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Recent reviews by AK 범우주적길잡이

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669.9 hrs on record (666.2 hrs at review time)
Posted 10 August, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
그거 알지? 널 제일 아끼는거.

그럼 떠나가지 말아야지...
Posted 9 June, 2024.
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18.5 hrs on record (13.6 hrs at review time)
6만 5천원짜리 5시간짜리 게임이 판치는 시대.
9.99딸라 단돈 만원으로 14시간을 즐길수있는 갓겜!
마인크래프트가 비쌋던 당신
매번 똑같이 채광하고 구워야햇던 번거로움과 사갓사갓 배일듯한 각선미들에 피로해진 당신께 추천하는
하기자기 컴펙트 나의 스페이스 아일렌드 꾸미기 갓챠 겜.
Posted 24 May, 2024.
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0.0 hrs on record
아주 씨이발 GOAT 임 Game Of A Trash 시이발 년놈새끼들이 엑티비젼 너무 갈궈용 힝히히힝 하며 뛰쳐나갈때 어우 그래 엑티는 그럴수있지 하면서 옹호해줬더니 좀 힘빠졌다가 마녀여왕때 힘다시 들어오는거보고 오??? 하며 밀어줬더니 시발 이새끼들은 지들이 예술전 모금 예술제 아티스트 인줄알아요 시발 병신들아 니들은 시장성에 맞추는 마켓 디자인아트야 개새끼들아 시장이 아 이거 좀 족같다고하면 픽스하던가 왕화해야지 시발 아주 다 씹고 레딧에서만 소통하다가 개새끼들이 레딧불타니까 흐잉 레딧에는 이제 우리 옹호자들이 없나봥 하고 트위터로 튀더니 시발 아주 걍 지들이 어둠이야 어둠 시발 어디 자캐소설 쓰냐 시발새끼들아 신봉자들 뽑고다니냐 시발 년놈들아 진짜 개빡쳐서
Posted 20 March, 2024.
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808.7 hrs on record (140.3 hrs at review time)
Super earth super game very super
Posted 4 March, 2024.
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151.1 hrs on record (79.4 hrs at review time)
Early Access Review
친구나 아는사람이랑 하면 재미있는 게임 하지만 인기 급상승하는만큼 교육못받은새끼들이 꼬이면 답도없어지는 겜
Posted 22 January, 2024.
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1 person found this review funny
3,383.3 hrs on record (2,787.9 hrs at review time)
수만시간의 똥믈리에가 추천하는 맛
Posted 22 October, 2022.
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0.0 hrs on record
this shdow keep seson was make me exiting per of moment and it was happy get farming more lightly than before ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ hard time its goodthing for new light and some of oter users. BUT nothing special change game and system was not so awesome than what we was expecting about 2.0 armors(its good about can change skin as they or we want if we has) more difficultly system about perk at armor. make more standard seting as system. when i was start it at Forshaken seson it was more fun to set becuz we was notnneed some of special weapon. but now day boss is more hard so need standard and some of knight? system at nightfall. its make cant bring more weapon for use. so its make need hold handcanon or Bungie didnt liked way even they make them we set on like that. i dont know Bungie will see this if you guys see this hope know you guys trying thing is good but if you guys said want hear user saying and trying at least know maybe you guys did some of mistake too that can be happened anybody and every body. so its not bad thing but if ignore and dont belive. thats not so good thing
Posted 22 November, 2019.
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4.9 hrs on record (0.1 hrs at review time)
this game is just awesome just play it and see this game view
it awesome
Posted 27 August, 2014.
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Showing 1-9 of 9 entries