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2.5 hrs last two weeks / 537.2 hrs on record (146.8 hrs at review time)
Posted: 4 Mar, 2023 @ 5:38pm
Updated: 6 Jul, 2024 @ 2:04pm

Still not good sadly.
i am playing and thinking i would have more fun playing warband. . .
the Ki is beyond stupid- not able to hit not able to give an intresting 1x1 fight.
not that the Warband KI was braking any Records- but they were able to kill each other.
Mods like RBM are able to prolong the fight. But they dont fix the KI- at least for my taste.
(To be specivic: The infantry deletes each other and the Cav has a Hard time doing anything- and is more difficult to recruit than in warband. If i See a High Quallity Cavcharge then I expect results- not 3 kills from 30 lances)
The maps from the citys and villages are very nice but you dont have a reason to go in there exept for sightseeing.
they wrote thousend new thinks and half of them dont work- and then they didnt even keep the good stuff from warband.
MP is good tho- but only with clan
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