recognise. Take a good look! For what I am about to tell you will not sit well. Within this world that is neither here nor there, there is one thing you all have in common, one thing left that you can at least treasure. Your own soul! ......Now the Keeper has given you all your own Soul bottle and it is up to you to keep it safe. Ah! but these souls are not just precious to you, there are those that collect and trade in the souls of others, which each stolen souls comes a little more power. Since my arrival in Darkmere I have been given and found many clues, some helpful, some not so helpful,but all relevent! I took a charcoal rubbing from the door at the end of Dagger lane and I took it to the Shoemaker who confirmed that he had made four pairs of boots, all with the very same symbol on the heel. The design for the boots was handed to the Blind beggar who in turn took it to the Shoemaker. The Blind beggar stated that the messenger had the smell of Death about him, also the sme
Dirigible 24 Sep, 2024 @ 3:35am 
ice must be paid for the summoning of such a creature. So who would be prepared to perform such a right? and more to the point, to what aims? Among the good people of Darkmere there exists shall we say a secret society. Ah! but this is not a charitable group of prominent citizens, anonymously aiding the needy. No! This is an evil, greedy, corrupt society who's lust for wealth and power means that they will stop at nothing to get what they want. The society meet in the small hall at the end of Dagger lane, it consists of four members, one of which they consider to be the High priest, or perhaps I should say Priestess. What do you thing Miss Blackley? Eh? ...what? Ah! of course Miss Blackley you can't hear me, can you? and I am sure you can barely see me also Mr Skurge how nice to see you! Ah there he is the landlord of the very aptley named Inn of Sins, a fine upstanding citizen as I am sure you will all agree. Take a good look at these people ladies and gentlement, These people you kn