3 people found this review helpful
0.0 hrs last two weeks / 6.1 hrs on record
Posted: 26 Jun @ 6:54pm

Porn games have interesting stories... Whats wrong with wanting to have a good point and click story based game?

Ya there's porn scenes? So what.

Did you want fake game story? Or Probably a actual game story?

So is this good?

I'm basing it off my knowledge of my other games i play...

The Story is a 7/10. It needed to be longer to honest, there is a season 2, but this is not out yet.

The Scenes are good, has sound, 8/10. Just expected more from the make out sessions not just the sex sessions.

Gameplay, is a Point and Click Genre, and 3 choices... blue for nice, purple for funny, red for aggresive... all genres end up in the game ending... just effects how people react in small dialog. 2 branching paths to get to the main ending, via Coroth or Torrolix. 1, giving another planet... which is entirely missed out if you go down Torrolix right away, which makes this a 6/10 for gameplay, since we missing an entire planet on 1 route.
it would be a 10/10 if there was more then just clicking.

Like walking around similar to the The Genesis Order.

Characters are 10/10 Interesting Choices... Love the Android Design, don't see many robots in Porn Games, that are done right.
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