Luc J P
Luc J. Patenaude   Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
I am 56 years of age.
Love my Xbox One S, obviously, Strategy games on the PC such as Might and Magic Heroes 5: Tribes Of The East v.3.1 since Fall of 2007. Civilization 6, HoMM7, Street-Fighter 5 & 6 ever since.
Worked in the customer service sector for 22+ years and, love movies at both the cinema and onto my own multimedia PC via a vast collection of movies-box sets.
Gradually built up high-tech configurations that matches this newest world of very advanced PC techs. Example: Monitor becoming a TV set that can switch from prime-time cable TV broadcasts to video game console gaming to PC internet-work-stand-alone gameplay. Surround Sound Head-Set make up for some really awesome gameplay and movie experiences since the middle of the first decade of the 21st century.
Achievement Showcase
Luc J P 25 Mar @ 10:41am 
It is 2024 and, am getting awfully older. So many games to play and, 112 hours per week seems never enough to enjoy most of my games that I accumulated since 2000. :sfvto:
Luc J P 22 Dec, 2020 @ 4:10pm 
Got back at completing the purchases of DLCs that I been neglecting for almost a whole year, now. Civilization 6 is certainly the most updated and upgraded game ever(just got another major update of the core programming of the game just this last hour. Haven't played Civ. 6 in 2 whole years, hope it is still enjoyable today. ;)
Luc J P 15 Dec, 2018 @ 5:53pm 
Well...It would seem that I still look pretty much the same, now, at the golden age of 50 years old. Seems that my old motto of 4 years ago still matters today. ;)
Luc J P 14 Jun, 2014 @ 1:03am 
This is what I get to look like at the very matured up age of 46 years and, without the glasses in order to take this way better picture of myself. Have to add to this comment like message that: Old age will not stop me! Neat motto of mine, right?