Soldier G

It’s All Mind Over Matter, If I Don't Mind, Then it Doesn't Matter

We most be the shield that safeguards the civilized world from those who wish to in harm, no matter how or where our enemies strike, no matter what defends they cower behind, We most stand ready.

"Duty is our shield, Order, our weapon. When we defend the weak, We are Immortal."

“I am stronger than man, stronger than machine, I am an IDEA.” - Urgot

Warrior's deadliest weapon is his mind.

"And just like a soldier, I keep on moving forward, Always getting closer, March untill it's over."

Riddle: I'm strong as a rock but a word can destroy me, what am i?
현재 오프라인
★DoozY★ 2021년 7월 17일 오전 7시 02분 
MrMindBlow 2019년 2월 7일 오전 10시 50분 
RogueSebek 2017년 12월 4일 오후 12시 28분 
RootLess 2017년 6월 15일 오전 3시 59분 
+ rep
❱•❰ProfessorCat 2017년 1월 1일 오전 3시 40분 
  ,·´ ¸,·´`)
 (¸,·´ (¸*♥Happy New Year 2017 ♥〃´`)
                   ,·´ ¸,·´`)
                  (¸,·´ (¸*♥