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Nylige anmeldelser av Cronus the Trustworthy

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34.1 timer totalt (31.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Funny game with lots to do, not too hard and with surprising elements as the game progresses!
Publisert 29. juli 2023.
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5.9 timer totalt (4.8 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
AI Doomstacks make the game unplayable, nevr mind the poor graphics and janky controls.
Publisert 24. april 2022.
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14.2 timer totalt (3.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Number one complaint, dead in first ten minutes of tutorial due to sepsis. Unavoidable due to not having the proper item to craft cure. Number two, do not build a base. It is not worth it. You will be swarmed by unkillable drones within 24 hours. They will keep killing you when you respawn. Your best way to try and have fun is to build a hover vessel and live out of that like Scooby Doo and the Mystery Machine. I think the game is too hard on normal settings. I think the devs need to nerf drones and do a better job with their optimization when it comes to shooting. Half my shots miss at point blank range, regardless of the weapon I use. They should resort to using Gmod's interface, where a shot does not travel and instead tags when aimed at. If the devs weakened the drones' accuracy to be on par with the players', this game could have been better.
Publisert 15. januar 2022.
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32.6 timer totalt (10.2 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
This game is fun from a puzzle perspective. However, it's a bit rudimentary when it comes to detective work, and the first case was vastly disappointing. I pinpointed the murderer by the way they were acting when presented with key evidences, yet when I suggested the actual culprit, the game told me I was wrong. Lo and behold, the game forces you to pick the wrong answer so the real killer can get away. That's a minor gripe compared to the game-breaking glitch I uncovered for no apparent reason, however, with no fix to date, despite the fact that it has been known for months. The devs have done nothing to remedy the case 2 glitch near the beginning, where the game creates two iterations of the same individual in two different locations. This game needs some TLC, and then I can give it the rating it deserves.

Fun music, would not recommend.
Publisert 13. desember 2021.
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4.1 timer totalt
This game is not good. It is too simple, and battles can shift quickly from your advantage due to pure RNG and positioning. It was a good premise, but combat needs to have a hard look for this to be playable. Would not recommend.
Publisert 5. desember 2021.
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22.1 timer totalt (11.7 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
The game has a retro feel with some newer mechanics. Upgrading and replayability are a plus, particularly due to randomly generated levels. Some abilities are a bit wonky, as enemies will go out of their way to completely avoid them. Enemy AI needs to be re-worked a little bit. Dogs and zombies act as you might expect. My favourite character is the Baron due to the early game sniper. Unfortunately, some of the unlockable characters have more or less the same abilities of the others, shuffled around a bit. I understand the need for team balance, but I was hoping for something a little more intriguing. After unlocking eight of the characters, there isn't any need to go for the remainder, since they can be subbed by the other characters' abilities. Overall, I have a positive experience with this game, and would recommend it for play if you like turn-based combat that isn't too challenging. The lore is reminiscent of Indiana Jones.
Publisert 5. desember 2021.
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1 person syntes denne anmeldelsen var morsom
12.6 timer totalt
This is not a worthwhile investment. There are a few nice easter egg type items scattered around, and a few little things you can do to make your team stronger. The job system is alright, and the skills are nice enough. Some skills are way more powerful than others though, while some are outright useless. Did anyone else use Earthquake, a powerful AoE spell lacking in damage, just to level up faster? I know I did. Enemies require rebalancing for difficulty. All of your characters are basically paper to enemies at the same level, and you should anticipate them to die a lot. Don't worry -- They don't stay dead, ever. There's not enough character distribution to allow for this, and forget trying to make your own. You are stuck with the specialist main character classes. A good item to obtain was the Stirrup series, which enabled the use of a horse. The story wasn't that interesting. There is a choice to make, though it hasn't got that much impact on the story, just who you end up using. No matter what, you will have Dalton, though I would have preferred to leave that one behind. Enemy variation was severely lacking. Enemy reinforcement mechanics should be readjusted or outright discarded due to absolutely horrible balancing issues. Do not pay any attention to the 'recommended level' listed at the beginning of each level -- The enemies will be two or three levels above that. And because of your characters' paper thin defense, this means you will almost certainly lose.

This game is UNFINISHED. It needs a lot of polish and a lot of reworking in a lot of ways. The story flops, the enemies lack grandeur and the difficulty curve is meant for Dark Souls level players. If you are looking for artwork, this is fantastic. As a game, I do not think it meets the bar.
Publisert 7. oktober 2021.
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37.0 timer totalt (3.9 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
If I were to compare it to another game, it's Fire Emblem. Many of the same elements that exist within that genre of gameplay appear here, from levelling up to weapon advantage to support levels to types of enemies to promotions to the classic 'you're dead, you're dead' concept. Despite its blatant inspirations, I believe this game will be a positive experience for most players.
Publisert 26. juli 2021.
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10.7 timer totalt
This game is like the original, with the addition of co-op.

However, the developers really cheaped out on the co-op package. You can expect to be halfway through wave 4 of the very first level and be disconnected completely from your co-op partner, resetting all progress. This happened to me three times in a row, so it's not an unfortunate disconnect. Checking the discussions thread, this is an extremely common problem, the likes of which the developers have failed to address despite the time that has passed.

If you want caring developers, do not buy anything these guys have made.
Publisert 21. desember 2020.
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11.5 timer totalt (3.6 timer da anmeldelsen ble skrevet)
Though a rogue-like is not my favourite type of game, I enjoy this. There is a delicate balance between the randomly generated levels and events, and crafting at home. You can choose the lesser of two evils in important life-or-death choices. The battles are in real-time, but I don't feel rushed. There is a level of tact that keeps the game fresh. A large list of items to find and collect, including armor and weapons, makes for an interesting and wondrous exploration. Scouting in waves can be dangerous but ultimately rewarding. When I first wiped, it was on such a scouting level. I was not prepared for the acid zombies, and I wasn't sure how to make turrets either. But overall, I don't feel sour about the loss. It was a learning experience, and I take it in stride. Level-up system ensures you have control over how your characters progress, though some stats are more vital than others (Aim, for instance. Make those bullets count). Can't wait to play with the Left 4 Dead crew!
Publisert 25. november 2020.
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