Andrew   Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
ʕ ͡ ͡° ᴥ ͡ ͡° ʔ <(Good luck reading this with the animated background)
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14.3 Hours played
First off I want to state this is a review of the game and not one of the controversy and I will leave all of that out of this.

When it comes to the story, I found it compelling and enjoyable, though it is to be said that the previous games felt more well written. The second half of the game started to feel repetitive and the last stage felt like it was just copied and pasted in some aspects from the previous two.

The gun play in Exodus feels crisp and responsive, though the few places I would have to complain is in the stealth and AI. The stealth feels clunky though not as bad as some others make it out to be. The AI can be pretty bad, I found myself never really shooting human AI as I found out early on that I can just sprint and punch out everyone in an outpost faster and easier than killing them, this even allowed me to get the good ending of the game. When it comes to the navmesh, there are some minor bugs I came across, such as some monsters and humans missing collisions and walking through closed doors or the ground.

I found Exodus well worth the wait personally and I would highly recommend it when it comes back to steam or on epic. I look forwards to seeing what 4A does next! I Give it an easy 8/10 which I will change to a 9 after some bugs get patched. This is just my opinion though I hope it helps you!

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― Dmitry Glukhovsky, Metro 2033
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Streak Valkyrie 18 May, 2018 @ 4:26pm 
my ♥♥♥♥ got hacked readd me