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Cruel Moose 님이 최근에 작성한 평가

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아직 아무도 이 평가가 유용하다고 하지 않음
기록상 536.5시간 (평가 당시 536.3시간)
Haven't played the game in months. Come back to check out some of the new updates, and I get the message "Your account has been permanently banned for cheating."

So, I try to appeal it, because I haven't played in so long and have no idea why I would even be flagged for cheating in the first place. Get a reply via email that the disciplinary action was warranted. So, I appeal again, stating that I have no idea why my account would be flagged for cheating, as I haven't done anything to violate the code of conduct.

Second reply from them stating that again, with no further information, their decision remains firm and they will no longer reply to further emails.

So, unless you want to give Amazon $40+ for free and waste time leveling and grinding skills to only have it all ripped away for no reason whatsoever, avoid this game like the plague.
2022년 9월 10일에 게시되었습니다.
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