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Ulasan terkini oleh AgentSmith

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Menampilkan11-20 dari 40 kiriman
2 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
Tercatat 367.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 24.7 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
This is the short and sweet version of most MMO's PVE. It is buggy now but things are coming together nicely. I loathe 3rd person shooters but I love this game. I will update to a full review when the game is released properly.
Diposting pada 26 April 2017.
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Tercatat 5.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 2.1 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Ulasan Akses Dini
Pixelated blood everywhere. Gotta find another chair, bottle, something. Oh god why is he getting back up? His arm is off and he's still trying to get me. Cleaver...there's one in the kitchen. Oh no.
Diposting pada 23 November 2016.
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Tercatat 6.7 jam (Telah dimainkan 5.9 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Very fun roguelike. It has a bit of a learning curve and not much of a tutorial. So be wary but it will ♥♥♥♥ you in if you like roguelikes...and I do.
Diposting pada 16 Juli 2016.
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Tercatat 3,707.8 jam (Telah dimainkan 296.6 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
About time to write a review for this game. Should you buy it YES. Can I tell you why? Absolutely not. Rocket League has that je ne sais quoi, the X factor, the perfect blend of addictive gameplay and arcade fun. Top it all off with Psyonix adding things seemingly every month and keeping the game fresh with new modes, new maps, new cars, etc. Even if you're not a sports fan, or a driving/racing fan...get this game. If you don't love it I guarantee your money back(as long as you play less than 2 hours)
Diposting pada 30 November 2015. Terakhir diedit pada 30 November 2015.
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1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 25.2 jam (Telah dimainkan 15.8 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
One of the most entertaining games I've ever played. Could use a bit more balancing but the difficulty level and sheer ridiculousness (is that a word) of this game make it one of the best of the year. If you ever wanted to star in your own slasher flick, then this is the game for you
Diposting pada 1 September 2015.
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Tercatat 18.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 1.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Only played a few minutes but it seems like a worthy successor/finale in the Batman Trilogy. I haven't experienced any of the issues other reviewers are having so I can't speak to that. What I will say is that the combat is still as on point as ever, and for once Batman isn't starting out on the defensive. He has all of his gear and some new toys. So even if the story stinks (which I won't know for some time), the game is still mechanically sound. Speaking of sound, the return of Kevin Conroy is thus far the best bat-moment. I can't wait to find out what else this game has in store.
Diposting pada 23 Juni 2015.
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16 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
Tercatat 2.5 jam
By itself this game is fun. Jumping into a server full of people that know what they're doing is not. Notice how this does not detract from my overall positive review. That's because at the core the game is fun. However its limited player base may turn you away quickly.
Diposting pada 3 Februari 2015.
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370 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
1 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 1.2 jam
Unfortunately I can't recommend this game. I personally like it but since the developer decided to leave the game unfinished and incomplete, I can't recommend it. What you have is a fun Spacestation simulator that minus the bugs and glitches would be good enough on its own. However these bugs and glitches are often game breaking and could even destroy your save. That being said, don't buy this game unless you have a high tolerance for pain.
Diposting pada 9 Desember 2014.
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115 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
14 orang menganggap ulasan ini lucu
Tercatat 4.4 jam (Telah dimainkan 4.0 jam saat ulasan ditulis)
Altitude is not a complicated game
Altitude does not have sophisticated graphics
Altitude does not have a story
Altitude does not contain fancy explosions.

Altitude is fast paced and highly addictive
Altitude has a number of planes with a number of flight styles
Altitude has a number of unlockable customizations that can be applied to any plane
Altitude has a good number of active servers and players
Altitude is FUN
Diposting pada 20 Oktober 2014.
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9 orang menganggap ulasan ini membantu
Tercatat 10.1 jam
Classic Gauntlet has made a return and done so with just enough nostalgia and a good set of upgrades that this game feels like Gauntlet 1 and 2 but with an edge...and a story. Eh who needs the story...endless hordes of monster slashing fun is what this game is all about. So if you enjoyed the original quarter eater then you should fall right back in love/disgust with this one.

Classic characters with new abilities
Fast paced and full of action
Rune system which makes use of collected gold
Co-op is near lag free and tons of fun

Being the last person in your party and being stuck playing as the warrior
Story elements are weak and out of place
The game is very short(12 levels)

Steam Workshop support may be added in the future
Diposting pada 23 September 2014. Terakhir diedit pada 30 September 2014.
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Menampilkan11-20 dari 40 kiriman