I'll own nothing
I'll own nothing

And l'll be happy

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Created by - DEIVIDH
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Steam provides badges for the number of games you have in your account. The more games, the higher the level of the insignia and consequently the greater will be the XP of the insignia. This Guide came to show these gaming collectors' badges.
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Thanks Alex Jones and Infowars. Been watching infowars since 2020, thanks for preventing me from taking the covid experimental MRNA shot back in 2021 I was the only one in my family who didn't take the shot,. I know he will never read this review but i owe it to him and his platform. I don't know how to properly word my review.This purchase is me showing gratitude for his platform for helping me make my decision back in 2021 .I hope with this purchase, it can support him in some way.
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And now, for your amusement, here is the list of all of the fortunes from The
Majic Moostapholees machine:

>>Good luck. You'll need it.
>>If you go camping, beware of evil intent.
>>Stay home, read a book.
>>Do not throw glasses if you live in a stone house.
>>You can't have everything. Where would you put it?
>>If you need to get the point, sit on a tack.
>>The best marmalade is made from forbidden fruit.
>>A house without a toilet is uncanny.
>>If you're on high cliff, don't jump to conclusion.
>>Isn't it about time you got a job?
>>You're wasting your life.
>>Consider a career in politics.
>>Running behind a car is exhausting.
>>If you live in a glass house, change in the basement.
>>Two wrongs do not make a right, but 3 lefts do.
>>Do not argue with the person packing your parachute.
>>When things go wrong, don't follow along.
>>Don't forget to change your socks.
>>Confession is good for the soul but bad for your reputation.
>>Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
>>If you put your face in fruit drink, you may get punch in nose.
>>To make life interesting, believe everything you hear.
>>Consider trying less hard.
>>You're a winner. No really. You are.
>>Have you considered running away from your problems?
>>The smarter you think you are, the less likely it is that you're right.
>>Get over yourself. Jerk.
>>The answer to your question is: maybe.
>>Don't be so self-centered.
>>You need a haircut.
>>Before you act, check with your mother.
>>Get a life.
>>Help! I'm trapped inside this machine!
>>All signs point to: no chance.
>>Just give up.
>>You're smart and handsome, just like your mom always says you are.
>>If people flatter you they're probably lying.
>>Beware of angry men carrying weapons.
>>Consider this: no turkey ever voted for an early Christmas.
>>Bully is as bully does.
>>You're doomed. Sorry.
>>Regular showers are a good thing.
>>No one likes a whiner.
>>Believe the best of everybody. It saves you so much trouble.
>>By swallowing evil words unsaid, no one has ever harmed his stomach.
>>However beautiful the strategy, you should occasionally look at the
>>It is always wise to look ahead, but difficult to look further than you
can see.
>>What exactly is your problem?
>>You're not all that.
>>Consider the possibility that no one likes you.
>>You might as well keep trying. It might make you feel better.
>>If you don't try, you can't fail.
>>Travel broadens the mind, if you have one to begin with.
>>All signs point to: you suck.
>>Surprisingly, you may succeed in the end.
>>What you really need is some sort of medication.
>>Peeing your own pants only keeps you warm for a short while.
>>Bad advice causes mistakes, then laughter.
>>You can definitely fool some of the people some of the time.
>>If your house is burning you might as well try to stay warm.
>>Love is blind; friendship closes its eyes.
>>You won't get anywhere if you think you're already there.
>>It's a good time to stop waffling. Maybe.
>>The weather pays no attention to criticism.
>>If you expect nothing, you won't be disappointed.
>>Whatever it is you're looking for, it'll be in the last place you look.
>>When in charge, think. When in trouble, delegate. When in doubt,
>>Nothing is impossible for a man who doesn't have to do it himself.
>>Don't mistake a short memory for a clear conscience.
>>Forgive your enemies - it really annoys them.
>>If you're on time, people will think you have nothing important to do.
>>Stand up to be seen. Speak up to be heard. Shut up to be appreciated.
>>80% of people consider themselves above average.
>>Keep trying.
>>The greatest danger could be your own stupidity.
>>Avoid taking unnecessary gambles. Lucky numbers: 12, 32, 28, 31, 44.
>>You may attend a party where strange customs prevail.
>>You are almost there.
>>Soon you will have some new clothes.
>>Don't trust fortune tellers.
>>Just imagine you'll succeed.
>>Everything is not yet lost.
>>Tomorrow will be a nice day.
>>You should go to bed early tonight.
>>Today is the first day of the rest of your life, such as it is.
>>Don't blow out another's candle to make yours shine brighter.
>>There's never time to do it right, but there's always time to do it
>>Facts don't stop existing just because they're ignored.
>>To err is human, to blame someone else even more so.
>>If life gives you lemons, give life a raspberry.
>>If life gives you lemons consider going into the citrus business.
>>Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.
>>To know nothing is bad. To not wish to know anything, worse.
>>The pen is mightier than the sword, especially if properly sharpened and
in the hands of a well trained ninja.
>>A man's home is his castle, only less resistant to catapults.
>>Big words prove nothing except that you have a big mouth.
>>If you're a real jerk all the time, people might not notice you're
>>No plan survives contact with the enemy. Plan accordingly.
>>If at first you don't succeed, consider giving up.
>>Today, tell someone you love them. You might get lucky.
>>It's only going to get worse.
>>You will be involved in a fight soon.
>>Don't bring your wife to a bun fight.
>>Being rude is no substitute for being right.
>>The reality is: the customer is not always right.
>>If you don't succeed, you run the risk of failure.
>>A bird in the hand is better than a bird on the roof, unless it has
really sharp claws.
>>Right now, somewhere out there, someone is making out with a girl.
>>It's hard to prophecy, especially about the future.
>>Do you know who your friends are?
>>Boxing is a gentleman's sport, but only if gentlemen play it.
>>You're not paranoid - everyone really does hate you.
>>They say they're your friends, but they laugh at you behind your back.
>>You're not as dumb as you look. That would be impossible.
>>In later life, you will find somewhere you fit in and belong. Jail.
>>Have you considered getting plastic surgery? You should.
>>One day you will be very famous, like many serial killers.
>>Let's hope you will grow into your face.
>>Your face is your fortune. You will live in poverty all your life.
>>What you looking at ♥♥♥♥♥!
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