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A race heavily based on the two pokemon Gardevoir & Gallade. What I have in the Mod : fitting hair styles (some with Kirlia and Ralts inspired head spike things) and hair colors (duh) skin colors and eye/spike colors (duh) unique name generator 4 sets of s
724명이 평가했습니다.
제작자: EldDuneGreen
즐겨찾기한 가이드
제작자: DuneGreen
71명이 평가했습니다.
this guide shows all skills and their modifiers with ctrl-f searchable tags for all element types, ailments, weapons and more
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수여한 어워드
Nymph 2022년 4월 4일 오후 4시 37분 
Profile picture pog
august 2021년 12월 22일 오후 5시 54분 
Hello! I'm here to request permission to republish your Gardevan mod, and continue updating it. I just need written permission from you. I'll also be sure to give proper credit.
Zdogcat 2020년 6월 15일 오후 1시 55분 
will you ever update the gardevan race mod for starbound
Nerdguin 2018년 3월 31일 오후 4시 34분 
Hello I was wondering if I may update your mod Pokestyles. I will credit you I mainly plan on adding parts for the Avian to make an Empoelon